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Life but not as we know it !!!!!

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Hi not been around much for the last 18 months life was very busy with work and daughters increasing their families. We went from having 4 grandsons to having 6 grandsons and 1 granddaughter.

I also have another long term chronic disorder that I was diagnosed with the year before my Sah but because it was controlled and stable never took it seriously until last October when my health started to deteriorate.

I am now in the process of being dismissed from work as have been unable to attend at all this year. I had applied for Ill heath retirement but even though they acknowledge I am unable to work state that because I have not been referred to a Consultant there maybe some other treatment that may enable me to return to work at some time in the future.

I will be around more often once I get my disciplinary and Appeal dealt with so look forward to catching up with both old and new members.

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Congratulations Janet with the new Grandchildren! 


Really sorry though to hear about your other health problems and hope that you manage to get ill health retirement .... not nice to have to deal with the stress and hope that you get it sorted soon. xx

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Thanks Karen has been quite stressful which doesn't help with my breathing but seeing a Respiratory Consultant Friday and hopefully he can give me the necessary information needed for the Appeal as think only a double lung transplant will cure the illness and having smoked for so long would not be considered for it.

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Hi Janet, so very sorry to hear your news about your health xx

I hope the Respiratory Consultant can give you everything you need to help with your Appeal for ill health retirement.

Good luck for Friday, sending lots of love and hugs to you xx


Seven Grandchildren....Congratulations !

Take care and let us know how you get on xx

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Thanks ladies its not quite as dim an outlook as it seems I am only at a moderate stage but for work purposes the amount of time off sick cannot be tolerated. I am able to do most things still just at a lot slower pace. The Ill health retirement is something that I should be entitled and was hoping to be accepted without the Appeal, so busy day Friday Consultant appointment and Disciplinary hearing.

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Hi Janet


Sorry things have gotten worse hun.  I know that the last time I saw you, you were struggling - hopefully retiring on medical grounds will allow you to get the rest you need without worrying about being off work.


Always here for you Janet - anytime you want to pop down, or want us to pop up, just say the word.


Love you to you all - big hugs to you and Morris xxxx

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Janet so sorry to hear about your health xxx

Congratulations on the grandchildren xxx

Hopefully will chat soon xxx hope everything goes ok at the consultants and disaplinary (excuse spelling tis early) xxx

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