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Operation due next week ?

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Hi All,

I heard yesterday, I've got a date to clip my aneurysm - go in on Tuesday 20th (if a bed's available), and have the operation on Wednesday. The news is still sinking in !

When I last met the neurosurgeon, he told me he may have to go in both sides of my head, as the aneurysm is about 2inches behind my eyes, in the middle of the brain. Also, I have 3 arteries in that area, and most people have 4.

Would appreciated any advice, support you can offer?

many thanks......Ian

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Ian I had an elective clipping ( as in I chose to be clipped & it wasn't done after a rupture). Quite honestly for me it was better that I didn't know until the day before what was going to happen as its less time to stress about it.

I went down first on a Sunday am & took about 5 hours, all I remember is being on the gurney to go down & hitting the edge of the lift floor which wasn't aligned properly with the ward floor & then thats it until I woke up in recovery.

I did feel a bit like i'd been trampled for a day or so but the pain from the anni had gone which was great. All I would say is to rest as much as you can & take your time recouperating whilst you have the nurses 24/7.

Good luck & if you need to know anything more just give me a shout x

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I can't really offer any good advice Ian, (had coiling not clipping myself) but just wanted to wish you all the best for Wednesday. Do, however, be prepared in case they don't have a bed - it can and does happen, as I found out on the day I was due to go in for my 2nd coiling. No-one had warned me beforehand that this might happen, so I found it pretty hard going being told at the 11th hour! Hopefully this won't happen to you.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and look forward to hearing how you are in due course,


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Hi All,

Thanks for your messages, much appreciated.

But, heard from the hospital a couple of hours ago, they've had several emergencies in today. Waiting now, for the secretary to contact me with a new date - will let you know, when I find out.

Bye for now,


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Oh dear Ian, that is what I'd hope wouldn't happen to you. I do hope you are not feeling as bad as I did when that happened to me. Can't even remember how much longer I had to wait now - hope it's not too long for you.

Take care,


Ps. Dont know how that "thumbs up" sign appeared - sorry, it wasn't intentional:oops:

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  • 3 months later...
Good luck For Wednesday Ian

Hope they have bed for you if not take a lilo... My way of trying to cheer you up xx

Good luck ~ I had coil fitted but remember nothing yahooooo and phew lol


WinB143 xx

hi i have posted an album that shows a coil placed one of 4 its hard but support is here and ready for you just shout good luck

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