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Does any one else suffer with migraine aura in the eyes and if so how often? I don't get the pain with it just a sensation in my head and then the zig zag light kicks in for about 15-20 mins I thought I had got rid of it had not had it since Christmas then it started again 2 weeks ago! It drives me mad!!:crazy::lol:


Vicky xx

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Hello Vicky

I have had migraines for 40 years with the zigzags, and some visual field loss, (usually a quarter of the field missing), followed by a headache. Since my SAH I just seem to have the aura and field loss, no headache though so its an improvement for me. A problem for maybe half an hour these days.

I think mine are much less frequent these days, I am nearly at my 4 year anniversary.

Just have to take a deep breath and let it pass. Never found that pills helped.

Hope they get less for you too soon.

Best wishes Anne

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Hi Vicky,

I have the 20 minute aura then followed by migraine .... would advise that you speak to your GP and ask him if there's something that he can prescribe for you. I was prescribed a beta blocker post SAH and this has greatly helped to reduce the incidences of the aura/migraine. From what I've read and I'm not a medic, is that decreased blood flow to the brain can cause an aura.

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Hi Vicky,

I can sympathise with you on this as I have suffered with the Aura of migraine ever since my sah in November 2008. I likewise do not get a headache, just the zig-zag flashing lights which usually last about 20 mins on average, although sometimes it only lasts a couple of minutes. I did start a diary of the frequency of it happening and also included what I was doing at the time to see if I could work out what triggered it. It was well over a year after my sah that I started this diary, but I have just looked at it and have recorded 54 incidents:frown: Unfortunately I can't see a pattern, it has on at least four occasions woken me up in the middle of the night:roll:. I did go 3 months in 2009 without getting any episodes.

My consultant referred me to an opthamologist and my eyes were checked which are ok - I have been told it is not my eyes that are causing this but my brain (I believe it is to do with the way the blood flows through the brain). I was then referred to a neurologist who suggested I could try one of two medications which might, at best, reduce the aura by 50% - I only decided to try these tablets about 5 weeks ago and since then have experienced the flashing lights 5 times ( 3x25 mins and 2x2min ones). It is perhaps too early to make an assessment as to whether they are helping.

Yes, it drives me mad too - I find it quite disturbing. I never had migraine/migraine aura prior to my sah. I did in June 2010 suddenly get double vision and I was sent to hospital, had a ct scan, then a few weeks later an MRI scan. This was also put down to an acephalgic migraine.

I was also told by the neurologist that they are hearing of more and more cases of aura following sah - not that that helps us much!


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I too have suffered migraines since puberty. The worst was 4 times in one day during the time my anni blew up & before it was diagnosed. I get the dancing zigzagging wishbone shape & then a dull headache although sometimes just the aura & no headache.

when I was younger I used to get the really bad & would have to lie in a dark room & the headache was horrrenchible, I also got pins 7 needles down my left side including my lips & my tongue would go numb. The aura always starts in my right eye which is the side my anni was on. for me stress & extremes of hot & cold on my head start it off (hot sauna followed by cold shower etc). My regular day at school for an aura was Tues am as that was French oral test day.

I haven't tried any tablets as they are much less frequent now I'm older & I try to avoid my triggers & touch wood haven't had one since my clipping!!

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Hi Vicky

I've had this once since my brain hem - but it wasnt followed by a migraine - I put it down to being tired and the lighting in the room I was in. My hubby gets it quite a bit and its usually when he's been staring at the computer screen all day. I work on a pc all day too but never get the aura - like I say, I've only had it once and it wasn't pleasant.

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I get occassional migraine aura, particularly if I have looked at bright shards of light or flickering light (if driving through a slightly wooded area on a sunny day and the sun flickers through the trees) or at work usually in the afternoon looking at data all day long...

I don't always get the zig-zaggy lines, I can also get a rotating coloured orb in my right field of vision, quite pretty but gets in the way of being able to see properly!

Gill - is your annie on the right posterior communicating artery? You describe my old (pre-sah) migraines to a T! The numb lips, tongue and numbness/tingling in my left hand. Then a dull thudding headache (sometimes with nausea and occassional sickness) which meant I had to lay down in a dark room and sleep it off for an hour or so, and after would feel almost hungover for a day or so

Kel x

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Gill - is your annie on the right posterior communicating artery? You describe my old (pre-sah) migraines to a T! The numb lips, tongue and numbness/tingling in my left hand. Then a dull thudding headache (sometimes with nausea and occassional sickness) which meant I had to lay down in a dark room and sleep it off for an hour or so, and after would feel almost hungover for a day or so

Kel x

Yes that is where my anni was. I used to throw up too as the nurse used to give me liquid paracetamol which made me sick. I am convinced it's linked for me asthe most migraines I had were 4 in one day before the anni was diagnosed so it must be something pressing on that nerve.

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Gill - my annie is on the Right Post Com Artery too - there must be a link then, since we have suffered similar episodes of migraine symptoms!...

I did not suffer with as many as you in one day, only 1 episode a day maybe a few times per month or more... and hardly any in the year prior to my SAH, which is strange...

If I am really tired or feeling stressed I have to make sure I don't look at any bright light or am near strong smells (perfume, raw onions) to ensure I don't start off the migraine symptoms!

My migraines were diagnosed in 2002 or 2003 however I had for many years suffered headaches due to muscle tension in my shoulders and neck, especially after double-maths whilst at secondary school! :roll: Clearly too much concentration required!

Kel x

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Kel am lucky as so far not had one post op, both parents had migraines too & my dad had a stroke but I only know it was a bleed but not if it was an anni too.

The 4 in on day were one after the other but didn't involve the crushing headache, just the aura but there again my head & eye were pounding anyway with the pressure of the anni

Lucky for me my triggers are reasonably easy to avoid. will be quite happt never to have another migraine - not sure how it would be as right eye is still not fully recovered so could be strange!

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Hi Guys.....

Thanks for the posts glad its not just me!!

Sarah.....i tried keeping a diary of them aswell but gave up in the end as no real pattern i thought it was my Lupus medication until it stared again the the other week but i cant be that as i stopped taking these in October and i have also had a through eye examination done at the opticians and he said the same that whatever it is its not my eyes but must be my brain as my eyes are exactly the same as they were before the haemorrhage but i have been suffering with this aura thing since about 18 months before the haemorrhage

Kel/Gill................. certain lighting also triggers mine off aswell i have had that also Kel driving through woodland on a bright day and it has triggered it off also looking a white paper weirdly enough. I had the aura on monday night, had a numb right hand/arm yesterday had to keep shaking it and had a bad head all day today that i cant shift so im now trying a alcoholic beverage as a alternative to nurofen:lol: my anni was in the left posterior comm artery!

Take Care

Vicky xx

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