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One year On!!! - Jan67

Guest Jan67

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Hello to everyone, I've been looking at this site for about 2 months and get quite emotional about what some of you have been and are going through. Anyway I've finally plucked up the courage to write something.

Its exactly a year since I had my SAH. I had a left posterior communicating artery ruptured aneurysm and have an untreated unruptured right communicating artery aneurysm. It was treated at QMC in Nottingham with 16 coils.

I was at work eating my lunch when I had an almighty headache and lost half my vision. I assumed it was the worlds worst migraine and took a couple of nurofen. Still wasn't feeling good an hour later so phoned hubby to take me home. Was very sick when I got home and spent the next two days sleeping. Neil (hubby) made me an appointment at GP, who suggested, as I still couldn't see properly, that I went to eye casualty. I did, the next day. I had many tests ending with a CT scan, when they got the results my world changed forever. They told me what they'd found, explained that I had to lie down until I was operated on which may be later that day. After being admitted to the ward the consultant came to see me and said they'd be operating the next day.

A six hour operation later I was back on the ward and woke up to see a very relieved hubby and four kids. I suffered with vasospasms and talked gibberish for a while, but was only in for a week and then home for a long slow recovery.

I had an MRI in Sept 08 to check on the unruptured one, but unfortunately it showed the coils had settled and were allowing blood back into the treated aneurysm. So in Nov 08 I was back in, I had six more coils and a stent put over the opening of the aneurysm. I am still off work recovering from that, however I feel much better this time and the fatigue isn't half as debilitating.

It has left me with some vision problems and I have had my licence taken off me, which has led to me having to walk, ride my bike or bus. A small price to pay me thinks.

My view on life has changed so much in the last year, I really do feel lucky to be here, don't let the little things wind me up and I truly appreciate every day.

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Guest ElaineW

Hello and welcome to this lifeline. Thank you for sharing your story with us and I am sure you will make many friends here. I am a carer -my mum had her SAH 8 months ago and has done incredibly well, like you seem to be doing now. I think you are all truly courageous people and as you so rightly say it puts smaller concerns into perspective when a life changing event like this happens. No doubt your hubby has been through every emotion under the sun like me and your children still have their mum so well done to you. I hope you continue to make progress, there are lots of people on this site at different stages so it makes very interesting and informative reading. I call my mum "My walking miracle" and you are the same. Keep posting.


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Hi Jan,

Welcome to BTG! this is such a fab support network. You will gain many friends very quickly! You have been though the mill lately but thankfully we are all here to tell the story. I agree with you about how views on life change, mine have changed loads too!

I think there are a couple of people that were treated at the QMC and that live in Nottingham. I'm taking it that you live in Nottingham? I'm not too far away, i'm in Coventry.

Stay in touch. we are all here to listen.

Love and hugs



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Hi Jan

My SAH was in June 2008 and I too was treated in QMC Nottingham and was coiled. i live in Leicestershire It is certainly a life changing event. I still suffer from fatigue but improving all the time. This is a fantastic site, keep posting and maybe see you in the chat room.


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Hey Jan

Welcome to the site - so glad that you decided to post.

I live in Nottingham, I was treated initially at Derriford in Plymouth as i was on holiday when I had my SAH. I ws taken back into QMC tho due to sever headaches three weeks after - turned out it was due to the codeine!!! I've had all my scans at QMC and luckily got the all clear in November.

Do you live in Nottingham? How old are you? Sorry to be nosey but it helps to get to know a person if we know more about them :D Any excuse eh?? :lol:

Take care and speak soon

Love Sami xxx

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