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Guest debbie

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flash backs i dont know weather its me doing to much and im tired but i had my sah in nov and the last couple of weeks i have been having flash backs of when and where and what happened and every time i lay down weather to sleep or knap the flash backs start so i dont know weather its me or not so if anyone could help me on this matter i would be truly gratefull thank you again for every one on this sight who has truly helped me especially caroline who has been a shoulder for me thanks again debbie xx

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Hi there

I guess you could say I'm luckey in all this time I have never had any of that, but there again I have no memories what so every - not quite sure whats worse really.....

If you think your doing too much then maybe thats what it could be your brains too active...

sorry cant help more

take care


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Hi Debbie

I often get flashbacks and I get very sad, I started feeling ill in bed with the onset of the SAH so everytime I lie down at that particular spot I remember the headache. It will be a year next month and I have noticed that lately I am thinking about it a lot more I can't talk to anyone about it because I don't want them to think I have gone crazy and I don't think that people who have not had a SAH can really relate to how we get on with our minds. I hope that make sense.

I look back within the year and I know I have come a long way I guess the flashbacks will ease with more time but to me it's very personal to me, it's the time where I can reflect on how lucky I am.

Take care.

Myra xx

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I used to get flashbacks too and would re-live what happened ...... It also used to set my heart racing and make me cringe when I heard or saw an ambulance after the SAH ..... we're close to an ambulance route, so I often used to hear the sirens going .... even though I can't remember the ambulance journey itself, as I lost consciousness, but Eric told me that I deteriorated quite badly and then they blue lighted me into hospital.

I don't get them any more Debbie......give it time and you will stop having them too ..... I can't remember at what point they stopped, but they do .... it all seems to be a gradual process of coming to terms with what's happened to us.

I have PM'd you Debbie..... if you look at the top of the screen, you should see that you have a message?

Love K x

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They do go in time, or at least they become manageable. I have to avoid getting exhausted or too stressed, like getting worried about Mum gives me nightmares but mostly they're under control. Also I try not to get frightened if I get them and realise I need to slow down a bit and use them as a guide rather than something which controls me. I try to make sure I address any stress before it overwhelms me and triggers them. Hope that helps. This funny weather with dark nights and storms doesn't help. Come Spring it will all feel much better. Laurenx

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Hi Debbie

I used to get flashbacks too, and terrible nightmares. I have to say the first six months of my recovery I spent most of my time going over and over what had happened and what might happen. Slowly though it has gotten better (I am nearly one year on). I still have things that freak me out, and I still have really bad headaches alot of the time, but I dont live and breathe the SAH like I was. I guess the age old words "time is the greatest healer" is indeed true.

One day at a time my friend



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