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6 months anniversary

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Hubby is now six months post PASAH and I must say improving all the time.  Monday we go on our week to Tenerife for a bit of relaxing and as you know his SAH happened whilst away in Cyprus so this will be a major hurdle to overcome especially for me.  He says he is not worried at all.   I am so glad I found this site as it has really helped me and my hubby.   He is literally back working full time and we are managing to get back out to some level socially although not evenings.

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Wonderful news hubby is doing so well :) hope you both have a lovely relaxing holiday and the hurdle not so major for you to overcome, bless you,  hugs xx

Great to read this site has helped you and hubby :)

Thank you for updating us.


Take care

Love Tina xx

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Glad to hear you are both doing well. It definately teaches you a lot, these experiences, don't they?? Getting back into your old routine (work, etc.) really helps things , doesnt it?? I found getting back into the drudgery of my daily schedule was very beneficial to recovery. All the best.

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Have a great holiday. Some tips for you that might help. Get some noise cancelling ear buds or headphones and wear in the airport and when on the plane. It will Help cut down some of the cognitive load of constant hum and noise , that  said if he’s back work full time he may cope just fine.  


when you arrive, just rest and drink plenty of water and dont be surprised if he feels  rubbish post flight , it will pass. 


Good luck and hopfully leaning into this holiday  will put a few fears to bed for both of you? Enjoy the sunshine and the break. 



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Congrats on 6 months.  Sounds like things are going very well.  Enjoy your trip, both of you :)

First trip is difficult but it is a bit easier the second time and moving forward....Have a great vacation ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our trip isn’t going too bad although I’m very nervous of things still.  Last night hubby woke up feeling bloated from basically too big a dinner and I was a nervous wreck thinking it was worse as his PASAH happened after we’d gone to bed on our trip to Cyprus.  We are literally using this as a taster for future trips 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to hear he is doing well.


From your posts, I almost hear a little post traumatic stress disorder. If you think of it, that Cyprus event was a very, very serious and scary event for you.


Now, you want to vacation again but the daily events of travelling (hotels, packing etc) have been associated in your mind with the terrible events that followed. Your mind has made a knee jerk reaction (hotels,flight, and travelling = brain bleed)


My advice, relax. Have fun. Those bleeds are normally a once in a lifetime thing. You could spend your whole life travelling and it will probably never happen again!!! try to enjoy yourself!


It may be hard , your next trip and the next may improve.I will pray for you and your hubbie, as I always have.

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