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Hi - New member Jan.

Jan p

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Hi, my name is Jan,

I had a cerebral haemorrhage on 24/4/2014 , it was a bleed from a VEIN NOT AN ARTERY . I was told that it was" just one of those things" that happens, and I am no more likely to have another one than a person who has never had one ). It required NO treatment apart from bed rest for a couple of days on the neurosurgery HDU, then a further 6 days on the neuro ward. I am a nurse who retired from the NHS last June, aged 55, so a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing !

I appreciate that I have been very lucky! But it has scared me. The thing is I can not seem to find much information about my type of bleed or the residual symptoms I have been left with ( particularly lower back/ leg spasm type pain )


Edited by Tina
Name added to title :)
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Hi Jan :)

A very warm welcome to BTG !

Not surprising it has scared you, especially being a nurse and knowing how serious a bleed is bless you xx

The symptoms you mention ( particularly lower back/ leg spasm type pain ) I also had in the early stages...my Consultant said it was the blood dispersing down the spine and causing the pain.

It was painful for quite some time. You are still very early in your recovery. I would definitely mention to your Doctor and get checked to be on the safe side.

You will find lots of helpful information and support here on the Forum.

We can't help with medical advice but can certainly let you know our experiences :)

Wishing you well and look forward to hearing more from you xx

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Hi Jan,

My bleed was not from a major artery either. Mine was an unknown source and believe it to be a venous bleed. Since mine was non aneurysmal they consider it a NASAH, which simply is a non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Many on the site have had a bleed similar to yours.

The drs leave you wondering and frightened, I think. I was terrified in the beginning. I do hope you are doing well. Some folks are back on their feet quicker than others but don't fret and take your time and drink plenty of water!


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Hi Jan

Welcome - I hope you find the site useful. I'm another person who just "happened to have a bleed" one day! I don't know whether it was from a vein/artery, but no explicit cause has ever been found for my bleed and no treatment was required - just rest. In my case the bleed was intracerebral rather than subarachnoid (which I think means mine was more serious as it was actually inside the brain rather than in the space around the brain), but there was no aneurysm found and the doctors have told me that we will never know for sure what caused it. They think it was likely I was just born with a deformed blood vessel (known as a cavernous angioma), but we can't prove that as all my scans are now clear.

Like you I've just been told rest is all that I need - I'm at no greater risk of having one again and it will just take time for my brain to recover. Unfortunately my bleed was in the visual processing part of my brain so I have been left with a small loss in visual field, but other than that they are hopeful I will make a full recovery. I've just reached the 6month mark and am still suffering with tiredness and headaches, but I definitely feel like I'm now really starting to improve every day.

What I've learnt most from this site, is that even if all the doctors tell you that you will be fine, recovery is slow. I kept thinking, I'm going to fight this and in 1/2 months I'll be back to my usual self and ignored the stories from others on here about how long it takes to feel more normal. Now I look back and realise I should have listened more - the recovery is slow, but we'll all get there eventually :)

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Hi Janp,

Welcome to BTG it helps to give vent to your worries and know you are not alone.

I was told my memory would be bad and has my Hubby thought of putting me in a home !!

Good job I have a great hubby and daughter xx

I get real bad backache when I try to walk but apart from that I am okay, it has been a long

haul getting back to how I was but never give up.

You'll be okay xx and this site is great for putting down what is bothering you.

Good luck on your recovery and take your time x

Best Wishes

WinB143 xx

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Hi Jan,

Welcome to our group. I hope you are taking things easy . Lots of rest, lots of water and be gentle with yourself. Remember how long people used to take to get over surgery? Well you have just had an upset in the mission control centre so apply good nursing principles and steady as you go.

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Hi Jan


Warm welcome to the site, so glad that you found us.


I had similar too though not the back pain (which for years before I had suffered from - weird) but spasm yes I was told it was the blood flowing back through the body, but like I always say 'everyone' is different..


All the best

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