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Postpartum Angiopathy/RCVS

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Hello, my name is Lori. I am 29 years old. I had my SAH two days after my first son was born. I walked in the door with my husband and brand new son, started making something to eat, and I got the thunderclap headache and began to vomit.


We went back to the hospital, and a CT scan showed a large amount of blood on my brain. The next morning they put in an EVD. 10 days later I had an ischemic stroke.


I spent a total of 30 days in ICU, and 5 days in a rehab hospital. I'm doing very well now, aside from fatigue and slight headaches accompanied with nausea. I have had 4 angiograms, and they have not been able to find the source of the bleed.


My neurologist believes that the cause of the bleed was postpartum angiopathy, since I had just had my son, and my vasospasms continued for so long (hence the 30 days in ICU).  I was wondering if anyone here had this be the cause of their SAH? 


Also, my biggest concern is returning to work in the Fall, as I teach 6th, 7th, and 8th grade art. Overstimulation definitely sets off my headaches... and if anyone out there is a teacher, you know that over stimulation is an everyday occurrence. I'm curious if there any teachers out there who returned to work after their SAH? 




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Hello Lori


A warm welcome to BTG.  You will receive valuable support from the members who share their experiences in the different Forums, and comment on how they have faced recovery following their SAH. or NASAH.


We do not give medical advice.


First of all you and your family have faced an incredible challenge given that no sooner had you returned home with your newborn, when you experienced your bleed.

As a carer since my wife`s SAH 6 years ago I can understand how your husband felt in these early days. Although with the added responsibility of a newly born son, and his employment to think about, he must have had so much pressure to deal with. Hopefully there was family around to ease the burden. 

Understanding the challenges of recovering post SAH is a new world for most.


You have not mentioned when your bleed occurred, but you have dealt with your recovery well.


You will find much on this site relating to returning to work. A teacher`s job as you say, is full of pressures everyday. Most jobs these days are pressurised. It is wise when thinking about returning to work, to ask your employers for a phased re-introduction to the classroom environment. Puting your body and indeed your brain under too much stress is likely to be detrimental to your recovery. Patience and listening to your body and brain is so important. Fatigue is also an issue that has to be faced realistically.


Of course you have your family responsibilities to deal with too.


The cause of an SAH is very difficult to establish. This also is covered within the Forums. There are members who have extended their families post SAH with no complications.


I wish you and your family well as you face the challenges of recovery.


Please keep in touch and I am sure other members will offer their support in the days ahead.










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Thank you so much for your supportive message.


I didn't realize that I didn't put the date. My SAH was March 13 of this year. In April I went to a rehab hospital, and after received home therapy- speech, OT, and PT. Now I'm in outpatient therapy. This has definitely helped me a lot. Being on bed rest for 5 weeks makes you extremely weak!


 We did have a lot of family/friend support.  My mother in law basically took care of my son for the first six weeks, as my husband barely left the hospital.  His work was amazing and let him use all of his PTO and then some. 


I'm interested to hear about people who have extended their families, as my neurologist advised me to "proceed with great caution" with having more children. My husband and I both agree that getting pregnant again would definitely cause some extreme anxiety, but we are in no hurry to worry about that yet. 

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Hi there


warm welcome to the site, glad you found us.


congrats on the birth of your son but sorry to learn what followed, I have heard of that happening before infact a girl that was in rehab with me lets just say your very lucky....


enjoy life.


take care

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Hi.... I am 2 months out from my SAH.  I had it happen randomly while running for no rhyme or reason and after 2 angiograms and a 3rd coming up on Tuesday they say it was a vein that popped and bled.  I am a full time real estate agent, a substitute teacher and I teach and after school program 1 day a week in my normal life.  Plus I am a single mom with 2 teenage boys.


