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This is all new for me.Had a SAH on 29 may this year so its only been a matter of weeks.Collapsed at home and lucky for me my mum had just come round,called ambulance and went straight to local hospital who then transferred me to Queens in romford where i was coiled and was in high dependancy unit for 23 days doing absolutely nothing for myself apart from moaning and crying cos my head and neck hurt.had lumbar punctures to try and relieve the pressure but they didnt work.was then transferred backto my local hospital for a week and then begged to go home,so have been home about 3 weeks roughly i cant count! this was all probably caused by uncontrolled high bp which hopefully is now getting under control as i have been put on 3 different pills.I get really weird brain aches... and my neck is just the worst..sometimes it feels like there is liquid squirting around in it!!thats all i really can write at the moment although i have loads more to say...i really cant concentrate anymore so will have to leave it til maybe tomorrow.so glad i found this site and thanks goodness for spelchek!Jayne :D

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Hi Jayne and welcome to the site .... :D

You're doing really well just to get onto the computer at such an early stage. It will hopefully get easier for you in the coming weeks....but we're here to help you out when you need it. Take it easy .....

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Hi Jayne and welcome.

The weird brain aches are very common following SAH. Apparently, I did a lot of moaning and groaning in hospital because of the head pain. I still get them nearly 11 months on, Not really headaches, just weird sensations and twinges in my head, although they are not so bad now.

My BP was very high for months following SAH, but then I had pre-existing high BP. Both my GP and my neurosurgeon said that high BP can be a normal part of the brains recovery - it asks for more blood flow whilst it is healing. It was about 3 months before the NS gave the all clear for my GP to treat my high BP. Now I'm on 3 different pills as well and my BP is under control.

You are still early on in your recovery, so take it easy and get plenty of rest. Look forward to hearing more from you. You're in the right place here and glad you found us.



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Hi Jayne

Like Karen and everyone say, take your time and get plenty of rest. You are doing so very well.

I also experienced th etwinges and feeling something trickling in my head - like Keith said - probably the brain healing - my Neuro guy said there was no explaination for it but it was a common "complaint".

We're all here for you so as and when you feel ready, you can tell us more about yourself. We're all good for a shoulder to cry/moan on and we all have great senses of humour.

Take care of yourself and listen to your body - it'll tell you when it needs to rest.

Speak soon


Sami xxx

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Hi Jayne

Welcome to the lifeline for SAH and the like! You're doing well getting online so soon after yours, but do take it easy and listen to your body - that seems to be something we all take times to come to terms with and think we know better than our brain/body is telling us, but we don't!!!! Still gets me by surprise some 10 months on!

Anyway, looking forward to chatting with you again when you're up to it.

Take care


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many thanks for the replies........have ordered a v shaped pillow and a neck 'travel' pillow and a wheat thingy...anything so i can be comfortable.i have arthritis in my leg but since the sah have had to walk with crutches.just feel i have no strength and have all over weakness.have calmed down since reading the weird head and neck pain are normal..i am so petrified of it happening again and thought maybe the feelings were building up to having another bleed.somedays i stay in my pyjamas and cant get out of bed..just want to be left alone to sleep away the bad head.other days i feel better and can get dressed and make lunch etc but that is obviously too much for me at the moment cos i really suffer a few hours later and wish i hadn't attempted anything.its hard cos i am a single parent,although my youngest is 16.everyone tries to do their bit but i guess i am too fussy and like things done my way.will have to stop doing so much and let them get on with it.has anyone had problems with taste and smell?the only thing i can drink is cartons of capri-sun...........have totally gone off tea coffee juice and the smell of coffee makes me sick.great to hear from people.thanks again.jayne xx

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Hi Jayne,

Yes, you are going to have to let go of the housework and let others take the strain for you. The V pillow is brilliant and I take it everywhere with me ... I still say it's the best thing that I was ever bought ... I can't sleep with normal pillows now, so if we go for an overnighter somewhere, it goes with me.. think that it's become a comfort blanket... :lol:

I went off coffee, tea and milky drinks for quite a while. I drink mainly tea now, but I only put a dash of milk in it. A few of us also drink a fair bit of water and keeping hydrated seems to help with the heads. If I have coffee, it has to be de-caff now, as the caffeine gives me a headache.

I also used to be worried about whether the SAH would happen again.....think that most of us here have felt the same, especially in the very early days. However, I don't think that any of us on this website have be re-admitted and treated for another bleed, after the surgery. A few of us have had scares and been checked out, but it's been more pre-cautionary. It's hard at first to get used to the pain that you feel during recovery and not abnormal to feel frightened by it......who wouldn't be. With the passage of time, you do get used to the odd funny twinge and two years on, I still have them.

If you're ever in doubt, then you should get yourself checked out and a decent GP should see you as an emergency. Probably many of us in the early days have gone backwards and forwards to the GP when we needed some reassurance. It takes a while to get used to things, but it does eventually happen.

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Hi Jayne

Welcome to the site. You sound like you're doing really well at the moment, getting on the pc and what have you. I can only really echo Karen's words, and say listen to your body - it you feel like staying in bed in your jim-jams all day, then do just that if you can. Don't push yourself too hard, and be proud of all the little things you do.

Take care, Blondie

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Guest Cathy


I echo all what has been said and more so. Just remember you are the most important person in the world to your family and you need to let others do their best to take care of you. As you say it might not be the way you do things but they try :lol:

Just take it carefully and take each day as it comes both good and bad. There is always another one around the corner.


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Thanks everyone.having a really bad day emotionally so am taking note of what everyone is saying and resting and sleeping and just letting people get on with what they are doing around the house and convincing myself it doesnt matter if its different to what i do usually!its nice to read that you get bad heads and necks and stuff cos i dont feel so scared and on my own.i really appreciate your replies.

love jayne xx

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Hi Jayne-Welcome!-Like the others have said you are really at a very early stage in your recovery and you are doing really well to be able to get on a keyboard so soon..it all seems a lot to bear...but you will recover!

It must be very difficult for you being a single parent but you will have to really take things easy and listen to your body...rest as much as you need and try one small step at a time.

You will I am sure experience a whole range of emotions -as we all have-but it is quite normal.

The head pains can be weird and the blood which would have surrounded the brain at the time of the bleed does cause the brain to be irritated.

If you have any concerns then i am sure someone here will be able to reassure you.

Best wishes in your recovery

Andy P

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Hi Jayne

Welcome to the Site,

Like the others I say take it easy, I found and still do find the computer very tiring, but it is also a life line, How hope you are getting on well with your pillow and accessories.

Aine xox

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Hi Jayne,

Welcome to what has proved to be an invaluable resource for me. The people here have supported and helped me cope with my wifes SAH and no doubt will do the same for you!

Top bunch of people they are too.


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