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MRA Scan 8/3/10-Hydrocoil Study

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Good luck with your scan Karen. I hope everything goes well for you.

Talking about studies, I have also found the forms that I signed for a study that they are carrying out in the US. The study is Familial Intracranial Aneurysm (FIA) Study - Phase 2.

Quote ' The purpose of this research study is to identify possible genes that may increase the risk of stroke and specifically the development of aneurysms in blood vessels in the brain.'

A total of 1400 people will be participating across America, Canada,Australia and New Zealand.

Blood samples were taken and sent to the US for study.

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Thanks for everybody's kindness .... not long to go now and can't wait 'til I get this one, done and dusted! :-D

Debbie, your study sounds very interesting and if you find out the future conclusion, then please post the results ....


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You coilee folks do have a time of it don't you!

Karen, good luck Monday! You said your seeing your consultant in May. It sounds like you have to wait a bit! Is that for the results or will you have been given these after the scan on Monday?

When I had my follow up angiogram after clipping of a ruptured annie, I went in with the knowledge that my surgeon had trouble clipping it all. From memory, it seemed such a long wait (6months) to have the angio and then once it was done I waited a further 2/3 months to see the surgeon for the results. Did I miss something when I had the angio??? Anyway, I apologies for so much detail but it took so long to eventually get news that all was good. Have others found this?

I will be thinking of you!

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Cheers Mel! Yes, the results seem to take many weeks to come through. Going on past experience, it seems to be about 6-8 weeks. I had a few problems last year and was referred by my GP to my local hospital .... so, I'm also under a Consultant at Poole, as well as Southampton. However, I've not seen the Southampton Consultant since leaving hospital nearly 5 years ago.

The appointment in May, is with my Consultant at Poole, who wants to review the situation again, once the scan results are in from Southampton.

Hope that all makes sense! :wink:

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  • 11 months later...

Best of luck, Karen! I'm sure all will be well :yesnod: It's interesting to read that several of you have taken part in these trials. Would love to read what these doctors have found. And like Momo, I also wonder about any clinical trials regarding recovery - especially since MANY doctors don't seem to be very informed about after effects. I would gladly participate in something like that!

Will be thinking of you Miss Karen!!!



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Hi Karen, I'll be thinking of you on the 8th as you go through your test. I hope it goes well and that you are also able to find out some info on the study. There is some stuff posted on the Internet but it's hard to read through it and figure out what is what.

Sandi K.

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