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Gill C

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Everything posted by Gill C

  1. Sally its gone off iplayer & utube have withdrawn it so I couldn't find it either:-(
  2. Hi Shellie & no you're not a basket case. As a nurse you know that if you break a leg it takes 6 weeks for the bone to heal whilst resting the leg as much as possible. How much longer then does it take for the brain to heal as it is never resting even when you are asleep. You will find things settle but in your own time, everyone is so different. I am 2 years post op & didn't have a rupture but am struggling with fatigue although I do want to work again. My emotions have settled although it was my anger that was strongest, I still shout but it takes me a lot more to get to that stage. i don't have the energy for very extreme emotions. I do still tear up easily too but it does get better Never feel silly or alone with what you are feeling, chances are one or more of us feel or felt this way too xxx
  3. Yep heat affects me more than the cold. I try to stay out of direct sun, wear a hat & drink lots. I think I am a party pooper as I stay indoors when its really hot otherwise my head hurts. I managed 2 hours on the only hot day we had on holiday & when I take Nath to the park on a hot day I'm counting the minutes until we can go. I hate being hot & sweaty!!:oops:
  4. Bev I also have a small child, Nathan was 4 when I had my anni clipped. Looking after him is the biggest struggle of all so I do empathise with you totally. I began to figure that if I woke up every day ok for the first couple of months then what the surgeons were telling me was right. We may not be exactly the same we were before but in some ways we can be better as we know what is important in life now.
  5. Jus hello & welcome to BTG. The others have given great advice. I would imagine that you will be checked over regularly to see how the coils are faring & if you have any concerns do speak to your neuro or the neuro nurse if you have one. I know I used to pray every night to wake up the next morning for the first few months at home, that fear does lessen honestly!! Bev I can understand your feelings too, although my anni didn't rupture it took 6 weeks & several visits to my own gp & the hospital before it was found. I found that once I'd had my op I learnt to trust the surgeons as they had saved my life, everything they told me was true but you have to ask the right questions to get the answers you need. There are quite a few NASAH people on here & I don't think I know of anyone who has it had happen to them again. Sometimes you really have to take a leap of faith with what they tell you. Lots of rest, water & take it slowly are the recipe for recovery honestly Take care both of you xxx
  6. Great thread David, I do find my days are fairly flat, as in not much difference between them generally but then I don't work so haven't pushed myself on a daily basis like you have. I do struggle with planning stuff & not knowing if I will be able to make what I have planned. Even with fairly flat days I get the odd bad one during which I want to crawl under the duvet & sleep. Over the weekend I did some housework & felt ok but the next day I felt achy & sore like I'd run a marathon It certainly is a roller coaster ride & I think we all do it in the dark too so that the drops & twists take our breath away & we can't see them coming!!
  7. I sent the DVLA my licence in June after my clipping, I then waited for them to tell me when I could drive based on the info I had given them on the form (can't remember which one it was) so I didn't reapply as such. It took them until the Oct to finally give me the all clear but as my anni hadn't ruptured they did say i could still drive until they decided otherwise. Because of the insurance issue I didn't until the all clear was given. I would give them a call & explain the situation & see what they say, not sure anyone on here has had exactly the same problem but no doubt someone will be able to help more than I can xxx
  8. There are 2 ladies on here that have become pregnant or had kids since their SAH. Jess has had 3 & Lynne (lin lin) is due any day now. None of us here are medically qualified to say if you are safe so best speak to your Cons & get an expert point of view. I would guess unless their is an underlying cause such as high BP or being on blood thinners you should be ok. I was 39 when I got pregnant so it is still possible, I also got pregnant at 42 the year before my SAH but miscarried. I think once you hit 40 the general risks go up anyway but if you think you might have problems getting pregnant you need to see your GP as soon as possible & explore any options that might be open to you. Definitely speak to your neuro before making any plans though xxx
  9. Hi Patsy & welcome to BTG I have the same problem with my right eye, mine will stay patched as it's too far out from normal to correct (up & down don't work only side to side does). They talked about surgery so that my left eye would move the same as the right but in the end it could have caused more harm than good. really good that your surgical correction has worked, I still walk round with my right eye closed when I get up to go to the bathroom as the double vision is like sea sickness I hope to chat more with you later xxx
