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Migraines versus stroke


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So I was lucky enough to spend from 8:00am to 1:30 am at the hospital yesterday. I woke up with a mild headache and then lost vision on my left side! I of course went to emergency where they quickly started to monitorr me for a stroke. Happily, they did not find I was having a stroke but migraines. It turns out my vision change was due to Migraine Auras. But I was sent home without any information on what to do next. I am not even sure what medication I should take! Interestingly, they did a angio-CT and found that I did have stroke damage during my clipping procedure. It was a big surprise because I haven't really experienced any stroke symptoms except confusion. But all my limb weakness and tingling vanished once I wasout of the hospital aftr my bleed.

I am so tired of hospitals and doctors, etc.

Anyone else have migraines now that they didn't before?

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Sorry to hear that you've had a scarey time of it .... hope that you are feeling better now and things have settled down. You were very wise to get yourself checked out though, as your symptoms sound very similar to a TIA.

I had migraines pre-SAH .... the classic type with aura .... the aura would normally last about 20 - 30 mins before the headache kicked in .... my aura consisted of blurred vision, zig-zag lines and feeling spacey. I've often wondered whether there's a link between this type of migraine and developing a SAH.

I am taking a prescribed beta blocker called Propranolol, which has stopped me from having any more migraines.

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Hi used to suffer from those, but haven't had one since the SAH. I too wondered if there was a link and asked..... I was told that as migranes are so common amongst the general population there is no evidence to say it's a precusor to any sort of problems further down the line.

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Hi Scott,

That seems to be the general consensus from the medical world .... but if migraines cause your blood vessels to dilate, could that then cause wear and tear as such, over the years that leads to an aneurysm?

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Logically yes is the answer to that, but all the doctors I speak to say that smoking weakens the artery wall and that is the most likely cause of my "annie" poping. I sometimes feel the smoking is too often the easy option when it comes to asking "why?" BUT then I remember that smoking is SO bad for you it deserves the blame, although in a few cases there are other reasons why an event occurs.

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When I went to see my neuro he asked how I was doing with the smoking (and to be honest I haven't stopped completely) all he said was tht if I carried on smoking thenI wouldn't increase my chances of it happening again slightly, butno more than anyone else who smokes and hadn't had an SAH. I also asked him if the thickness of my blood compared to a non-smoker may have saved me from further damage to the brain as a smokers blood is a lot thicker and sticker than a non-smokers. You know what he did? He raised his eyebrows, shrugged his shoulders, laughed wryly and said "quite possibly"!!!!!!

I have every intention of quitting so its not an issue. Paul and I have set the date a 1 July when the smoking ban comes into effect - which means I'll become teetotal as well probably - the worse time for a ciggie is when I have a drink.

Oh well off for my morning de caff

Sami xxx

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Hi there

Not about headachs but Sami you said the worse time for a ciggie is when I have a drink, as you know here the ban has been in effect for a year & a lot of people say that because there isnt the smell of smoke in the pub its not a problem, I also know lots of people that have cut down stopped too since the ban.


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Hey Loobie

Thats what i'm hoping cos it is when my friends are smoking or people around me that it started me smoking again. I didn't touch one for two months after my SAH but then went out and that was that :cry: can't wait to be honest. I used to smoke about 30 a day and now a pack of twenty can last me three days - so I know that I'm doing well and the neuro guy didn't seem too bothered just advised me to cut down and "eventually" stop :roll:

Sami xxx

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