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Everything posted by KelBel

  1. I can totally understand the feelings of frustration/wading through treacle/brain switches off moments as I also get them. You have described it perfectly Karen, and like Lynne I can also go to the gym and feel okay but if I try to have a conversation or am trying to listen to something on tv etc then I can just seem to switch off as it is more mentally tiring...especially after a day at work! And I usually find I am worse midweek and then again at the end of the week... Kel x
  2. Hi Minan Sorry to hear you have suffered 2 SAH and been recovering alone, but I am glad you have now found us here There is always lots of support, advice and guidance to be found as well as laugh-out-loud moments from the banter in the green room! Hope you don't mind a couple of questions; Would I be right in assuming you had non-aneurysm SAH? When did each epis0de happen? Hope to hear more from you soon Take care Kel x
  3. Hi and welcome to the site I had an aneurysmal SAH but there are many on here who have experienced non-annie SAH, and I am sure they will be along soon to offer some words of wisdom for you. Noise has been an issue for me but not ringing (that I can recall) and I find I can almost hear a pin drop at times! And all different noises at once can be almost deafening. I did phone the brain & spine foundation to ask about head pains, and burning sensations I used to get more often, and they also said it is quite normal to experience strange sensations in our heads after SAH; particularly a trickling-water sensation, which I personally have not experienced. Can't recall having ringing...although a memory of it may come back at a later date of course! It sounds like you are recovering well and getting back to your pre-SAH life. Glad you are here. Take care Kel
  4. Hi Kate Sorry to hear things have been getting on top of you. There are just days or weeks like that sometimes. I think our emotions are so much more enhanced after SAH and each little knock seems so much bigger and things do seem to then have a domino effect. Glad to hear you weren't hurt at all in the crash and that she is insured and your car will get sorted soon, that is one less worry. Am glad that a good nights sleep helped you see the positives again, sometimes that is all we need. Take care Kel x
  5. I saw this on facebook too and thought it must be a new thing... but perhaps you have to meet certain criteria to be able to have it done... sounds good though. Kel x
  6. Hi Kelly Welcome to BTG! - It is so good to find this site and find others who understand what you have been through (and in some cases are still going through) and who can alieviate your fears a little and offer advice/support and friendship . Sorry to hear you have been left with many reminders of your SAH. I do hope the ENT will be able to offer some advice and if possible some solutions too. Hope to hear more from you soon Kel x
  7. Hi Sami - only just noticed you had posted the same before me! Momo - I think as Karen said they may be looking for non-annie SAH or those affected by strokes caused by clots. Kel x
  8. Hi all FYI - I emailed to ask for more info but have received the following reply; "Thank you for expressing an interest in our research. Unfortunately, because you have had a coil fitted, we would be unable to use you in our current research project because of the use of MRI scans; we would be concerned about the strong magnetic fields causing the coil to move" Kel
  9. Hi Michael Welcome to BTG! Glad you have found us. Thanks for sharing your story. It is always to good to hear how others have dealt with their SAH and how they are recovering. That sounds like quite a long op you had. I was told mine took 3 hours and I suffered severe vasospasm during it too, but have recovered well (luckily). Can't help with the RLS but I hope others will be able to. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Kel
  10. This is a great thread! I do also have some difficulty explaining how I feel, even to Doctors too and ended up being laughed at the other week as I had not explained myself clearly to my GP...still a bit annoyed about it really... I try to remember not to say how tired I get if someone asks how I am, as I always get told that 'everyone gets tired'... I find that I do tend to remember birthdays etc, and buy the cards, and then forget to send them on time! I have done a lot of that lately... I do like the idea of the DNS letter(s). I might have to try that for a few people! Kel x
