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According to my doc.............

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I went to visit the doctor on Thursday because the headache I had had since Tuesday, which was the worst I had had for a while, had reached the point where I couldn't even lie down because the pain was so bad.

Anyway he was asking all the normal questions- dizzyness, nausea, sickness etc etc. Then he said well I can tell you that you are not having another SAH because you are not fitting! It took me a while to take in what he said, when I questioned what he said he just repeated it!! I was keen to point out that you don't have to fit to have a SAH and I directed him here. He isn't the best doc so I doubt he will but it was worth a try. Its just a shame I felt so rough otherwise I would have been more forceful in educating my doc. :crazy::crazy: Thanks for this website!!

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Smithy that is so scarey as I didn't fit with my SAA either, how can he think that everyone does?? Surely it depend where the SAH is & where the blood goes??

I hope he is going to investigate your headaches further & if he doesn't get another Dr's opinion.

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Hi Laura :)

Hope your head is on the mend...if not just go straight to A & E. I think all Doctors should read this forum as SAH is very hard to diagnose, as alot of us have been misdiagnosed!

Take care

Love Tina xx

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OMG.... Yet another possible mis-diagnosis. Theres no wonder that so many people never make it to hospital. My consultant told me that if i suffer any more headaches like i did on the night of my SAH, to get straight to A&E and tell them.

I hope that you are feeling better.

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Hi Laura

That has reminded me that I used to get migraines like that - where I could barely lay down because of the pain...

I know I had one particularly bad episode on the day of my friends wedding 2 years ago...I think I had the 'major' headache for the whole evening and was not able to lay my head back on the pillow... maybe I should have gone to the doctors about it at the time, as it was ten times worse than a usual migraine... It is strange what we put up with before we think we need further help!

Definitely get a second opinion if the headache continues. It doesn't sound right, and it is scary that he thinks you have to be fitting to be having SAH!? I have never heard that one!

Hope you feel better soon

Kel x

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Hi Laura

That is worrying re your doctor's assumption that SAH=fits. My GP sometimes says to me that she doesn't know the answer and that gives me a lot more confidence in her. Also she says that if in doubt (eg if I ever have a really sore head) call an ambulance.

I hope your head improves.


Anne x

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Hi Laura and hope that you're beginning to feel better....

There are lots of medical papers on SAH misdiagnosis, whether it's the GP or A & E and it's probably the cause of the high mortality rate of SAH. We've had plenty of people on here that have had delayed diagnosis and maybe, many of those people could have had less deficits, if the symptoms had been recognised and treated seriously. It seems that many people with a SAH are presenting their symptoms at least for the 2nd time ... if not longer, before they are taken seriously and treated accordingly. For many of us, we're "blue lighted" into hospital and for some, it can be too late.

I read a while ago, in one such paper, that most GP's will only come across two SAH'ers on average in their working life time and hence their lack of knowledge when SAH symptoms present themselves.

We all know here, that not everybody presents with the same symptoms .... my Sentinel bleed and subsequent SAH 4 years later, were pretty different and I didn't have high blood pressure ... but unfortunately, being left untreated after the sentinel bleed, led to a much bigger bleed 4 years later ... so, I'm not one of their "text book cases" but I had gathered enough info from the internet to realise what was going on and this was relayed to the paramedics, who thankfully took it seriously.

All, I can say to you guys, is if the GP doesn't know his bottom from his elbow, then take yourself off to A & E .... don't hang about.

You don't have to be having seizures to have a SAH or even a small leak .... I still find it dreadful, that so many GP's are so ignorant, especially when a patient has had a SAH..... they really need to do some homework.

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Just an addition to my post, that if anybody was misdiagnosed or you felt that you weren't treated particularly well by your GP, then raise the matter with the Practice Manager at your GP Surgery.

My Husband did this, when I was recovering in hospital and it was taken seriously and they held a meeting with the Dr's concerned. I'm not into the suing culture to say the very least, as I believe that it probably strips valuable funds away from the NHS and that's not the aim. The aim is to make them aware how serious the situation was and what they should have done and to hi-light SAH.

However, unless you make them aware of your case, they will not know and you might perhaps help somebody in the future, that walks into that surgery, presenting the same symptoms.

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Laura, am sending you a big hug. Hope the headache is a distant memory by now.

Am appalled by your GP. Where does he get his (mis)information from? I think you did really well under the circumstances to direct him to BTG. It's hard to think properly & explain stuff when the serious headaches strike.

Don't beat yourself up, you did good!

Leo xx

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