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how did/do you feel x

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I am 28 and had a SAH in April this year...

I am looking to find out what feelings people had/have to try and make it easier to get through this bad time..

I am very anxious and find myself crying/shaking when i get the slightest feeling...

I have had comfort reading what everyone has been through showing i'm not on my own....

To start i feel dizzy all the time light headed, eyes hurt, hot when i wake up which makes me have a panic attack, scarred to be alone and ears fuzzy.

Sleeping scares me even thugh i dont have trouble sleeping its how i feel when i wake up x

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Hi Donna I think I know what your saying does it feel like your brain is swelling and pushing on your skull I used to get that all the time the more anxious I got the worse it become like my ns said forget about it and it will go away do you know he was right at the time I thought you prat how insensitive is that, but looking back now I can see exactly what he meant worrying was making the dizzyness, headaches pressure everything worse because I was constantly thinking about it. Hope it gets better soon. Jess.xxx

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yes jess i think thats it...

you get loads of funny feelings in your head dont you.... its a testing time....

sometimes i get through and other times i think it is coming back.... and remember the time i was screaming for my husband

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There we go Donna its took me nearly 6yrs to describe that feeling but I am still here to tell the tale. LOL. I don't really worry about it to much anymore if it was anything serious I guess something would of happened by now. Anything else you need to know Donna just ask. Jess.xxx

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Hi Donna

I had my SAH in March this year, i too felt very anxious, especially going to sleep and i was often afraid being on my own. I still get dizzy spells and light headed at times. It does take time and i am taking each day as it comes. You will have good days and bad, but really no one really understands like we do on this site, we all have experiences in all different ways. Take your time and be kind to yourself. I get so tired and when that happens i start getting headaches so i normally rest.

Love Myra

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Hi Donna

I had my SAH Nov 07 and I do often have a funny feeling in my head. I wouldn't call it a headache, more like pressure and feeling like my head is going to explode. It definitely gets worse when I am in a busy environment and stressed. I've never had anything like it before my SAH, it's like tension in my head. My GP started me on betablockers tablets last week and they seem to be helping to decrease this feeling in my head.

I think it's because the brain is healing and has to work hard to deal with everyday things we used to take for granted like listening and chatting and I think it will get better in time. My GP also said that when I get stressed, my heart races and blood pressure goes up and so that increases this "swelling" feeling in my head.

You're very very early days post-SAH so don't expect too much of yourself just now.


Anne x

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I was just going to say that Anne, the brain healing itself, if you've got a cut when it heals it tightens its kinda samething but a lot different.

Mines used to feel like a rubber band being tightened around my head - from the inside, weird....


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Hi Donna-it is still very early days for you-I remember feeling panicky not wanting to be left alone..suddenly bursting into tears at times-even many months later!

It is a traumatic experience..but one you have survived!

I would never pretend it was easy and you will experience a huge emotional range-but you will get better and more able to cope.

Many SAH'ers will have had anti-depressants-that is quite "normal"..the best thing is to get into a local support group if there is one -as you will relate to these people (as we do on this wonderful site!)

Take each day as it comes-listen to your body-talk with others who share your experience.

It is also a very difficult time for spouses and family-they can't quite appreciate what you have gone through-but they are valuable in suporting you through it.Take care

Best wishes

Andy P

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thankyou all......x

i am just not used to not being in control of my body...

i find i feel worse when i am i bed but wheather that is because you are lying there and thinking about things x x

i have come to terms with it is going to be about 6 months before i am back to work and if i feel up to going back before then bonus x

I also think i thought i would be up and about in 2 months x

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