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Making nominations to the Life After Stroke/SAH Awards

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Having seen info on here & elsewhere about nominating people for the Life After Sah/Stroke Award 2013, I have the most deserving person we all know in mind for a nomination :wink:

I have clicked on the 'Nominate Someone' link but there are too many categories & too many questions about that individual that I am unable to answer. I am sure that most of the answers could be found in past posts but that is a research area I am not capable of undertaking successfully. Also, if you choose to nominate the person for their voluntary work in helping other SAH/Stroke survivors, they must have a stroke association membership ID?????

I think every one of us on BTG would like to nominate Karen for all the years of work, compassion, support & information she has shared with us and if anyone can do this research to show her how much she personally and her monumental support work is appreciated by so many worldwide please help me to nominate her for the recognition we all know she deserves.

Sorry Karen, I know you will be embarrassed by this post and if I could find a way to block you from reading it, I would've done so! Anyone know how to block the administrators on here???:devil:

Michelle x

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I, saw the post yesterday, and immediately knew we have to figure out that site so we could vote for Karen! I couldn't figure it out either as I am quite technitarded:)

Karen is our angel and without her, I and probably tousands of others would've been lost!

We all love you Karen and want to honour you for your wonderful works!

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Hi all Looking through this there is only a couple of categories that would apply!personof courage and stroke group, but you guys know better? The full detail is in a PDF here which can be printed off and sent in by snail mail;-) thoughts?http://www.stroke.org.uk/sites/default/files/files/LASA_nomination_form2013_low%20res.pdf

The one I thought would make senses was for Stroke Group Award

Stroke Groups play a vital role in improving the lives of those affected by stroke in their local community.( I would argue we are a global local community!) This award is given in recognition and celebration of the essential support network they provide. This award is presented to a group that can demonstrate the difference it makes to the quality of life of stroke survivors in their local area through its varied and innovative activity programmes, delivered by dedicated organisers and volunteers.

The fine print I think shows that BTG is eligible as I think we are affiliated? Anyone know?

(Please note this award is for groups run by volunteers. Both independent affiliated and Stroke Association Support Groups are eligible. We regret that groups such as unaffiliated groups or those that are part of a Stroke Association service, are not eligible).

I wholeheartedly agree that BTG founders should be recognised for providing and maintaining this excellent forum , our place of comfort and refuge. maybe if we cant sort this one out then we can organise our own celebration of that?

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