  10. Hi Heather & welcome to BTG. Your partner has made an amazing recovery if he is working at a month post SAH. I would sound a note ot caution though cos that is very early days & perhaps he is struggling more than he lets on. The brain really does need to heal & he is running a marathon with it before its really up to it (just my opinion).Maybe if he took things a little slower with work some other things such as memory would gradually fall into place. You haven't said how he was treated but I guess from the quick recovery it was probably coiling? I would advise you read a letter from your brain under the inspiration link on the home page & that might give you some understanding. Mostly he just needs time to heal & sleep lots (if he is tired) & the rest will follow in time Good lcuk to both of you xxx
  11. I rarely shop & then only in the small local stores. I live in a place where virtually no one knows us so not many know what happened to me although some of the school mums do. The village we used to live in up north was pretty small & we knew people who had lived there all their lives so news would have travelled fast there & everyone would have asked. In a way that would be nice cos you are part of the community & people care, here we are a suburb to a city & although we've lived here 10 years next year we don't know local people. My NCT friends are all scattered about & some from another forum are the same so although I know quite a few people not many of them are local. My first hairdesser appt I dreaded as I had cancelled one before my anni was found. They did ask & I told them what had happened & had to refuse a head massage (just in case) but mostly they just got on with it. I now go to a different salon as it was a ot cheaper & I liked the atmosphere there. As a result of that I very rarely get asked how I am, close friends consider me fixed & outwardly I seem ok. I do get confused with money even in the small shops but never enough to have to give a reason why, if people think I'm odd or slow then so be it. The stuttering or losing words when tired is a hard one so I try not to get to that stage. In the very early days I tried to go to the cinema & shop in a very busy place, I thought I could do it cos it never used to be a problem. It was busy & noisy & I felt nervous & scared with all the bustle & it tired me quicklly. I think most of us feel much like you do Vick, Internet shoppign has been my saviour & I think being blunt is a good way of getting people off your back if they are being too nosey!!
  12. This happens to me a lot & i do what sandi does & talk round the word, people often look at me strange. I was trying to tell someone I had bought Nath a Buzz Lightyear & ended up saying Toy Story but not Woody!! The latest one is thinking we are going to Felixstowe when in actual fact we are going to (ummm place name has escaped me again mmmmm) Folkestone!! Had to go on google earth to find it!!
  13. I don;t think I;ve lost any friends but people who I would have thought would be there for me always are not there. My brother has only been to see me once since my op & they never made it to hospital when I was in even though its only 70 miles at the most! My friend that am meeting up with on Fri was great when I first came out of hossie, I would walk Nathan to school & then get a taxi back as we live on a hill & I couldn't walk back up. She gave me lots of lifts home & we saw each other a lot but once I got my licence bac & I could drive myself things went quieter & then when she announced pregnancy No 4 a day after my 2nd baby's due date I was less then ecstatic for her. I was hurt cos I'd thought she was pregnant & asked her but she'd denied it until she was 14 weeks (even though she was there every step of the way for my miscarraige). since then we have rarely spoken but she has been coming over at school to chat & we're off out for a picnic with the kids on Friday. My thoughts now are if you lose people then they were never good friends to start with. At the beginning it did hurt but now I just let things go, if they were meant to be in my life then they would make an effort to do so, if they don't then its their loss! I have met so many fab people on here & laughed & cried & prayed with them more than some of my friends in the real world xxx
  14. I was clipped & do get headaches still but nowhere near as bad as the sah pain. I tend to get sinus headaches when I'm too hot in bed & I am sensitive to pressure too. Most of my headaches are tiredness ones & paracetamol helps, sometimes I take ibuprofen too & use a steam cup to unblock my sinuses. Once I woke up after the clipping the head pain had gone so that in itself was bliss!!
  15. I didn't get the light thing until my right pupil started to dilate, on the 10th May I ended up at the eye clinic with double vision & the shining of the lights in my eye were agony. By the time I had my MRI 17 days later the 3rd nerve palsy was complete & i couldn't open my eye at all. I feel for you, the pain of the anni pressing on the nerve was bad enought without the rupture It still amazes me that with such classic symptoms & a classic cause it took them 6 weeks to find my anni.
  16. Scoobs I was the on the loo variety although I wasn't forcing it & my anni didn't actually burst. The pain was the worst I have ever felt, I thought my eye was going to explode with the pressure & pain.
