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Well, I have spent the last year and a half teriffied. So tonight I decided to go and greet the real world and see how disjointed I have become. Shocked. I or we, are very lucky to be alive. So that changes us? Did me the power of good. I for the first time could see the new me. Grateful and so non judgemental of people. Well, we have to have positives? Love to you all xx

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I was all doom and gloom when I heard what had happened to me Gilly but although I couldn't hold myself upright my Hubby and Daughter always took me out for a cake and a coffee which I used to drink first from a teacher beaker/baby's cup the cardboard cups.


I can only remember a little of my 1st year  but my Sisters told me my Hubby and Daughter were brilliant and my Sisters sung to me.

Then I had a shunt fitted which got rid of my hydrocephalus.  Apart from walking badly I am doing better and better my writing is so scruffy

that I have to get more cards than I really need.


But getting out is good for you xx


So well done


Winb143 xxxx Keep singing and smiling it really helps xx (You look a fool but who cares we made it) xxxxx

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Oh win, you make me smile. It sounds like you have an amazing family. reading your posts has really helped me to appreciate the good things still going on in our lives. We cannot change feeling poorly a lot but fighting the doom and gloom helps so much x

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A smile about something that happened can help us get there Gilly.


If Docs and nurses say you wont you must always say I will no matter what even under your breath and think you can do it xx


It is good to be able to speak to others that have been through the same as us and are moving on isn't it Gilly, that's why I am so grateful to BTG, it has helped my Daughter and myself xx


Take care and go out more and any setbacks come on here to rant and rave xx  We all need a someone and that someone is BTG xx


Keep going forward Gilly  xx



Win xxxxxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sound like you have turned a corner Gilly.  Took me a long time to shake off the doom and gloom. I think I spent the first year or so saying why me? Just couldn't come to terms with this terrible thing that happened.

But now I'm just grabbing this chance at life really.  

Staying positive is the driving force...now instead of saying 'why me' I just think Phew I've been so very very lucky!!

Take care Gilly.


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Keep up the good thoughts Gilly.  When I read things like this, I realize how lucky I am to have experienced such a mild SAH.  I hardly feel worthy to post on here.


Sounds like you are healing in many ways. Keep it up!  I know when I left the hospital, I started my current passion of loving everyone for who they are.  It can be difficult sometimes, but we are all people.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well done, Gilly.  I've been all doom and gloom since my SAH, but I too have reached the stage where you want to shake it off and reacquaint yourself with the world.  I'm not quite there yet, but I'm getting there.  So go out and enjoy yourself!  The world really is a beautiful place!



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I wanted to say that not everyone can get to this stage for a variety of reasons.  I'm glad you are on your way!  


I've come to the point where if I had a do over, I'd gladly have the SAH again because it has taught me so much about life, suffering, gratitude, death, striving, failure, success, just living.  I embrace my new found emotional compass even though I look silly sometimes crying over stuff.  I love how my body moves coming from complete paralysis into being able to do stuff most people my age can't.


I see how my past studies in music therapy and neuroscience both prepared me for the moment where I could implement that knowledge on myself.  It has been quite a miracle as far as I am concerned that I was so prepared for it down to studying the exact brain area where I had my SAH in graduate school!  Crazy.


Keep on looking for more gratitude to come!


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