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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Cal I often get a dizzy head, but I put that down to my eyes {double vision} and my deaf ear {hopefully will get better] If I get up too quickly or am very tired it seems to get worse. I agree with Karen and Jess if this has not happened before get Jim checked out, could be blood pressure or is he stressing about going back to work? Take care Love Tinaxx
  2. Hi Leo I am so sorry you have had to go through all of that!!! When you are not feeling well, and worried,plus the worry of your Dad and everything else. I really hope they find your notes and they get there act together, what a b....y nightmare. No wonder you have not been very smilely recently. Make sure you dont get fobbed off, write down everything you want to ask and take it with you, hopefully you will get to see your surgeon!!! Take care, look after yourself and try not to get too down, easy to say I know,keep on the case and hope you get some answers. Stay strong. Bless you. Keep in touch. Love Tinaxx P.S. if it is any concellation[spelling?] I have put on a stone and having trouble with my clothes too. I know it gets you down, but worry about getting well, then about the weight later. Also my GP still has not received my notes from my surgeon, and it has been nearly 6months, and at least 2 chase ups that i know of!! The system stinks! Hope your headaches get better very soon, try not to stress yourself, take care.
  3. Hi Phil What a lovely photo of Sharon, you are both in my thoughts and prayers. Love TinaXX
  4. Wow, what an amazing lady, very interesting,Thanks Linzi. Love Tinaxx
  5. Hi Cal I was just walking up my drive, nearly at my front door, when mine happened , without any warning at all, thank Goodness my husband was in and heard me bang against the door. It does scare me sometimes when I think how it just came out of nowhere, and I certainly would not go up a ladder, because of my balance. I can understand Jims anxiety, and agree with Laura and Jess, Jim should do that when he feels good and ready.I wish you both well. Love Tinaxx
  6. Hi Anne I am nearly 6 months myself, and where I seemed to be doing well, have gone backwards a bit, I think it is a slow recovery, and everyone is different. I am not good at the moment but trying to keep positive, I find the wonderful people here , inspire me, reassure me,as I hope you find the same. One thing i have really had to learn is to be patient, accept I cant always be in control and to accept help,and not to be so stubborn and independent. All of which I find very frustrating and hard to accept. Having a SAH does change your life, sorry I cannot really help you, but wanted to say I know how you feel, take care, be well. Love Tinaxx
  7. Hi Myratas I did quite bit at first, but I put it down to not washing my hair everyday in hospital, as I would normally. I think it stopped after about 3 months. Hopefully yours will to. It could just be the shock to your body, it is still very early days. Take care Love Tinaxx
  8. Hi Phil A warm welcome to you, I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you, I cant imagine how you must be feeling, bless you. I pray to that Sharon will make a full recovery, God bless you, and give you the strength you need to get through this. Thinking of you, Take care Love Tinaxx
  9. Hi Tony A warm welcome to you Love Tinaxx
  10. Hi Kerry It is understandable to worry and be anxious, I still feel like that sometimes, 5 months on, you are still very early days, look after yourself, take care. Love Tinaxx
  11. Hi Leo How are things? Have you had your appointment yet? Really hope you do not have to have another operation, will keep my fingers crossed! Take care LoveTinaxx
  12. Hi GrahamG Impressive scar, very neat!! Wear it with pride!! Love Tinaxx
  13. Hi Kerry a warm welcome to you My scar is lumpy to the feel, still sore in some places. I was clipped and also have a plate and screws in the side of my head, it feels like screw heads, the bumps, sometimes more swollen than other times. I am 5 mths down the line, and things like that still worry me, when you get a nasty pain or bad bad headache. I think it is part of the healing process, but if really worried contact your consultant. You are still very early days, and sound like you are doing very well! You are not alone, and as Karen has said, there is always someone here that can help you, so ask away! The people here have been amazing, they have helped me so much, you are not alone,take care and keep in touch Love Tinaxx
  14. Hi Lesley You certainly are not a little daft at all, I have moments of anxiety, crying for no particular reason and have lost my confidence. I feel stupid that i feel i cannot walk down the road on my own, just panic, because of my sight. Also with what is going on with your son, it is understandable to feel how you do, as well as the way your work not so tactfully dealt with things, let alone dealing with recovering from a SAH. I to am normally a confident and competent person and it really does get you down sometimes. I have tried recently to really try to focus on positive things, and be really positive, not easy at all, and i do know how you feel, and i am sure it is post traumatic stress ,Lesley. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Take care Be well Love Tinaxx