  17. I didn't nearly die as my anni didn't burst but was told afterwards if it had burst I would be an ex Bagpuss!! Thats kinda hard to come to terms with as for 6 weeks I walked round with a ticking time bomb in my head completely unaware how serious it was. Its only when I heard the stats about how few people actually walk into the hospital with an unruptured anni it hit home. I sure do have a guardian angel or possibly many more than just one that looked after me those 6 weeks! They sent me Mr Sparrow & I'm eternally grateful he looked after me so well
  18. Jean welcome to BTG & the family. You seem very coherent to me & make lots of sense to me. I to was in for 17 days & had vasospams or siezures during the op, after the op on 3 occasions & had that drooped face & slurred words, with lots of fluid & gelofusin etc most of those effects have gone although I still have a slight weakness on my left it doesn't impact too much on me. Most of us will identify with being 'fixed' but not being as we used to be. I am 2 years down the line & am trying now to get to do some voluntary work to see how it goes & what I can offer to a paid job. I have complete respect & awe for anyone who works post SAH to be honest. I think it was Lynne that said we learn to live life differntly, not worse just differently & in some ways better than we were before. Wise words indeed & worth keeping in mind. Its a major thing we have been through & it takes so much adjusting to our new normal, glad we have helped you on here & if you need to know anything just shout. Gill xxx
  19. I get this too, usually when I am tired my brain boosts up & won't stop going!! Its usually as I'm getting in to bed it starts & wont stop so I try to read a little before trying to go to sleep. I have been known to write stuff down to get it out of my head, I also plan card layouts at this time which is very very frustrating.
  20. I had a review at 3 months & then was discharged so not seen anyone since Aug 2010. I still have the neuro nurse I can ring or mail & I did speak to her yesterday about vasospasms when I was in Wessex but thats it.
  21. Like Teechur & GG I too had no idea how serious my condition was, after all the urgent MRI was 17 days away & if the NHS weren't worried neither was I. I was only told after my op that if my anni had burst I would have died!! I have never thought why me so I'm not angry as such that is happened to me (after all why not me?) but I am angry with how it has left me. I spent the first few months very angry at the NHS for not recognising the signs (I had a full 3rd nerve palsy by the time I had the MRI) & both my own GP & my friend who is a GP were saying it looked like a bleed. I was considering sueing the hospital for misdiagnsis but I realised it would cost me a lot in terms of energy & emotions & all the money in the world wouldn't bring my sight back to 20:20 I found myself most angry with Nathan as he doesn't understand why mummy is different & he doesn't make any allowances for how I am now, it has got a lot better since I started taking the anti d's
  22. Yep I agree with the visual on people & noise, I wasn't expecting to see them removing a bone flap to remove a brain tumour tho, the drills were a bit OTT in my view! I'd expected it to be a more personal review of her own recovery but was interested in the figures all the same (I have heard them all before anyway). As far as clipping goes I think I had it pretty easy, I had no swelling or bruising around the scar & only about an inch of hair shaved off. I was on the ward with a lady who was coiled & she was suffering dreadfully after her op with headaches & nausea & other problems, shes been unable to access the support group at Wessex because she it too ill .
  23. I watched it this morning & quite honestly was disappointed. there was too much on other brain injuries & nothing about the recovery from an SAH other than concentration & memory problems. I had expected her to mention how long recovery it & the other things such as fatigue etc. Not sure it will have helped anyone that needs to understand us after an SAH other than to say its an invisble problem!! I won't watch it again.
  24. Mine was right posterior communicating artery so about an inch or so behind my right eye & pressing on the nerves that control the muscles of the eye (hence the partial 3rd nerve palsy). I watched a Utube video of a clipping in that area the other day, not for the squeamish but it was interesting!
  25. I had mine in June 2010 (anni but no rupture) & have not yet made it back to work. Part of my problem is that I still have double vision & the more I concentrate visually the tireder I get. I don't really get bad headaches but I do get the woolly head feeling & my memory & spelling aren't so hot, my typing speed has reduced greatly too. I have just applied to do some voluntary work to see what I can do, I know I can't multi task or be pro active rather than reactive & I do worry that my max period of concentration still hovers around the 2 hour mark & then I hit the wall of fatigue. Fatigue is a big one for me, it seems no matter how I sleep I am always tired BTW welcome to BTG & I think we can all iidentify with the lack of info on discharge!!
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