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Craniotomy scar

Guest Kerry

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Guest Kerry

Hello everyone,

came across this site whilst researching SAH and this is my first post. I suffered a SAH on the 5th March, I had surgery the following day, firstly they attempted coiling but I suffered another bleed on the table so they did a craniotomy and clipped the ******. Recovery has been going well, just the usual that most of you seem to have suffered, headaches, tiredness, anxiety and the fear of it happening again.

It's good to see I'm not alone in this and through this forum it is good to read and talk about the experiences we have been through.

I have one question right now, My scar is healing well but it feels very dented in places (if thats the right description), almost as if it's falling into my head :? is this normal, it probably is and just the skull healing, but it does worry me at times.

Kerry x

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Welcome to the website Kerry! :D

Unfortunately, I can't help you with your question as I was coiled, but I'm sure that some of the other guys will respond ....

Just thought that I would say "Hi" ... :)

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Hi Kerry a warm welcome to you :)

My scar is lumpy to the feel, still sore in some places. I was clipped and also have a plate and screws in the side of my head, it feels like screw heads, the bumps, sometimes more swollen than other times. I am 5 mths down the line, and things like that still worry me, when you get a nasty pain or bad bad headache. I think it is part of the healing process, but if really worried contact your consultant. You are still very early days, and sound like you are doing very well! You are not alone, and as Karen has said, there is always someone here that can help you, so ask away! :) The people here have been amazing, they have helped me so much, you are not alone,take care and keep in touch :)

Love Tinaxx

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Guest Kerry

Hi Karen and Tina. Thanks for your replies. This is the first time I've really spoken about this with others who have gone through what we have so it is very reassuring to get answers and share the experiences of others.

I know deep inside that it is probably all part of the healing process but it is still a worry at times none the less.

Kerry x

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Hi Kerry

I had my Anuerysm clipped as well nearly 18 months ago and the scar line can still feel very bumpy at times. Apparently its quite usual after having part of the scull removed and replaced for it to move about slighty it can also still feel painful at times.

Welcome to the site and I hope you find it as useful as I have just remeber to make sure you listen to your body and rest when you need to.

Take care hope to hear more from you soon.

Janet x

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Hi Kerry

Warm welcome to the site.

I have a shunt & the scar is lumpy feels like a sharp point when the weathers horrible :roll:

I also have a tube that runs down the side of the inside of my head that feels like very nobblie.

Yes still very early days.....

Take care, speak soon


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Hi Kerry mine still feel like one side of my head is in further than the other side, so I wouldn't worry to much however if your that worried maybe you should go and speak with your consultant. Jess.xxx


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Hi Kerry

I had something called the SOMIC procedure, which is only done at North Staffs hospital and is a variation on a craniotomy. I've had two ops, one for the SAH in 2006 and then a subsequent clipping of second aneurysm late 2007. Basically it's keyhole surgery, modelled, I would say, on Westminster Abbey's keyhole as the scars are about an inch and a half long(!), and skull is removed just like in a craniotomy. I still have lumps and bumps on both sides which seem to get worse after flying, when tired and also when there's an amount of pressure be it air or stress! I've got used to it now and, whilst it doesn't particularly hurt, it does feel strange. I still also get 'bruised' feelings on both scars. However, as I said, I've got used to these feelings now, they're just a part of what happened and serve to remind me how lucky I've been.

On another note, welcome to the site - it's full of fantastic people and we can all relate to each other to keep spirits up.

Sarah x :wink:

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Hi Kerry

Welcome to the family and the site. I can't help unfortunately as I was coiled.

This is a great site and you'll find a lot of great people with brilliant advice. Most importantly at the moment - is listen to your body and rest when you need to.

Speak soon - take care


Sami xxx

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