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Return of fatigue & weird head (long)

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This is going to be a long one, so get a cup of coffee (pref. decaf) and read on!

As some of you know, I’ve not been feeling too well these last couple of weeks with bad fatigue and weird sensations in my head and the odd mild dizzy spell and “brain freeze†all down to over doing it, working far too many hours and getting stressed out about it.

After being at work last week when I really didn’t feel up to it, I finally took a day off sick on Friday, the first since I returned to work 7 months ago. I even felt guilty about taking a day off, especially having so much time off last year and knowing that my absence caused one or two problems in what is a very small company of only 9 people and me being the senior engineer. Don’t get me wrong, my two bosses who are the owners of the company were very supportive during my recovery and I’m grateful for that, but you can imagine that losing a significant percentage of the staff can cause problems, so I feel I owe them one and don’t want to let them down.

Now, my two bosses are very different people. One I consider not just a boss, but a friend as well, and he was the most supportive during my illness. The other is not really a people person …. well, I’ll leave it at that! I felt I had to say something today, so I’ve just had a closed door session with one of them .... I’ll let you guess which one, but it was my choice! I told him exactly how I’ve been feeling and how I don’t want to let them down, but I wouldn’t take time off sick unless I really had to and it’s time to slow down a bit. He was very supportive (again) and although I think he doesn’t really understand how I feel (blood stained bandage thing again!) he realises that unless I slow down, I might end up taking more time off than he bargained for. He’s suggested longer breaks and shorter (read normal) hours even though there’s loads to be done and only me to do it. Anyway, the upshot is that I feel much better for getting it out in the open instead of just carrying on and getting more stressed.

I considered myself to be fully recovered 6 months post SAH, but I realise now, over 10 months on, that is not the case. It takes me much longer to recover from fatigue than it used to, and the brain freezes up or sends weird messages if I over do it. The brain is a very complex organ and it can take much longer to recover than you think. In some ways, it never completely recovers from the trauma of SAH. Just when you think it's over, it gives you a reminder that you are not quite the same person as you were. Note to self: stop ignoring those reminders.

Anyway, if you haven’t nodded off and are still reading, I’m glad I’ve got that off my chest and feel much better for it.

Major emergency :!: .... we’ve run out of tea bags, so the accounts department, all one of them, has been sent out on a mission of mercy to get some more .... Ah, here she is .... Time for a cup of tea! :lol:



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Hey Keith

I'm so glad that at least one of your bosses is a people person - it does help. I know that if I'd had my SAH whilst still working at the Girls High School here in Nottingham then it would have been a similar situation. They had an art teacher there have an SAH two years ago and he was off for a long time too but is now fully recovered. I worked in the office and was also Assistant to the Director of Studies (who also taught maths) - there was only myself and her that could input the timetables, sort out room allocations, sort girls into certain groups for Options etc and when I left she never got any other help so can only imagine how mad she is going and I would have been going by now.

Glad that you've been able to talk about it though as I can imagine the worry would have added to the head situation.

De caff sounds good


Sami xxx

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I am so pleased that you've had the meeting .... think that I could sense what was happening .... well done .... You've done brilliantly throughout your recovery and you have enough common sense to tackle any problems that come your way now .... have faith in yourself, that you've done the right thing .... you probably feel that you can breathe now and sigh a huge breath of relief as well .... Pleased that you had the balls to face them ..... and the most important thing, is that you keep well....

K xxxxx

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Hi Keith glad you've managed to discuss slowing down slightly at work. As you know I returned to work beginning of last month but so far haven't managed to progress passed 20 hours a week and that leaves me drained and exhausted come Friday.

Take it easy and rest up


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Hi Keith

Glad you got it out into the open, I still think you have done great in getting back to what you have and as quickly as you have, but YOU have listened to yourself & have acted accordingly.

Glad you feel better about it.

Take care


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Hi Keith,

just to reiterate what everyone else has said really......talking is good, it lightens the load. I think you've done really well and you know, your sense of humour is ace!! Thats a big part of what keeps us going I reckon (sorry if i've said that before... I seem to be in repeating mode at the moment!!) think the brain is a bit tired!!

You take a step back for a while,

all the best,


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Well done Keith - I must admit I was really pleased when you took a day off on Friday (if Karen hadn't told you off, then I was going to PM you about it!!! :wink: ). I returned to work 3 months post SAH, and I'm only a few months off my 3rd anniversary. I *still* need to take it easy at times. I've only just accepted I can still get that fatigued after all this time.

Oops, done my usual thing and turned this into a reply about me :roll: - what I'm trying to say is that you're doing extra well already, not only did you survive, but you're back at work, you're active here - try not to feel bad because you need the odd day off. I worry sometimes about what work will think, but in the long run, it's me (or you!) who has to feel well. Your health just isn't worth the risks - and it can be amazing what one day to chill can do.

I'm so glad you feel better for discussing it at work. Take care, Blondie

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Thanks everyone for all your kind replies.

You lot crack me up! You're just like my wife .... telling me off indeed!! :wink: But then, I suppose I'm used to it! :lol: Hold on a moment ....

.... yes dear ..... straight away dear .... no dear, I won't forget ....

Sorry about that interruption, anyway, I feel a lot better today.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Keith -- I was insomnia'ed and reading through the site and came upon your post. Its really wierd because your experiences are an echo of what I've found in the last month or so. After a strong initial recovery, there has been a progressive buildup of fatigue at times and usually following a period of overdoing it (more physical than mental).

It is some comfort (although fundamentally disconcerting as such for any of us) to know these experiences are "normal" for us and so am really grateful to you for flagging it -- and with the other naggers on this forum, glad you did take that time out and did get a chance to discuss things openly with your boss.


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