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Exercise After SAH ?

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I think the best way is to start gradually & increase it as your stamina increase. YOu msut listen to your body tho when is says it's ad enough & stop. 'd advise you to consult your GP about what sort of excercise he recommneds but wlaking is one we can all do, I want to start swimming again in the New Year as I'm not really a walker!

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I'm six months on, ive started back to work but only a few hrs, and im exhasted, but i still try and do some walking as i do feel better after it. Listen to your body , do alittle and see how you feel dont rush it as you will go backwards in your recovery i've learnt that the hard way:crazy:

Enjoy and take care Rhiann

P.S. before the SAH i did boxersize three times aweek and was very fit, but now i could'nt even do the warm up yet :(

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I recently answered a question on exercise for a new member.

Look up started posts for 'bay' under the thread 'exercise.'

I was very fit prior to my SAH and so was very eager to get back into the swing of things.

I'm 12 months in and it remains a work in progress, but I am persevering.

Take care,


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Did any of your doctors give you any advice on whether or not it was safe to exercise after your SAH ? Mine told me that after 3 months I would have NO restrictions whatsoever.

I believe him when he says that but I think we all can agree it just doesnt FEEL right and I keep thinking I will cause another SAH but working out hard.

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I asked my registrar at my review 2 months post clipping (well almost 3 months) & she said any form of excercise was fine including swimming but not to overdo it. My Gp expessed more caution & siad not to do anything areobic as she was worried about my BP (although it is only slightly higher post op). I really think you hae to excercise some caution & start off gradually & build it up. I was told i had no more chance of another anni than the nect person of having one.

Hope that helps

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I think I was told it would be ok after 3 months too but I was way too tired to even think about it! I did however have the chance to join a chair-based exercise group and I've been doing that once a week. I also try and go out and walk but tire easily and don't do any sustained exercise, although i'd like to. I, too, will try and do some swimming in the New Year - see if that's not too tiring!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, my name is Sandi K and I just joined tonight. Had my NASAH nov 10, 2010. I'm trying 30 minutes on the treadmill every second or third day but no running. I started with 10 mins in December and have worked my way up. I thought it would help with the back pain. It makes me tired, especially with so little energy but it makes me feel like I'm helping myself so I do it. Treadmill days are really tired days, evey day is a tired day! But more so on treadmill days.

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Im using my treadmill now. I didnt start till after 3 months as i was to tired, but just did 5 mins of walking. Im only upto 10 mins now which is 6 months on but have learnt that if i do to much i suffer for days. On treadmill days i dont do anything else only some floor excercises, tha way its just enough for now. I still get that weird had thing but can handle it most days.

Tracy S xxx

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I had my SAH 11/12/2009 and my annie was coiled 18/12/2009. I was told in Feb 2010 that I was okay to go back to the gym but to take it easy (what exactly does that mean I wondered?...) ...but I didn't feel ready to do so at that point. I think I waited until June 2010 to start going back and eased myself back into it. I done 5 mins on the bike instead of my previous 12mins, and 10mins on cross-trainer instead of 22mins, and I lowered the resistance/level and didn't do any weights initially.

I am now back to my previous 'plan' and am doing okay. It makes me feel good when I have been to the gym, even if I am feeling really tired it helps lift me a little, and sleep better at night too ;)

I did speak to a personal trainer when I went back to the gym, to get an idea of what I should do. They didn't know specifically for SAH recovery but were able to help give me an idea of what to do.

It's all about learning how far we can push ourselves, and learning the little signs our bodies give us when it's getting a little too much.

Take care

Kel x

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