 I wanted to tell you that I can totally relate to the overstimulation part!  If I go into a store, and I've only been to 3 so far, I get terrible dizziness followed by headaches after.  Anything that is over stimulating right now for me I stay away from.  I am going to see how I feel when school starts for us in September and take it day by day.  As of right now I have retired myself for the summer.


 Anxiety can cause a lot of symptoms as well so if you're anxious at all about what happened definitely talk to your doctor.  I went on meds to handle mine and it helps a lot.  Good luck to you!!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Lori,

My name is Beth, and your story sounds so very similar to mine.  I was 39 last July when I had an SAH/postpartum RCVS with vasospasm followed by an ischemic stroke.  


The hemorrhage occurred nine days after the birth of my second child.  I also spent several weeks in the ICU and have been in various therapies for months to recover from the stroke effects and the muscular atrophy caused by bed rest.  


With a newborn and a 2 1/2 year-old, it's been an immensely challenging year.  I am also a teacher, though I've been at home with my children since this all happened.

It is very encouraging to know there is one other person out there.  


My neuro team said this condition is extremely rare, affecting approximately 1 in 20,000 women. 

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Thank you so much for responding. It is encouraging to know there is another person out there. It's crazy how similar our stories are. 


I am am going to attempt to go back to work this school year, but I'm honestly not sure how it's going to go. Most days I'm fine- but others I experience headaches and nausea.  


I am honestly just curious as to what your  neuro team shared with you (if you don't mind me asking)- Since our cases are so similar and there seems to be so little research. My neurologist suggested that I should not have more children - that it could make this recur, as well as certain medications. I'm just wondering if they suggested the same. I hope this doesn't come across that I'm looking for medical advice- I am genuinely just curious. 


How are you feeling now? I'm sorry you had to experience this with two children at home. 



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Lori,  

Thank you for your reply, and I apologize for my super delayed response.

How is the school year going for you?  Have the headaches subsided?  Are you feeling a bit more like yourself?  How is your baby doing?

I'm happy to share my nearo team's advice, which was underscored by my Ob/Gyn and rheumatologist.  I was also advised not to have more children unless via surrogate, but that's not an option for us, so we are now done.  I also must avoid many medications such as cold medicines, SSRIs, and anything that is a vasoconstrictor.  (I was shocked that the peppermint essential oil I used to use as a natural headache remedy is a very potent vasoconstrictor.)  I also was advised against all chiropractic work and any deep massage involving the neck and spine.    


Overall, I'm feeling better, thank you, despite some lingering issues with muscle tone, extreme weight loss, and digestion.  I'm also adjusting to my "new" brain due to the pinprick strokes, and to minor paralysis on my right side that has affected coordination, my handwriting, speech, and appearance.  I just have to keep telling myself that I am thankful to still be alive, and that I'm here with my family.  

I'm based in NYC.  If you are near or near-ish to the city, I would love to connect in person sometime.  This is such a rare condition, and you're the only other new mom I've met who had the same diagnosis.  

Wishing you well, and thinking of you and your family!

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The school year has been going better than I anticipated. I expected to not be able to continue working, and I have been doing pretty good. Today was an off day, but I have been having more good days than bad.


My neuro team said mostly the same thing- but they didn't say anything about peppermint oil- that's interesting. They also didn't mention anything about the deep massage. 


I'm really glad that you're feeling better- I know it's hard to focus on the good at times. I've been having a really hard time accepting the "no more children" aspect of this. I always pictured myself with a big family, and this was my first child. But like you said, we must count our blessings. 


I have not heard of anyone else with this condition either. I am based in west Michigan if you ever find yourself in the midwest! 



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Hi Lori,


No rush, get yourself better as it is a long haul, so better to be safe xx  


My Neuro Surgeon told me no stress so I sing when stressed, and life is full of stress !! and my dulcet tones ha xx


You will make it, we all get Downer Days and then happier Days,  Part and Parcel of a bleed xx 


Enjoy your baby and get well.


Be Happy it really helps xxxxxx  




Win xxxx 


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