  15. Hi Myratas, a warm welcome to you, What Keith has said so well I cant add to, except to say you are not alone, I am 5 months down the line, and went through very similar. It is very scarey when it all sinks in what has happened and how lucky we are to have survived. It is a good thing to go and see you Doctor, and if you ever need to chat everyone here are so lovely and caring and know a bit of how you are feeling. This website has been a Godsend to me. As you say you dont want to keep going on to your family and friends, but here you can, we understand. Take care, be well Love Tinaxx
  16. Hi Anne I dont get a tired jaw as such, just cant open it very wide. Found eating hard at first, because it hurt and ached. Is a little better now, but still not as it was, I suppose time will tell !! Take care Love Tinaxx
  17. Hi Quokkagirl, A warm welcome to you If there is something I have learnt from everyone here on this site, is not to rush things, listen to your body and look after yourself. I am still in early stages and could not go back to work yet, even though I find it really frustrating, but realise now that my health comes first and that is the most important thing Take care and listen to your body, you will know what to do. Love Tinaxx
  18. Hi John That has not happened to me yet!!! I still have really bad short term memory and have to double check everything and also say things or words that I am not thinking sometimes!! It is going to get better, as time goes on I know, because like you I am perfectly sane!!! People just dont think sometimes, unless they have had a brain haemorrhage and hopefully they wont, they will never understand..... John you are perfectly sane Take care Love Tinaxx
  19. Hi Cal I still have pressure everyday, it is something I am aware of , but can cope with, but when I get tired or overdo things it gets quite bad. I am still in my early days, my SAH happened 3rd Dec 2007,so still taking pain killers as and when required and resting alot. Wishing you well Love Tinax
  20. Hi Laura I was 45 and still am until October, when I had my SAH, you are very young going by the average statisics, bless you. Love Tinaxx
  21. Hi Diane Sorry you have had a set back, sometimes we just want to run before we can walk and it is so frustrating, I know how you feel. I hope you are feeling better, take care Love Tinaxx PS I have just ordered one of the brain injury survivor cards that Vivian was talking about, I must admit I was worried in case I could not speak and not with anyone,to say that I have a clip and metal plate and screws in my head. What a good idea
  22. Hi Marie A warm welcome to you, my SAH happened 3 dec 2008, I am still in early stages like you. Everything you wrote about how you feel is how I have felt, and all the lovely people here have told me it is normal and will get better. I had a very tearful anxious time a few weeks back, after being so positive it just hit me from nowhere. But I am glad to say I feel alot better, alot to do with the support and kind words from everyone here, and knowing that I was not going mad!! I too have problems with my eyes, balance and noise sensitivity. I have double vision and blurriness, which effects my balance and gives me major headaches, just trying to concentrate.Also the dreaded short term memory, that just drives my insane!! Have learnt not to run before I can walk, as over doing it just sets you back and makes you feel awful. I had terrible nerve pain with my eyes, Karen helped me alot with her advise. There is always someone that can help, it is wonderful. Marie , take care rest alot and listen to your body, things can only get better Like you I more or less look back to normal and people say the same, you look well, but they cant see the mending that is going on inside. Thats why this site is so wonderful, it lifts your spirit and helps you cope. Have a great weekend Love Tinaxx
  23. Hi Louise Thank you, and here is to let the healing get on with the job! Your a star! Take care Love Tinax
  24. Hi Louise You are a great inspiration! I know it is silly getting frustrated, I am realising now that it does not help. Like you I am a fighter and determind to get my life back on track. And as you say we are here and survived! One step at a time Take care Lots of love Tinax
  25. Hi Cyberhorse Mel A warm welcome to you. You are in the very early stages at 6 weeks,things can be very hard. I have found this site so friendly and helpful, it has helped me so much. Things do get better, slowly but surely, sometimes going backwards a bit. Everyone has told me to take my time, rest alot and listen to my body, and it is all true! My SAH happened nearly 5months ago, I am on the mend, still problems with sight, balance and headaches. A few weeks ago I went from being really positive and up beat, to feeling low tearful and anxious. The wonderful people on this site, told me this is quite normal and made me feel human again! Any questions you only have to ask and someone will have an answer!!! Take care, look after yourself Tinaxx
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