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New here :) Amanda


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Hello everyone.I am new here. I am 36 years old .I am a mother of 4 and I am a SAH survivor which happen on July 7,2017. They told my mom I would be in hospital for 6 month, not be able talk or walk or remember anyone. I died over 5 times, had severe seizures , a stroke and brain surgery( coiling) I was scared at first when I got out of NIcu but I see there are others like me.


The happy part about this story is I'm a miracle to be here and I am able to do all the things the doctors said I wasn't going to be able to do because of what I went through. The sad part is that my doctor failed to tell me about my Anureym 2 years ago that showed perfectly on my MRI on 7-10-15 because I woke up 7-7-15 and lost my hearing all of a sudden in my left ear and they thought it was a brain tumour.  I got it back 4 days later with prednisone but They told me there was nothing on the MRI but the brain surgeon said he saw it clear as day and all of this could had been prevented.


I now have PTSD and severe anxiety ....and the part my SAH happens two years to the day of when I lost my hearing so hearing 7-7-15 SAH 7-7-17 and my oldest son birthday is 7-3-97 and he was born at 24 weeks and weighed only 1 pound 12 oz. 13 in long. He had just turned 20 years old before this happened and they said he wouldn't make it either but we are both survivors.

Thank you everyone for listening. 

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Welcome.  I wish you the best as you continue to recover.  It sounds like you really are a true survivor!  I got by much much easier than you, so I can't give you much advice other than to stay positive and continue to read the BTG.  There are so very many wonderful survivors and carers on here who can give you much advice.  Also, there is a lot of great advice already on here if you search around.


I send prayers for you and your family.  I am so sad that they missed it on the MRI in 15.  But wow, have you ever shown them with where you are versus what they predicted.  Please continue to beat the odds and heal nicely.



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Hi Amanda,


Welcome to BTG!  The 'glad' part is you're still here, still smiling, still battling.  Well done!


Surviving a SAH is traumatic and can trigger very strong emotions in the early days afterwards, so don't beat yourself up about that.


Instead, congratulate yourself on surviving and look onwards and upwards.  After all, what else can life throw at you?  Don't look back and be anxious about what has happened.  Look to the future as a bagful of new opportunities, be thankful you came out of a bad time and be excited for the new future you have in front of you.


Its like you've had your very own 'Dunkirk.'  You weren't quite defeated and you've lived to fight another day, just like the British army, all those years ago! 


Doctors are humans and they can make mistakes, just like anyone else - but you survived it - and that has to be a positive omen for you, doesn't it?


Do as Chris says, have a look round the site, click on the topic headings (Ie 'Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Discussion') and loads of subjects will come up.  You can do that for each of the main headings and all the subjects you can think of have probably been discussed before to one degree or another.  If it's all too much for you, just ask the question and someone will answer.


Nice to have you aboard.


Have you considered buying a lottery ticket?  With your luck, the jackpot can't be too far away, surely?


Best wishes,



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Hello Amanda


Also a warm welcome to BTG.  It`s good to know that you are not alone in your recovery journey.  As Macca says, here there is a wealth of information from real life journeys all with their own high and lows, twists and turns and yes.. medical `issues`  too. 


Concentrate your energies on adjusting to life after SAH.  You will find from reading the content of these forums that one of the greatest hindrances to recovery is pushing your body and brain too hard. I am sure you have come up against this many times.


However, your positive attitude to your SAH has seen you exceed the medics` expectations.  Well done and I wish you well as you cope with the difficulties posed by PTSD and severe anxiety. 


You will find much support within BTG both in the Forum content and the knowledge that you can share some of your anxieties with members who understand.


Wishing you and your family good strength as you face these challenges together.






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Hi Amanda

Warm welcome to the site, glad you found us.


Aren't dates funny mines happened 3months to the day after my 40th birthday, and on the same day 40 years before I was christened... there are down bits to dates too but not posting that...


Take care look forward to hearing more form you.



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Welcome to BTG Amanda,


Early days for you yet and you are already proving them wrong so keep it up xx


I also was told I wouldn't walk but on good days 200 to 220 yards and on a sad day arghhh!! 


So I keep happy most days and even if it is a trip around garden .


Welcome and hope you go from strength to strength 


Good luck 

Win xx

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Welcome aboard Amanda,


Sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience, little wonder you have severe anxiety and ptsd. Having said that, with the right support and time hopefully things will improve for you.   


It sounds like you have done remarkably well in the short time since the event and I hope progress continues for you.  Being a mother of four will be hard work, especially whilst recovering from a sah - I found it all exhausting during recovery and I only had 3!!


Hopefully you'll find lots of advice and tips on this site which will help you feel more reassured with feelings, etc that you encounter along the recovery path.


Wishing you the very best,




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Any worries Amanda come on here,  this site helped my Daughter when I was out of it and has bought laughter to my face once again.


Plus if you get sad you'll have to contend with all my Dads songs he taught me many moons ago.


Remember we are survivors  xxxx 


Good luck 

Win xxxx

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