  11. I have emailed to let them know about me and to find out what would be involved I will wait and see...
  12. Hi Jen I love the idea of this. I do always try to think after difficult situations or events; why has this happened? What am I meant to have learnt from this? I do believe that my SAH may have been a way to show me that I need to try harder to do something worthwhile in my life. I will definitely try this exercise for a number of current pictures going on... Thank you for posting this Kel x
  13. Hi Bill Welcome to the site. I do also believe your story is inspirational and I cannot wait to read your full story when it has been moderated and posted (if it hasn't already, as I still have a bit to catch up on...). I am very nearly 18 months on from my SAH and have been back at work full time for over a year now. I do find it a struggle at times, and it is especially demanding at present as we have new systems to learn as well as extra workload coming in to our department. I am thinking I may need a change of career as it is very tiring working on a pc all day...very taxing on the grey matter, so will be interested to read your journey to your current employment. Hope to hear more from you. take care Kel x
  14. Hello Gill Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your friend. It looks as though you already have some very inspiring stories to help you and your friend through this difficult time. I would imagine your friend loved staying with you at the weekend. You offered some sanity, normality, being close to horses, some proper rest and relaxation, and a bath too! You are a fantastic and supportive friend, and I think it is amazing that you are taking the time to find out all you can, to help out. I just hope your friend can recover as well as others have done so. Take care, and hope to hear more from you soon Kel x
  15. Hi Kate I had a 12month follow-up angio in December last year, and was really nervous beforehand. Luckily I went on holiday the week before to help take my mind off it! Which did help a little. I found the procedure okay in the end. All the nurses, technicians and the surgeon were really calming and explained what would happen. The surgeon even spoke to me before I went in, to explain exactly what would be happening and re-assure me. During the procedure they were talking to me and like Sandi said, they tell you when you will feel the warmth in your face/head as they flush the dye through to help show up the vessels for the pictures they are taking. The surgeon then stood on a stool and leant on the entry site for 10minutes or so to seal the entry site. I was taken out to a rest area within the vascular unit and had a cuppa through a straw, which was well needed! and I was then taken back up to the day ward to lay flat for 4 hours, after which I was discharged. They had not thought to book lunch for me though, so I ended up having a plain ham sandwich but having to smell the roast dinner that everyone else was enjoying! It is quite an interesting procedure to be part of. Good luck for tomorrow Kel x
  16. Hi Melissa Welcome to the site! Glad you found us, and I hope some of the members on here will be able to relate to issues you are having to deal with. I haven't had epilepsy or a shunt so am unable to relate (and like Karen I will have to do some googling!). You are so young to be dealing with so much, but I hope you find some comfort speaking to others on this site and getting some much needed support. Take care Kel x
  17. Hi Fremen Welcome to the site! Congrats on the all clear and on such a great recovery so far I hope it continues so well for you. Look forward to hearing more from you Take care Kel x
  18. Hi John, I had not even heard of this happening to anyone, but it sounds frightening. I would have to request a second opinion or contact your Neuro consultant to ask about it, otherwise you will keep worrying yourself about it, which may cause other symptoms of anxiety... Let us know how you get on John. Take care Kel x p.s. Carolyn, it sounds like you need to ease up on the heavy-lifting and be a little kinder to yourself.x
  19. Hi Stace So sorry to hear you lost your dad to this awful event. I have not as yet experienced the loss of a parent, but dread it happening. I can imagine it must be a little unsettling to sleep in his room now, although I am sure that will pass in time as you find ways to cope with your loss. Have you been offered bereavement counselling? I believe Cruse Bereavement Care are good, and they may be able to offer some advice and coping strategies for you? Hope your worries start to ease up soon and you are able to sleep well. Take care Kel x
  20. Hi Carolyn Welcome to the site! You should not be made to feel like a wimp. I think it is highly optimistic of your doctors to think you will be okay to go back to work after just a few weeks!? I was told I would need to be off for at least a month, and then my doctors extended my sick notes by 2 weeks at a time - I think this may have made my employer & some colleagues believe I might be playing on it somewhat... I went back to work 11 weeks post-SAH and I believe even that was too soon. I did do a phased return, although not as phased as I would have liked... If you read the Brain & Spine Foundation information regarding SAH it does state that people are usually off work for at least 3 months. Feeling better takes time, but no-one can say how long really as everyone is slightly different. I had an aneursym related SAH but there are many on here who have had non-aneurysm SAH who will provide more answers for you. Take care Kel x
  21. Hi Simon, Welcome to the site Glad you found us. Wow, you are making a great recovery and back to work too. Well done. I hope your recovery continues well for you, Take care Kel x
  22. I was also told not to smoke over and over again, and not to do cocaine either! (which I have never done!) I started smoking at the age of 15, one a week initially and then it increased up to 30-40 a day towards the end, but I gave up smoking on the 8th Jan 2007 and have not had any since. It was re-iterated to me constantly by my GP and Neuro-consultant and nurses never to smoke again and to try to keep away from smoky situations, which I try to do anyway as it makes me feel ill. I am shocked that some medical professionals take an alternative stance. It makes sense that breathing in smoke can constrict the arteries and reduce the oxygen getting through to the brain and vital organs, thus increasing the risk of weak arteries and thus aiding aneurysms to grow. I have chosen to heed the advice and steer clear of smoky situations where I can, I will never smoke again, drink lots of water and caffeine-free drinks (where possible). I do have the occassional diet coke or 'normal' tea but I do feel it afterwards...and I then have to drink more water to compensate. I have reduced my alcohol intake to almost nothing (through choice as I was not actually told to do so, but I do take medication so it is not good to drink to excess anyway), and I have adopted a healthy diet and lost a lot of weight already (to be continued ) and I try to exercise as much as I can. And I feel a hell of a lot better for it. It is personal choice though and I can totally understand that some people will want to live life to the full and do what they want whilst they are here and are able to. Kel x
  23. Hi Bay I tried one once before (pre-SAH) at a friends gym, but I wouldn't fancy it now. I felt quite unsteady after standing on some kind of 'wobble-board' in a kids playground a few weeks ago... (I clearly thought I was 8 again instead of 38!) so after that I don't think I'd fancy a vibrating machine... I would suggest contacting either your GP or your Neuro-consultant to confirm it is okay to use one though. Please let us know when you find out though. Kel
  24. OMG! I cannot believe that article, even in it's edited state so far! :shock: Shock tactics for us all to give up everything in life... if only they had done some research via BTGers... Kel x
  25. Hi Sandi Sorry to hear about your knock-back. It does seem as though cases are mainly declined in the first instance and re-assessed at appeal. It is so difficult to deal with anything after SAH, and knock-backs do seem to knock you back even harder, as you are already trying to deal with too many emotions anyway. I hope you can gather some further evidence that will support your appeal. Big hugs Kel x
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