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Hi I'm Taka - new member


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Hello all! 


Not sure I'm even posting this correctly, so please bear with me.


My name is Taka and I'm 31 years old. I was discharged from the hospital this morning after 3 nights and 4 days. 2 of which were in the ICU. I had a severe headache hit me on Sunday morning around 05:30am after breastfeeding my daughter who is now 11 days old.  I managed to fall back asleep and even ran some errands later that day. However, it seemed the headache intensified every time I breastfed.


After dealing with it for another day and half, my mother called my OBGYN whom immediately had me go to the ER. After 2 CT's, an ambulance ride to a level 1 Neuro hospital, an MRI and an MRV then finally an angiogram, all this after battling a BP of 199/117.It was determined that although I had a small brain bleed, (subarachnoid hemmarroge)it had stopped on its own. My blood vessels, arteries etc looked perfect and I tested negative for an aneurysm or anything life threatening. Now this may sound great to some, but I'm conflicted as I feel left without adequate answers. I have never been so frightened in my life as in addition to my newborn I also have a thirteen month old son. 


The doctors are very happy with the outcome but no one can really tell me what happened. All I keep getting is it may or may not happen again, here are some BP meds and see you at follow up.  The one thing they all seem in agreement on, is that it's all somehow related to my having a baby. But no one is certain. And don't get me wrong, I really like my team of doctors and I was advised to try breastfeeding again when I get home, but stop should I develop a headache. I'm trying not to check my BP every 2.5 seconds and I'm also experiencing little twinges in my head every now and then. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I'm fighting my anxiety and afraid to so much as sneeze in case I have a bleed again. I have another CT scheduled for 4 weeks and I'm seeing my new PCP  (Who took care of me at the hospital) on Wednesday. 


Am I wrong to be concerned? And is there anyone else facing something similar? P.S. please forgive any typos. I have one child on the breast and another trying to pinch my cheeks! 

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Hi Taka


You've typed amazing well considering the distraction of two children :D


Its sounds like you've been through the mill somewhat.  There is a forum on here for NASAH (brain hems without aneurysms) - might be worth you taking a look on there to see if you identify with anyone's story.


I can imagine that you are very scared and anxious at the moment, and as hard as it is, please try to relax a little bit and enjoy your children.  


You say you have a scan again in 4 weeks, let's wait to see what this shows.  In the meantime, try to rest as much as the cheek pinching one and baby will allow and make sure you are drinking plenty of water to help with any headaches you may suffer.


Have a good look around the site and you'll find a lot of information on all areas of SAH and NASAH from people who have experienced them.

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Hi Taka,

I was scared when I awoke and found out what happened to me, my Daughter found this site, while I was in hospital.


I must admit I was so glad to be alive but it does knock you back a bit.  Before on this site I doubted if I would live long,  but then I spoke to people who had SAH and they could smile and laugh.


In turn I started to say to myself "There is a life after SAH Win"  and the best thing I have done is come on here.  (I talk to myself ha )

BTG people know why I have the hump one day and need a rant as they have been there.  


If ever your worried come on here as a trouble shared is a trouble halved xx


Baby time for you, Let you get back to them xxx


Be well xxx Oh and as my surgeon said No Stress xx



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Hello Taka... also a warm welcome to BTG.


Glad you found the site... you will find much support as you read the accounts of others who have shared their experiences and challenges with recovery.


As Winnie says... try and keep stress low in these very early months not easy with such a young family)  and keep well hydrated.


You have every reason to be concerned and anxious...... scared about another bleed is a concern that many have felt in the early recovery days.  I can assure you that partners, husbands and other members of your family are equally going through these same fears. Take time and patience to allow your body and brain to adjust and heal. This site will a be a great support to them too.


Any doubts and don`t hesitate to contact your consultant. Your scheduled scan will hopefully serve to reassure you.


Take care and I wish you well as you get through thee early months. Please don`t hesitate to post with any concerns or questions.






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Hi Taka, my girls are older now but I still recall the beauty and joy of those late night feeds and I am sorry that your bleed has disrupted that special time for you. 


If you are worried when you are feeding her maybe play some music which allows your mind to wonder with the music or ask someone to sit with you if that is possible.


main thing is to try to relax into the moment of what you are doing and try to recycle those worries, send them off up to the clouds and just notice what's in front of you, the sounds and sights. 


The docs have checked you out, you will be dealing with the effects of blood being somewhere it ought not to be be so plenty of water and as much rest as your two lovely dots will allow you. Don't overcheck your BP! Maybe do it twice a day at regular times and then leave it out of sight.


i wish you all the best.

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Welcome Taka, hope you are feeling a bit better today and you are managing with the breast feeding with out anymore headaches. Must be such hard work with 2 very young children, you need to make sure you get to rest yourself as you will need it.


I think we all worry that we will have another bleed but have to believe the advice of the doctors that it is highly unlikely. Mine was a NASAH too and I will never know what caused it something you learn to live with eventually.


Make sure you drink plenty, rest, rest, rest and do try and avoid overchecking your blood pressure, it will only cause you more stress!


Take care and let us know how you get on.


Clare xx

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 Daffodil!! Thank you so much. I will definitely try the music. I noticed if I focus on something else, I feel so much better and I'm not panicking! I saw my doctor yesterday and my OBGYN today ( she wanted to check in after speaking to my neurologist). They also suggest laying off checking the BP so much.


Clare, the babies are great and breastfeeding is going very well. How long ago was your NASAH if I may ask? Did you have little mini "headaches" that went away after a few minutes? I'm writing it that way because I'm not sure it's not my anxiety kicking in and I'm just having phantom pains. I feel like a completely changed person. Also I'm sure this can't be good for my anxiety but is anyone else reading research and medical journals on this topic like crazy??? Thanks! Best regards xxx

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Hi Taka


my NASAH was over 2.5 years ago. I feel I have recovered well and am about 90% back to what I was. I am a changed person with different views and feelings. 


Along the way I have lost friends but made new ones. I have changed jobs and now even my career due to stress. I know now that I need to  make myself  number one because nobody else will. 


I still get get odd pains in my head but don't worry unduly. Yes I read lots of journals and articles on SAH in the early days and some were helpful. However the most helpful things have been BTG and my neuro psychologist. 


Keep resting and and drinking water. Hope you are coping with your young family. 


Clare xx

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Hi Taka,


I think the most disturbing thing about the NASAH is the whole not knowing what caused it.  I was skeptical of doctors telling me it most likely would not happen again, when they could not tell me why it happened the first time.  But I learned that they base it on statistics from thousands of patients who have suffered NASAHs in the past.  So I learned to believe.


Please read through the NASAH section.  I believe you will find a lot of valuable information there.  Welcome.



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Thank you Clare. 


Just taking things one day at a time. Some days are better than others. Your response is greatly appreciated!


Chris, thank you. I will definitely be looking at the NASAH section. And I completely agree, the not knowing is what's bothering me the most. I'm going to give it my best in having some faith in the experts. Thank you for writing to me! 


Best Regards, T

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One way to look at it that helps me is like this.  You had a weakness that you did not even know about.  It tried to take you down, but you survived.  Now that weakness (no matter what caused it) is gone.  Vanquished.  You are now stronger than you were before it happened.  

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