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fatigue again

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I know this is an old chestnut but thought I'd ask. I'm now 2 and a half years post SAH and would say I had extremely bad fatigue for 6 months post my rupture, then very bad fatigue for 6 months after that, then 6 months of feeling better and 6 months of little fatigue and then over the past 6 months my fatigue has returned quite badly. I'm beginning to think there is something else wrong with me.

Has anyone else had these cycles of fatigue? I thought I would have stabilised a bit by now.

best wishes

Anne x

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Hi Anne,

Fatigue can be caused by other medical problems such as nutrition deficiency, hormonal disturbance etc, so if it's come back with a vengeance, then I would contact your GP and see if you can get some blood tests done to rule out any other possible causes, rather than just putting it down to the SAH.

My fatigue has certainly improved since discovering that I was anaemic and I'm now on a folate supplement. I've just had some recent blood work done and am waiting for the results.

Good luck Anne and hope that the situation improves for you. xx

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Hi Anne, I have cycles of fatique also and am advised that it's because I don't manage my fatique properly- thats after blood tests etc to rule out other poss causes of course- so best to be on the safe side and get checked out. Then perhaps think about having more R & R. But I definitely know where your coming from with this one and if you have any tips for me or anyone else has any suggestions I would be grateful to recieve them. Maggie x

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Hi Anne :) I am a month ahead of you and also suffer from bad fatigue bouts...but i do tend to push myself and dont always rest up when i know i should and have been unwell recently. I agree with both Karen and Maggie, get yourself checked out, it could be something simple to sort out. Plus you had a lot of stress with the job situation etc...it all adds up. Please take care Anne, let us know how you get on. Love Tina xx

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Hi Anne

I had my SAH in March 2008 and I still suffer from fatigue, I don't think I can remember the time when I was normal to be honest.

I did however go the my GP who sent me for a blood test and as it turned out I had type 2 diabetes.

I think that it's a legacy from the SAH with the fatigue with some of us and it can be really hard.

Let us know how you get on and take care.

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Hi Anne

I can sympathise as I felt the same and a recent blood test showed that I was very low in potassium, but having been taken potassium supplements feel a lot better - maybe you need to be checked out - take care


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I can sympathise with you, I am now 4 years post coiling and the fatigue has come back with a vengance. I am also type 2 diabetic and a side effect of that is fatigue. I have just had my bloods checked and all is OK. I have basically been suffering from fatigue for about 2 weeks and have been to see my GP who more or less says it is a side effect of both and just do as your body tells you.

I don't think I have been totally free of fatigue since my bleed but give me the fatigue rather than the headaches any day.



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Hi Anne,

The advice here seems spot on. I'd go and see my GP for blood tests. I was told by my occupational health team that fatigue would be an ongoing problem for the rest of my life and so far they have been right. Some weeks, I am Ok but other times am fit for nothing.

But to be on the safe side, to make sure there isn't another underlying problem, go and see your GP.

Hope it is 'just' fatigue,


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Hi Anne,

I am nearly 6 months post-SAH and suffering from being 'TATT' (tired all the time!).

I spoke to my GP last week and he said my iron level looks a bit low, even though it is not showing I am anaemic , so I am having more tests and also having my thyroid checked too, as that can cause tiredness.

I will let you know results when I get them (well...I will at least try to remember to let you know when I get them! :))

Best to get all things checked I reckon

Take care

Kel x

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Hi Anne,

I'm going through the same nearly 4 years down the line. I had a particularly bad spell earlier this year; feeling tired all the time, lack of motivation, etc. I've been taking anti-depressants for the last few months and I thought they were helping as I started to feel better after a few weeks. The fatigue and depression have returned again now and I can't seem to shake it off. Another visit to the doc, I think :roll:

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Hi everyone

Thank you all so much for your help and advice. I've put on an appointment to see my GP next week. I will mention diabetes to her as it's something that quite a few of my cousins suffer from. However I've also noticed since my SAH that I hardly ever need to go to the loo (I think I mentioned this on the forum before but it didn't ring a bell with anyone). It is very handy as before my SAH I always seemed to need the loo. I did mention this symptom to my GP and she said "what goes in must come out" so thought the most likely explanation was that I wasn't drinking as much but I don't think this is the case. I think the nerves communicating with my bladder aren't as sensitive as they used to be, if you see what I mean and so I don't get the message until I really need to go to the loo. It's a bit of a mystery to me.

I also think there is a link between fatigue and stress (I would say am under more stress than usual just now as am looking for employment) so it could be down to that but it's hard to separate things out.

Will let you know how I get on. I do think unfortunately that this fatigue thing is a long-term after effect of SAH though someone I spoke to whose brother had a SAH said after 10 years he was more or less back to normal re stamina levels so there may be hope yet.

With warm wishes


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Anne, wishing you the very best of luck....

I truly believe that there is a link between stress and fatigue, post SAH .... big time!

Hope that your GP gives you plenty of tests, to rule out other possibilities..... at least it will give you some peace of mind .... but never stop bugging them if you don't get an answer and ask them what they're testing you for. xx

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Hi Anne

Caught this a bit late I also still have cycles of extreme fatigue but have had all the blood test and been checked by an Endocrinologist and there are no underlying causes to the fatigue except possibly pushing myself too hard at times. I only work 20 hours a week now so can generally manage life work balance a bit better just have to try not to overdo do things in general.

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bit late on this too but yes I have this ok for ages then wham it hits again especially when either there's a lot going on or build up of stress.

the Doctor at the hospital told me I had to avoid stress - but its impossable but I do try to manage it the best I can thats not easy.....

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