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Safe anti-inflammatory ..

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I am 4 years post SAH and vasospasm.  Right now I am working to become more comfortable from chronic back and neck pain.  I have just learned it is causing nerve pain which up until now I have been blaming on my SAH.  I think I blame everything on it truthfully. It is also causing numbness down my leg. It seems to be chronic inflammation, did not suspect this.


So I have been seeing a Neuro who has diagnosed me with a pinched nerve in my neck, part of the problem but also has started me on a short course of Prendisone.  Well the Prendisone has made quite a difference.  I realize it is not a long term answer as it will cause a lot of side effects.  Up until now since my SAH I have only used Tylenol, which I think is not very effective, and lots and lots of ice to quiet my back and neck. I almost never bother with Tylenol.


Any thoughts, or info on post SAH safe meds, vitamins anything that helps with chronic inflammation.  

thanks for any suggestions or thoughts I will continue with my Neuro but I fear I might be dead ended and the pain will return with the end of the prendisone...



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Hi I would love to be able to tell you what medication is and isn't safe and works best however it would be really dangerous to try as I am advised not to take ibuprofen but others do different drugs interact with others in ways that can be really harmful 


They wanted me to take prednisone but I was advised against it so am in agony but you have been prescribed it so I really would go and see you dr and speak to them as I wouldn't want to give out this kind of advice and be responsible for naking a person really ill 


Hope you find something and the pain eases soon xxx

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Thanks Jess, I think it is a problem without solution, sad to say.  For all the things out there dealing with inflammation is a tricky thing, especially for anyone with history of bleeding.  I keep searching hoping to find an answer but...

I am sorry you also have pain.  the prednisone is only a very short term solution, I think more of a confirmation that my pain is from  an inflammatory process...

So ice is good still, I do get a lot of relief from it.. Prednisone will be tapered off in a couple of days.




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Hi Jess,

Such helpful information to me thank you...It helps me in my own head to realize why this may be helpful as the doctor, who I did like very much, didn't explain that to me. I feel like I always leave the doctors office with a bit of fuzz in my head haha....

I am doing my best to live my best life...




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Hi Jean sorry to hear that you are in pain, think it’s so easy to attribute everything to our SAH when often it is not connected at all. 

I work as a pharmacy technician and although I cannot give medical advice I can give you information. 

Steroids such as prednisolone are sometimes given at very low doses long term here in the U.K.  

You need to take the advice of your health care giver particularly regarding pain relief. Regular Paracetamol (Tylenol) is often prescribed as well. People don’t like taking pain killers but if you are in pain sometimes it is required and can make a massive difference. Listen to what they say and I hope things improve for you soon. 

Clare xx

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Hi Claire,

I thank you so much for your advice.  I will for sure be in touch with my Dr. as I am literally miserable sometimes...

I am on vacation at my son's house in Nevada and trying to put on a good face but yesterday was horrible, today a bit better, took some Tylenol but I am off the Prendisone and feeling a big bad difference.

I guess it always comes down to benefits vs risks...I had a horrible flight here,  I know I have to do something.



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Hi Jean 


I'm so sorry to hear you are in so much pain and discomfort. Just horrible for you.

I really hope your Dr can help to improve your pain.


Take care 

Love Tina xx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jean,


I can totally relate and commiserate to your problem here. 


I have chronic back pain from serious degenerative arthritis. 


My lower back is so messed up that my balance has gone off and I often walk crooked. Recently I visited a Pain Management dr in my neuro group and went through steroid injections in 4 levels my lower back. 


That worked great for a couple months, but pain is coming back.  I also had a compressed nerve in my neck that was making my hands numb.  It took 6 months to get surgery to relieve the compression and now my spine is fused from C2 to T4. 


Following that 10 hour surgery, in the hospital they were giving me a strong anti inflammatory and Tylenol!  Are you kidding me?  I had to beg for better pain relief meds, Apparently the US assumes we all will turn into opioid zombies. 


Anyway, prior to all this ibuprofen was - and still is - my go to for back pain.  Tylenol just doesn't cut the inflammation.  I have tried prescription strength anti inflammatory (prescribed by a neuro doc) but it bothers my stomach. I have asked about the aneurysms and bleed risk, but my annis are clipped so there is more concern for bleeding ulcers than SAH.


Bottom line is that all of us have our own issues and you should consult all your docs before self-medicating.  Maybe see a pain management specialist, it can't hurt any more than you already are!


Best of luck! (and BTW, my left hand is still numb, dang it.  I'm learning to type with one hand)





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Hi Colleen,


I really understand what you say...Tylenol just doesn't do much at all...I just flew to see our son a nearly 6 hour flight and I was almost out of my mind with back pain...My neck is also a problem with a pinched nerve that causes pain down my arm and some numbness in my hand...I was so miserable for 24 hours after getting to our sons house I could do nothing...I dreaded the flight home it wasn't direct and was not good but better.


I would so love to take Ibuprofen but I was advised not to by my neuro.  I had a bleed that they could not determine a cause for.  No aneurysm sac was seen...


So sorry your hand is still numb...10 hour surgery is such a long time...I do hope you are feeling better.

I am thinking of a shot in my neck for the pinched nerve, my back is still a mystery I have sensory loss down my leg, some days I get down about it and feel like no point in trying to get help...but I persist, hoping to make the most of each day...


Again thank you Colleen, your post made my day, having someone who understands...this is why this site is so wonderful.



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