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Hi everyone!

Has anyone had problems with a lack of appetite and funny tastes? My sister suffered a SAH in May and can only eat milky puddings and drink nutritional milk drinks. She says things are either too strong or taste chemically. Does anyone have any solutions? She's also had a couple of bouts of sickness and is still very fatigued at times.



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I craved chocs after I came around, think I liked them before though lol

I also have put on weight as I cannot walk properly yet.

Hope Your Sister gets back to normal tastes soon, but she is in early stages of recovery still

Give her time and Love xx

Good luck to you Both

WinB143 xx xx (for you and Sis) xx xx

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Sally. I hope your sister is doing well. I had my SAH back in march and have noticed my sense of taste has changed. It is stronger and more vivid and things I used to love, cheese and onion crisps , are now off my menu. Interestingly things I could never eat, tomatoes for instance, I now love.

Immediately Post SAH I found it quite strange, my tip is just to keep trying a little of anything she fancies. Savoury crackers are good, biscuits, i found the more i ate the less i noticed it. I also found some medication suppressed my appetite, morphine especially. Changes in the pressure of your head can causes sickness, so as the blood finds it way out there is a adjustment each time, some people are more sensitive to this than others. When I was bad like this I drank lots of protein drinks to keep my weight and strength up.

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Hi Sally,

Can't be of too much help sorry. When i got home after my SAH I found that i was never hungry. If food was brought to me i would eat it as i knew i needed it to get stronger. I did need sugar in my tea which i never had before. I think, that whatever she wants at the moment she should have it. Her body will start liking food when its ready. Saying that, ginger biscuits always help me when feeling sick. Great to nibble on!! My appetite is fully restored now, which might not be a good thing!!:lol: Hope she starts to feel better soon:-D

Take care,

Juliette xx

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Hi Sally

Yes there are a few on here that have/had taste problems....she really needs to be eating more than just milky puddings Im assuming that you didnt just mean thats all....

it is a case of trial an error what about pasta & rice and do your own sauce so's they're not strong....

before my SAH I couldnt eat hated Garlic now not the case & I love sweet chilli sauce now before no way....

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Another thhig is I can now drink red wine by the gallon. Prior to SAH it used to give me a blinding headache with just one sip. Don`t know whether that is a good or bad thing.

LOL, Penny- I can drink a bottle of beer in 3 gulps! I am always thirsty but beer is the only refreshing drink I know of anymore! I drink water all the time but once a week when I get a beer I drink faster than anyone I know. :)

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Thanks, Mary,

Hi WinB143

Thanks for your help and understanding.

Thanks Daffodil!

Thanks Juliette.

Thanks Penny. Lynn can't drink tea or coffee, but enjoys lemonade!

Thanks Louise!

Sally and her sister, SAH Lynn!

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I had lost so much weight in the hospital because I was on a feeding tube and I think they didn't realize that I was skinny because I had a high metabolism. Anyway, after I started eating again, foods were VERY strong. I also didn't like some things I had always liked and switched from a chocolate girl to a vanilla girl.

I too tasted chemical things in foods and had to eat organic everything for a while. I also went through a stage where my stomach was very sensitive to everything, so I had to watch it.

I hope things will improve. They did for me, but it was gradual.


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