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4 years and still going strong..


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Hi All,


This is the week 4 years ago that my life took a bit of a turn.  

SAH with no explanation...followed a few days later by vasospasm which was worse.  Intensive care rehab  and thankfully home. 


Today I am still bothered with what I call my feeling of being Swishy (feels like I walk on a boat).have not fully regained my core strength..but I tolerate it ok...feelings of being mixed up a bit pops up now and again but again I can deal.  


I think I have gotten use to the feel of my body.  I am of course aware of how I felt before for 64 years but I will say this and I say it loud...I am so very very thankful for surviving this and realizing that being patient with myself has been the key to how I feel today.


I realized at year 1 that I had for sure improved but truth year 2 was remarkable.  I really could see clearly that I had to measure this journey in months not days.  It was a very helpful discovery for me.  I also went for mental health therapy for a bit and found it to be very helpful as well.  


Today, I am excited that I am awaiting the birth of a grandson and my son just got engaged, so we are planning a wedding...Since my event my husband and I have enjoyed traveling and enjoying our friends and family.  I recently signed up to be a zoo volunteer and am trying to learn Spanish.  I am trying to make everyday count.  


So friends I wish you all well and I ask you to give yourself patience and time, the human body is an amazing thing...





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Hi Swishy

Congratulations on your fourth anniversary, your grandson and your sons engagement.

seems like you’re doing a good job of making every day count.

I agree the human body is an amazing thing I’ve learned to treat mine a lot better recently.

Keep enjoying life to the full.




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Jean, well done four years on.


Your pragmatic approach to life after SAH, is standing you in good stead. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts openly along the way since you found BTG. It`s great to see how you have adjusted your life to deal with the hand SAH has dealt. 


As you say, you now have so many positives to look forward to with a grandson on the way and your son`s engagement.

Keep up with the Spanish .... a special challenge for you. 


You live in a lovely part of the world. Mrs Subs and I visited Corner Brook on our 40th anniversary two and a half years ago en route to Quebec.


Wishing you and your family well for the years ahead.






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Hi Jean,


Congratulations on your 4th anni-versary,


You certainly have come a long way since your early days, you have a great outlook on life and you are determined to fill your life with good things.


It is lovely that you have a new Grandson on the way and a lovely wedding to plan, all things that make life so worthwhile.


I love reading your posts and thank you for being such a kind and caring lady.


I hope you had a lovely day celebrating with your family.

Love & hugs

Michelle xx 

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Ann I think the zoo thing is a dream also...We have a pair of zoos near me one is about 20 minutes away, Franklin Park and the one I am going to be at is Stoneham which is in my home town of Stoneham...It is the smaller of the two but still a lot going on so I am excited...They are sister zoos and have both been open for about 100 years...I am going to be an ambassador, haha sounds important but it is just learning about a particular animal and chatting with zoo visitors about that animal...Right up my ally, I love to chat :)


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