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Update, may need some feedback

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In my last post Decisions, decisions, decisions, I mentioned Annies discharge to a care home for 3 months rehab, well the care home manager didn't turn up to assess Annie but phoned to say that because we are still waiting for an adapted property they didn't want to commit to taking Annie in case they were left holding the baby so to speak after the 3 months. Now the ward manager has taken it to the chief executive in the form of a complaint saying it an interrupted discharge.

This leaves me feeling that Annie is Just a body on a bed and no one wants the care responsibility. There are still things outstanding, Angiogram MRI, Super pubic catheter and EEG. I am prepared to challenge the NHS however is it right to under the circumstances and am I over reacting.


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hi chris

no you are not overreacting I fought for my lady big time and I trod on many a toe and didn't regret doing so because she needed support and I gave it to her so tread on as many toes as you need.


however the nursing home are under no obligation to accept your Annie unfortunately. is it possible you can find another home which is nearer or offers better support  talk to the dr treating your wife and ask why the other bits haven't been done you can always send me a pm if I can help  love to you both

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I agree with Penny on this as all you care about is the best for Annie.


Chris tell them she maybe a number to them but she is your life ask Penny about  it.   Is it PALS Pennny?


I was in cuckoo land Chris so I remember nothing  about it. 


Good Luck Chris



WinB143 x 

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No you are not over-reacting.  Nor should you be embarrassed at making noises.  You need and want some answers.  You won't be able to plan or move on until you get some and you won't sleep properly because it will always be on your mind.  Challenge away until you receive some satisfaction or get answers that leave you in a position to be able to do something positive.  No-one is 'just a body', just because they are not currently in a position to be able to help themselves.

Everyone needs a helping hand at some point in their lives and this is one of those times for Annie.  She is a person, a living human being, and she deserves and should expect all of the rights and respect that goes with it.  Right now, you are her voice, and you and she need to be heard.  Go for it. E mail, phone, turn up on their doorsteps if necessary, but don't accept 'no' for an answer.

You don't need to be obnoxious, just firm.  Keep pressing and don't let them forget you.  Give them a time limit to respond, and if they don't meet it, get on to them straight away.  Times are distressing enough, and you need to keep them as short as you possibly can.

Please don't be fobbed off by their cowardly ducking of responsibility.  They have a responsibility to find solutions for Annie and they should be helping, not passing by on the other side!

Good luck


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The others are all right. Be firm, stand your ground and be Annie's advocate as the sad truth is without someone speaking up and demanding the best for a patient unable to vocalise for themselves will find that people making decisions about care will often go for easier and less optimum routes that are cost driven and often can affect the quality of care. Know what you ideally would like to happen, speak to people like headway who may help you understand what is possible and don't accept anything less than the standard and quality of care we should all receive. Good luck we are rooting for you and Annie

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