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I seem to feel really shakey today anyone hae any reasons for this.... Someone did mention at my group at QMC that it could be the anesthetic wearing off when i had my operation but that was 2 months ago x


Oh and to top it off it feels worse when i think about it x

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Hi Donna,

If I get the shakes, it tends to be when I'm over tired and I've done too much ..... I can also get the shakes or it feels as though my brain is rocking, when I'm waking up in the morning, but then again, I did have seizures during and after the SAH, so I often wonder whether it could be related. I would doubt that it's anything to do with the anaesthetic wearing off at your stage, unless anybody can tell me different...... perhaps it's the anxiety that's affecting you .....

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Thankyou Karen it did start this morning eased a bit...

I am tired and feels like i'm on a boat even though that feeling was better yesterday come back again today...

My nerves are also a mess doctors put me up to 20mg citalopram which i ope kick in soon...

I seem to be mad today because the hospital DONT warn you of anything when you come out of hospital..

I am ssssssssssooooooooooo grateful to them I AM ALIVE but the after care is terrible.

Sent home with all these new feelings and sensations and ending up a nervous wreck...

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Hi Donna

I think the anaesthetic only stays in the system for about 3 weeks so don't think it will be that. I get shakes and it especially happens when I'm tired so I sit down for a while with a cup of tea. I think it's all part of the trauma to the brain and I hope it will go in time for both of us.

Anne xx

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I've found that my shakes have lessened greatly...... I can still have a bit of "brain shake" during my sleep and early morning.....as Anne has said, mine are more prevalent when I've got overtired and need a good night's sleep.... it is also wise to make sure that you're keeping yourself hydrated and taking a rest, especially in the early days....

The physical shakes, such as hands have now gone ..... I can remember having to use my other hand to steady the other one, especially when I was entering my PIN number in card machines.....

Do you know what artery your annie was on?

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Hi Donna

I am the same as Karen and Anne,and Jess, my shakes were awful, at the beginning, i could not control them. I still get them but only slightly when i am tired or stressed or upset. I was told it is brain truma. My annie was the right Basilar Tip, i had a right subtemporal approach and clipping of Basiler Tip Aneurysm.I have 3rd nerve palsy due to dissection next to the 111rd nerve intraopertively. my temporalis branch facial nerve has also been damaged, hence no movement in my forehead. I only just got these notes yesterday, i asked the hospital to fax them to me so i could personnally hand them to my GP. 6mths later!!

Love Tinaxx

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