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less energy now

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Hi Caroline,

I'm just over two years now and my energy levels dip and then peak again but never to the level that I was at before SAH. I think it depends on stress at work, tiredness and generally how i feel to how my energy fluctuates.

I've tried energy drinks etc but they don't seem to make any difference and now i'm on decaff coffee, i've got no chance :lol:

It does get easier though

Love and hugs


P.S. We need to sort out a time to meet too. Have you stopped work already?

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I am really tired lately to the point were I cant keep my eyes open x

It is really annoying but like Laure its not all the time just feels like it is when I feel tired....

I feel worse when I am not doing anything also...... So even when resting it does not help me :(

Oh we also need to arrange when we are going to meet x are you going to support group at QMC there information on the site about it I will be there x x x

so you will know me and you meet others face to face also x x pm me and let me know x x :D:D




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Hi Caroline,

Go back to your GP and ask him to check it out ..... I was found to be anaemic or folate deficient many, many months after the SAH (think that it was after a year) ..... but he was able to check me out with routine blood tests ..... the thyroid can also be affected, as can quite a few other things .... just don't presume that the fatigue is what you should expect after the brain haem, as there could be something else that's causing it ....

Since I've been put on the folate supplements (they're actually called pregaday and used on the whole for pregnant ladies!) I have a lot more energy ....

Ask your Doc and tell him that your energy levels are worse ...... it might be something else that is causing you to feel lethargic and something that can easily be fixed....

Love K xx

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This time of year definetly doesn't do much to boost the energy levels, Louise ..... even the dog walking, I'm finding hard, as it's either chucking it down with rain or freezing cold.... it tends to take me a good hour to (defrost) or get back into things after a walk!

Caroline, it's taken me over three years, to get decent energy levels back and it's not to the same extent as I was before the SAH ..... and perhaps, with the stress of you going back to work and the fall out with the decision making, has taken its toll on you ..... it does get better .....but, I can only speak for myself....xx

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Hey there

At seven months I had no energy at all - I still slept for three hours in the afternoon as well as going to bed early and sleeping all night. It's taken me over two years to get anywhere near the energy I used to have and there are still days when I struggle.

Take care

Love Sami xxx

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Hello friends,

I'm one of the original members of this discussion board, from waaay back. :) I check in from time to time to hear about all of you and offer a word now and then. Regarding the fatigue issue... my SAH was Oct of 05 , so a bit over 3 years now. I would say that the first year was certainly a struggle as far as fatigue and memory issues. I remember feeling at my one year anniversary that I was disappointed not to be good as new. The second year was still not normal but seemed a little better. Third year I was not having to nap every day. So here I am at 3 years and 3 months. I would say that the debilitating fatigue is not an issue any more, but once in a great while I'll still have a "crash" day where I feel I just need to slow down and go easy. That's not common though. What is common is that overall my energy levels are not what they used to be and my endurance certainly isn't. Short term memory issues did improve some over those first 2 years, but even that is not what I was pre SAH. So, for me anyway, I consider myself recovered but slightly changed. I am certainly more aware of my mortality! and my priorities have changed in very good ways. So there's a little silver lining. Mine was non-anni. Let me know if I can answer any other questions from out here at 3+ years. My best to all of you in your recoveries. Hang in there.... it gets better!!! Love,


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Hey Annie

No - not blonde anymore - I got bored :lol: have been red and purple since and before this pic was taken - had to tone it down to a dark plum colour now because of work :roll:

Hope you and your family are keeping well - the weather is awful here at the moment - 6 inches of snow and the country goes into turmoil :roll:

Take care

Love Sami xxx

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Hi Caroline,

Jim also has much less enery now. Before his SAH he was like the energizer bunny, you could not slow him down.

His doctor prescribed ritilan which does help. He takes one in the morning and it gets him through the 4 hours he works. His doctor suggested he also take one in the afternoon but then he does not get the rest he needs.

I am not sure if this masks the fatigue but it does help him.

I think it just takes time and depends on the person.

Take care,



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