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Hey guys,

I'm poppy, 52 , from South East Scotland.

I have been browsing the site for a bit and what I have read so far has made me want to become part of a seriously lovely helpful community.

Very active and fit, until thunderclap headache struck Friday 27/12/13. The pain was excruciating at the base of my skull and completely floored me that whole night, I was also vomiting constantly. I had just met up with friends for a sociable night when it happened and the general consensus was "you have a migraine". Naively, I took some OTC meds and went to bed! I wasn't much use to man nor beast the next day, in bed for most of it, however, was awakened by similar severe if not worse pain at 5am next morning, I remember calling my father, medics arriving and not much else after that. 10 days in Edinburgh Western (5days in high dependency unit) later, following coiling, I was allowed home. (Superb care). It was indeed a 7mm ruptured aneurysm.

Once home however, reality hit and I too felt totally isolated. Home all day, family at their respective jobs, uni etc, mum and dad popping in to look after me, is it not suppose to be the other way about when your parents are mid 70's. ?. Agree completely with members regarding the lack of support once discharged from hospital. Although, I have to say, I had the head clinical nurse's direct phone number if I wanted advice etc, but it's like - she is one very busy lady, I don't want to bother her.........

Gp has been fantastic, as had several different meds for pain and insomnia and I am recovering extremely well, until yesterday! Felt like I was right back to week 1. A wee bit better today. In a lot of pain behind my eyes and tired, so very tired. Big difference from the last few weeks -I've been walking 1 1/2 hours daily and felt so good.

Anyway, what I would like to say us, the penny finally dropped when I came across the link to "a letter from my brain" on one of the post last night. I have been overworking my injured brain and need to put the handbrake on! As I have been told already by friends and family, on numerous occasions but didn't listen. Because I was making such fantastic progress I got carried away and pushed too far, I.e painting the bedroom!!!!

Perhaps a copy of this valuable info should be given to patients on discharge!! It certainly made things a lot clearer in terms of what my poor brain has just been through.

Thanks guys, amazing site....

Edited by jess
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Hi Poppy a very warm welcome to BTG :)

'a letter from my brain' is excellent !

It is very easy to over do things on good days, we have all done it and paid the price.

That's when your body says Stop and makes you rest your poor brain.

It is still very early days for you. You should be very proud of how well you have done with your recovery.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

Take care xx

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Hi Poppy,

You shoud be very proud of your recovery, but, the brain will stop you if you have done too much. Been there! At six months I thought I'd be skipping rope and jumping hurdles but instead I felt like I fell and rolled down a very steep and bumpy hill. My dr told me this was normal and there would be times I would feel like I was jumping forward and sometimes falling down again. So true.

I also understand the feeling of isolation. Boy, do I ever remember that. The early days are the worst but we make it through.

Take it one day at a time and try not to overdue. God bless.


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Hi Poppy, welcome to BTG - this site is definitely a great place to be for reassurance, advice and friendship particularly helpful when the feeling of isolation creeps in.

I can relate to the 'parents' part of your story. My parents were in their mid to late 70's when I had my sah 5 years ago (I'm 52 now too). They not only helped out a lot in the early weeks following the event, but it had been them who finally persuaded the doctor to get me into hospital in the first place when paramedics, then doctors had failed for a whole week to see the need to admit me.

Yes, we can all admit to thinking we're fine and continue doing things, then sharply reminded that we're actually doing too much. I've lost count of the times I did that! Well worth taking note of what 'that letter' says.

Wishing you all the best in your future recovery,


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Hi Poppy

Warm welcome to the site glad you found us, & another Scotty too...

I was in the Western Edinburgh ward 32, If you feel you need to speak with the clinical nurse then don't worry about bothering her, that's what she's there for.

Daily walking 1.1/2hrs good honey but way too much start little and work up, think we may all have been there on that one pushing too hard, the 'letter from the brain' is good isn't.

take care, take things easy rest, drink plenty...

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Hey everyone,

Thanks so much for your encouraging responses. I can't tell you how much that means to me.

Feeling so much better today - had thought I might go back to work 25th February as that has been about 8 weeks, but no! Gonna do the right thing and rest some more. Got a big wake up call this weekend lol..:redface:

Lovely east Lothian hasn't been quite so lovely today, although we have luckily avoided most of the storms which have hit most of the country. Roll on springtime - although for the first time I can remember last years geraniums are flowering. Happy days...:-)

Wishing you all good health.....



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Hi Poppy,

Welcome to BTG, it's good to know we are not alone isn't it !!

Wish I could walk that far, done a few more steps but today I was puffing away after walking 60 yards (not smoking!).

I will walk again, but need to lose a bit of weight lol.

Eating choc's is my downfall.

Good to be alive though xx

Good luck on recovery

WinB143 xx Take it easy and no STRESS !!

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