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A little shocked and worried!!

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Hi guys,

Hope everyone is well?

I had my SAH 6 years ago in September and sort of thought that other than the headaches and dizzyness that I was ok. However, I have been using the same optician since just after the SAH and my eyes didn't seem to be changing much but yesterday she decided to tell me that there had been damage since my SAH and that my sight in my left eye is actually quite poor because the nerves behind my left eye wre quite badly damaged post SAH. My right eye overcompensates and that has now got quite a stigmatism which needs to try and be corrected. She also noted that my retina is really pale when is should have some pigment in it so I have had to have massive sunglasses as it means I now am at a much bigger risk of cancer because of the UV ways will go straight through my eyes if i'm not really careful. Got to eat loads of dark fruti and veg to keep my antioxidants up to help fight anything too dodgy.

She was going to assess again in a year but then told me to go back in two but must go sooner if any problems. I'm wondering whether all this isn't helping my headaches and spots in front of my eyes that I and my doc thoughts were migraine like. Has anyone else experienced anything similar??

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Hi Laura, how crazy they didn't tell you this until now!! Surely the experts saw this coming and you could have been wearing the right sunglasses all along. This kind of stuff really gets me riled up. They should have told you long ago. I'm sorry it was left to now and has come as such a shock.

I have right eye damage. I don't know how much yet. Both my GP and neurologist said to wait until at least a year post bleed before getting my eyes checked because there will be so much change. I guess I'd better make sure I've got good sunglasses in the meantime.

Sandi K.

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Hi Laura,

I can understand a bit of what you're going through as since my SAH I have problem with my long distance, a previous lazy eye/ squint has been made worse by SAH.

My gp referred me to a specialist at the eye hospital. I'm very surprised your optician hasn't done this.

I am also very light sensitive now, wear my sunglasses a lot but I will be looking into getting Transitions lenses, they go light and dark with the sun, reacted by the uv, they give 100 percent uv protection.

I really think you should be seen by a specialist at an eye hospital.

SarahLou Xx

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Laura try not to worry I have problems with my eyes which optician said is probably causing my headaches. Just keep wearing your sunglasses or get those ones sarahlou is on about me and my son both where those ones they are good. Hope you feel better soon. Jess.xxx

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Hey Laura

Sorry to hear that you're suffering, but I'd go to your GP and explain what the optician has said to you and ask if you can be referred to the eye specialist at your hospital - if nothing more than to get a second opinion and put your your mind at rest either way.

See you soon hun

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Good plan guys, maybe I should visit my docs. My other plan might be to visit the optician that my mum and sister use to see what he says. He apparently used to be a consultant before opening up his own business.

I do already wear reactorlite glasses. They are according to the optician yesterday as protective as sunglasses but she said my trouble was that neither my glasses or sunglasses were very big so the sun was getting in all around them.

This has worried me slightly more than I suspect I would have been but I've been feeling a bit down last few days, feeling nauseous, dizzy and headachey and doubting my ability to teach a class of 9/10 year olds when I am struggling to get through the day when i'm not even working!!

Oh well chocolate is calling , sorry guys!!

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Hi Laura

My right eye feels weaker than before the op..look (takes a choc while Laura looks at eye) yum gulp gone

Hope you get good news on eyes and keep calm...here have another choc..what I ate them all? No Way!

Good Luck

WinB143 alias chocolate face x

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Hello Laura

Sorry you have been worried by the news from your Optometrist. I was an Optometrist for 30 years until my SAH 4 years ago.

I have been left with near vision problems and had to give up my profession, but it surprises me when necessary all the optical info bursts into my head.

Astigmatism is quite a common thing and means you need a slightly different sort of prescription lens to correct it, I wouldn't have thought it was definitely to do with the SAH. Anyone can need a new prescription for their specs which includes a correction for their astigmatism. I think the word astigmatism makes people think they have "a stigma", which sounds awful, but it is an astigmatism.

As regards the pale retina, possible nerve damage etc I would definitely ask to be referred for specialist opinion, the GP should do that, I am surprised the Optometrist didn't say they would send a report to your GP.

I was referred from my Neurologist ( from Coventry Uni Hospital) for Consultant Ophthalmologist opinion, and had a good check.

Good luck with it Anne:crazy:

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Thanks Anne :-D it's good to have someone's opinion who knows more medically about the condition so thanks for replying.

I wasn't so worried about the astigmatism, I'm more worried about how quickly I will get used to the change in prescription as she said it might be a bit woozy and headachey for a bit, well I get enough headaches to contend with!!

I am however worried about the pale retina especially with the mention of the nasty c word. I am amking an appt with my doctors tomorrow. Thank you all for calming me down a bit xx I always know I can rely on BTG :-D

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Laura, this is an odd coincincdence. Today my GP referred me to a neuro-opthamalogist. I think that's what it's called. A brain/eye specialist. Someone who can help me with my vision after having a major brain event. I was complaining again of blurry vision and explained that now that we seem to have tackled the headache for the most part I'm left feeling like one eye is two inches higher than the other. GP said she always planned to refer me but it was too early in recovery but that maybe now its time. I thought of you and is thread while I was on my way home. There must be a similar type of specialist over there who knows about vision after a brain injury.

Sandi K. Xo.

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Hi Laura,

Good luck with your doctors appointment on Monday. I hope things get sorted and you get referred to an eye hospital specialist.

I've worked in optics for 20 yrs and am very surprised nothing was said earlier, or indeed that the optom there didnt refer you straight to an eye hospital unit.

Please keep us informed of how you get on.

SarahLou Xx

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