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Set Back - new member - Nikki


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Hi, I’m new to this forum and not sure if I’m using it correctly?


I just wondered if anyone has experienced what I have? 13 months ago I spent 10 days in hospital with a subarachnoid haemorrhage (non surgical). I was given a transfusion of potassium as my levels were dangerously low. I thought I was making good progress and my energy levels over the past two months were good along with stamina.


I really did push myself over the past two weeks as we had friends over for the weekend. On the Monday morning I dropped my daughter at school and experienced overwhelming sickness and dizziness so I pulled over - I was found at the side of the road - ambulance took me to hospital. My symptoms were sickness, dizziness, very high blood pressure. I was given intravenously phosphate over a six hour period.


My glucose levels were 6.9! I was discharged three days later after a LP was clear and CT scan showed no change to original mass where I had my bleed. I’m about to have my bloods done again and they have requested diabetes check too. My question is - can potassium and phosphate be connected to brain bleed or contribute to brain bleed?


Or can diabetes be related to brain bleed and low potassium and phosphate? Or do you think I’ve just over done it and I’m exhausted - I feel like I’ve taken a massive step backwards. Any ideas or support would be helpful. I am waiting to see the neurologist and also on bloods. Thank you,



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Hi Nikki a very warm welcome to BTG :)


So sorry to hear that you have had a set back and ended up back in hospital after doing so well.

Sounds like you are in good hands though and hope you get some answers soon.

We cant give you any medical advice but can share our experiences and you will find lots of friendly helpful support and information here.


Over doing things can certainly make you feel sick and dizzy and your body will certainly let you know if you have been over doing it. You say you feel exhausted, listen to your body and really take things easy. All the symptoms you are mentioning can also cause you to feel sick and dizzy so its a good thing they are checking you out and it will give you peace of mind.


Hope you get to see the Neurologist and you get your blood results back soon.

Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.


Take care

Tina xx




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Hi Nikki,

Welcome to BTG, sorry you have had a setback, as Tina said it could be your body's way of letting you know that you have over done things.


I hope you get all the answers to all of your questions when you see your Neurologist, in the meantime the advice I would give you is to take things easy, make sure you are drinking plenty of water, most of all try to listen to your body, if you are tired make sure you rest, your brain and your body have suffered Trauma and they need lots of time to recover, don't try to push yourself to recover to quickly, have a look at the thread on here titled " A Letter from my brain " it really does make sense when you read it,


The recovery road can be a little bumpy at times, up days and down days are pretty normal, just try to take things slowly.


I wish you well with your recovery.


Michelle xx 

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22 hours ago, Chelle C said:

Hi Nikki,

Welcome to BTG, sorry you have had a setback, as Tina said it could be your body's way of letting you know that you have over done things.


I hope you get all the answers to all of your questions when you see your Neurologist, in the meantime the advice I would give you is to take things easy, make sure you are drinking plenty of water, most of all try to listen to your body, if you are tired make sure you rest, your brain and your body have suffered Trauma and they need lots of time to recover, don't try to push yourself to recover to quickly, have a look at the thread on here titled " A Letter from my brain " it really does make sense when you read it,


The recovery road can be a little bumpy at times, up days and down days are pretty normal, just try to take things slowly.


I wish you well with your recovery.


Michelle xx 


Oh my goodness Michelle, I have just read that amazing , A letter from your brain...  Thank you Tina for sharing !! I’m completely overwhelmed by it. It is inspiring and just beautiful. Thank you also for your support. I think more and more over the past couple of days that I have just taken for granted that I was 100% better! It has and is a shock to be where I am. 

You have given me a degree of clarity and I’m so grateful. 


Thank you Michelle and Tina so much for your response and support and kindness. I hope I can do the same in the future to whomever needs it. 


Nikki xx

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Hi Nikki


all the mineral levels get completely whacked out after a brain bleed , it’s one of the reasons they are constantly taking bloods if you have a lengthy stay in hospital.


I think it takes a lot of time before the blood ,that is in a place it is not supposed to be , gets fully absorbed and tidied away. And that can hurt and it has caused havoc and injury everywhere it spilled. 


Sometimes we then get ‘blips’ in our recovery as I like to call them , and everything goes a bit haywire,  but one member on here, Kris,  used to speculate that often these were then followed by a boost or big change in recovery terms and I have to say looking back down on the road (which for me is 7years long tomorrow ) I tend to now agree with her. 


My biggest blips are often followed by a period where I realise I can do a little more, or have regained something I hadn’t been able to manage, or just feel a bit more me. 


If i run things together, try to multi task, try to push through the brain fog then I know that my brain will firmly let me know that that’s not going to happen And I will get all the symptoms you mention and more. Have I ended back in hospital? , yes early days I did and each time was told you’re asking too much, too soon, too fast....my consultant told me he knew I’d have no patience and that was a conversation after he put in my Shunt!!  


Its great you had had a good recovery and as a non surgical case stats show you have a better prognosis for continued recovery and I’m definately not saying stop pushing, I push daily, but equally be kind to yourself and find a new pace and know when to stop, to rest, to pause. It’s good you got checked out and then maybe look at what you are doing and maybe take the foot off the pedal a bit. 


Wish you  all the best 


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Hi Daffodil,


Thank you so much for taking the time to respond, like Michelle and Tina, you are so very kind. Your information and experience is invaluable to me, I appreciate it and it helps to make me see things more clearly and in perspective. You are 7 years post bleed and surgery ❤️ You sound like me in terms of patience... I will not be beaten by this,  but clearly I have very little control if I over push myself. The letter from my brain really impacted on me and finally now I get it!! I wish I’d found this forum many months ago. 

Thank you! 


Nikki xx

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Hi Nikki,


Now always listen to your brain xx and body also if tired rest up.


Good luck for the future and keep a smile at hand for those down Days.


This site has helped no end.  Hope to hear from you in Forums /Green room one day.


Keep bright and cheery  it helped me  xxxxx Of course all what the others have already put xxxx

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Hi Nikki,


So happy you found this site.  I have been following the conversation.  I am sorry to hear you are feeling a set back.  Our brains, I think, heal differently from anything most of us have experienced.  I like to think of my brain as the air controller tower at the airport..(crazy right) but it has all these different things to watch and hear and smell and on and on... so when injured it is functioning like a couple of people called out sick...makes it hard and then there we are expecting 100%....


Time has been a miracle for me, and I was very impatient.  I will be 2 years out in a few months...I feel I can still improve..I like you did not have surgery, I had a small SAH but then a few days later had a severe vasospasm, this knocked me into ICU and rehab...


I hear determination in your entries Nikki.  I wish you well.  Jean xxx

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Thank you so much for your positive response Win, actually did make me smile 😊 



Thank you Jean, 

Just when you think you are 100% there a ‘blip’ as Daffodil puts it happens. I can’t tell you how differently I view my blip now having had the support I’ve had in just a few days from this site. I feel very blessed. 

I wish you well too Jean. Thanks again. Xx

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