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Concentration Levels

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I frequently find it difficult to maintain my concentration levels. The problem seems to manifest itself when I am reading and/or reviewing documentation, particularly on line. Unfortunately this makes it increasingly difficult to complete some of my work related tasks at the moment.

Would love to hear if anyone has found specific approaches that help to improve the concentration levels, or is it just a case of keep persevering at the pace my brain will allow until it improves?



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Hi Wem,

Give it time, I watch a lot of quizzes on TV, okay I'll never be brain of Britain, but I am getting there.

Shopping I Love, I go out but get nothing I wanted, just toot lol oh and cakes xx.

You will get there Wem xx

Love ermmm whatsmy name lol

Win xx xx

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Hi Wem, I haven't had an opportunity to try this properly in a work environment yet but my Occupational Therapist told me to take small mental breaks when I have difficulty concentrating and feel easily distracted. She explained that some days the breaks might need to be a 10 minute walk every hour and other days just a stretch or eye rub every 20 minutes. She also suggested removing the distraction - shut the door or window. If you can't then try covering it up by plugging music in your ears it something like that. Personally I think the music would be too much like multitasking for me but it works for other people.

The more fatigued I am the harder it is for me to concentrate.

Sandi K.

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Hi Wem,

I like Sandi's advice. If I am trying to fill in a form or understand a letter, it has to be absolutely silent around me, no tv in back ground, nobody speaking to me etc. I find things like this really tiring mentally.

I wasn't sure if you meant the problem was with distractions or being able to concentrate & focus while reading something? I find that if something is very long, or uses unecessarily over-complicated speech, that my brain almost shuts down & refuses to try reading any further. Sometimes walking away from it & trying either later or another day can help other times I have to ask someone else to read it and just give me a summary. I also struggle to retain information that I read but I don't think is a concentration problem, more a memory issue.

I would definitely try taking a break from what you are doing & then go back to it, to see if that helps.

Michelle xx

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Wem, i completely understand as my biggest worry about returning to work is whether I will be able to concentrate at the levels needed to complete tasks because I too struggle to stay tuned into something.

I have been doing some brain training in preparation by listening to audio books. It forces me to concentrate in a different way to what ive been used to which is hard work but good. I managed to have a long call with work the other day to get all my IT connections sorted and that went ok so I think it must be helping. I think sandi's idea about lots of little breaks works well and how about setting yourself some rewards linked to that as well. So if you get to x point in the document then you break and get a nice cup of hot chocolate.:wink:

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I have had that since the SAH sometimes its better than other times, as Sandi said breaks from what your doing I was told that in the rehab hospital but sometimes thats not always either easy or dosnt work it depends on How you are that day. Or what you are doing how easy or difficult the task is...

Take care

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When you find that exercise or the answer to your question that works let me know. I am not sure if it is that my damage was in occiptials lobes or what but I just cannot read well at all. OR read the RIGHT word OR spell a word or find the right lettters when someone is telling me how to spell something. I know for me there are exercises for that but I would have to quit my job if I had to work on that as it is that hard for me to grasp. I cannot do those word games either.

I also probably throw away much mail I needed to read as well!

Good luck Mary

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I used to have this issue all the time, now it is unpredictably occasional.

The way I tackled it, was to do brain training exercises. Reverse sequencing, recall, executive functions, etc... I found that this helped at first, and I knew when I hit my usual most of the time self. I tracked my progress too after a good baseline. You'll be amazed at your progress after the initial shock to your brain as most of us have never done these kind of exercises before, we just took our brain capacity for grated.

Also, I noticed that part of the problem for me was that my eyes were tracking at two different speeds so once I realized this and slowed the pace of my reading, things got better as well. Now, my eyes track the same. Since you had mentioned that dyslexic feeling before, maybe you have this as well?

Don't be too hard on yourself as you notice things coming up. I always think, 'At least I don't have to be so aware and concentrate on swallowing anymore!' One less basic thing to concentrate on means one more higher functioning thing that can take its place.


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Many thanks for all your repsonses on this, the main problem for me seems to be when I start a new work assignment that requires a lot of reading of background material and consequently high levels of concentration. If I cannot master this it may cause me further problems with my return to work plan.

Kris/Daff I would be interested to learn more about any materials you used for the brain training exercises, would it be possible for you to send me a PM with any relevant info please?

Once again thank you one and all for your kind support,


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Hi Wem,

I find it hard to concentrate when online too. I have to take notes as I go along no matter what I'm looking at, even if I'm only shopping. I take a note of the website, the cost of the item ect. If I'm researching something, I have to break it down into small chunks. I find this takes the pressure off a little as if I take notes, I'm no longer trying to remember what I've read as well as concentrate. It has taken a lot of practise to get to this stage, to begin with I didn't spend much time at all on the internet because it was pointless.

My ability to concentrate has increased dramatically since I went back to work. Most likely this is because there is no choice! This makes me think that practise must make a big difference. I even manage a tiny amount of multi-tasking these days. By multi-tasking I mean filling out a form for a customer who simply will not stop talking even though I've asked them to 'bear with me a moment'. It's a good job they're on the phone and can't see the expression on my face :lol:

Dawn x

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I have not found anything about helping to increase your concentration. I think it is something that happens a little at a time. I really think I only concentrate at work when I NEED to. Still cannot read but I bought a book with 1 only a few pages to read on Incrediable Woman so I think that will be my practice. I was not even going to work on trying to read and recall until you brought it up. SO thank you Wem!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a bit late on this thread ...What's new Win ! you already replied ha silly whatsit, anyway

I was told I'd never get better so that made me try harder like reciting poems, singing songs etc.

If I can remember a poem I helped my brother learn when we were at school, then my memory is okay but

ask me what hubby just said is another matter lol.

Shhh he said off computer xx


Win xx xx

Edited by Winb143
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I agree with Dawn. I can concentrate at work to a certain level. I cannot after a certain point. I also was told this week with the damage to my occiptal lobes this will more than likely never get better. Which sad to say on one hand I can stop worrying about it but I feel a bit like a failure for not tryin g harder. I do however have a horrible headache after paper work adnd computer work for 3 hours this am. That is how it is for me and has been. Can't move past that. I read somewhere that ( not a joke) rose colorglasses help with somethign when reading but do not recall what.

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I read somewhere that ( not a joke) rose colorglasses help with somethign when reading but do not recall what.

I've heard that too Mary, it was mentioned on a programme about Dyslexia. For some people, the colour in the glasses stops the words from 'jumping about' which causes problems in concentrating when reading.

Dawn x

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Ok ,sorry you are correct..............and I am Dyslexic and the words jump everywhere. I was trying to fill out deporit slip today for bank and I could not write in the boxes I was suppose to. I needed to fill in 7 numbers and I was liek there was not enough room so I counted both twice and sure enough I was wrong I just could not put the number in the box. I shold find some rose color glasses. Going on ebay right now!

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