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Joan saffy

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone...my latest news , got my blood sugars down and had my second pre/op and all good so my coiling date 15th October a week on Monday, so as long as no emergency’s  should be done . Fingers crossed . Hope you all ok.xx

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  • 7 months later...

Hi everyone ...sorry not been on but I lost my password again but hope this time it’s worked.  I had my op on 15th October....I had a “web device” put in and was only in 3 days and have done brill ...just the tiredness but am fine now. Just waiting for my scan results which I had last month. Hope you are all ok xxx

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Hi, and thanks for your up-date.  So glad you managed to get your BTG access again


Please let us know how your scan results go … 


Keep listening to your body and do take time to rest and recharge




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Hi Joan :)


Glad you managed to get back onto BTG and so pleased that all went well for you xx

Fingers crossed all is good with your scan results too.


Take care and go steady.

Love Tina xx 



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