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Super Mario

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Everything posted by Super Mario

  1. Jess you have to tell your bank's insurance. I used to have insurance with my bank account. When they wouldn't cover me for my heart problems after they began I stopped it. Read their criteria very carefully because if you can't meet it you will not be covered for anything that may happen whilst you are away. Be very careful with travel insurance.
  2. There are insurance companies that will cover you at a price. You will have to declare the bleed if you do not meet their criteria. Look around very carefully, I have found Fortis very good in the past.
  3. I have numb toes and pins and needles and numbness down one of my legs. I thought it was from my SAH but it is actually from a problem with my back where the spinal cord is catching on a vertabrae.
  4. I certainly know what you mean. I am still terrified of banging my head especially on the site of my VP Shunt as I feel that the bone is very thin there. The fear of having another bleed has all but disappeared now though, it is just my drain site I am wary of, 6 years down the line, even though it is of medical opinion that an assault by being hit on the head caused my aneurism to change dynamics and burst.
  5. Hi I was left with Terson's Syndrome and it can be cured. It is caused by debris that is left behind in the back of the eye when the blood that has forced its way down the optic nerve into the eye clears. A good eye surgeon will be able to take everything out, for want of a better word, and clear the debris. I had mine done under a local, a bit like cataracts, and it took about an hour. The snags are, you could be left blind in that eye, which wouldn't have made any differance to me as my sight was barely there and cataracts could develop early which can be cured. They actually tore my retina and I had an air bubble put in to hold it together and I had to keep myself in two positions alternately for 10 mins at a time with a 5 min sit up in between continually for 10 days. This is called posturing. It was very difficult to do, but what price your sight?
  6. I have found this, long reading but worth it. Could be a way to state your views. 28 July 2010: Evidence sought for independent review of work capability assessment The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has asked Professor Malcolm Harrington to undertake an independent review of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) and make recommendations on the future development and efficacy of the WCA. The WCA determines which claimants are capable of undertaking work, or work-related activity. Professor Harrington has launched a call for evidence to gather information that is relevant to how the WCA is operating. This includes evaluating how the WCA assesses limited capability for work and limited capability for work-related activity. Responses should be sent to wca.evidence@dwp.gsi.gov.uk and the closing date for the call for evidence is 10 September 2010 http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/work-cap-ass-call-for-evidence.pdf http://www.dwp.gov.uk/newsroom/pr.../july-2010/dwp095-10-270710.shtml The Department for Work and Pensions has commissioned Professor Malcolm Harrington to undertake an independent review of the Work Capability Assessment, as required by section 10 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007. This call for evidence will be one of several methods used to gather information. Evidence submitted will be used to create a final independent report, which will be laid before Parliament. This call for evidence is aimed at organisations and individuals who have information that is relevant to how the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is operating. This includes evaluating how the WCA assesses limited capability for work and limited capability for work-related activity. Purpose of the consultation How to respond to this consultation Please send your responses or queries to: Post: WCA Independent Review Team, Floor 6, Section B, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA. Email: wca.evidence@dwp.gsi.gov.uk Please ensure your response reaches us by 10 September 2010. When responding, please state whether you are doing so as an individual or representing the views of an organisation. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please make it clear who the organisation represents and, where applicable, how the views of members were assembled. We will acknowledge your response. The closing date for the call for evidence is 10 September 2010. A final report will be laid before Parliament and published in late 2010.
  7. That is not strictly true, see below. This happened to me whilst I was on IB but the first £85 (a couple of years ago and the amount will have gone up now) of your pension was disregarded. The exception is:- if you get the HRC element of DLA you get the whole amount of benefit. Your pension is not taken into consideration at all.
  8. Get that appeal in quickly and try to get a Welfare Rights Adviser to help you. It is all wrong, I heard recently that someone with terminal cancer was deemed fit to work, disgusting!!! The decision maker who looks at these forms has no medical knowledge at all and follows criteria set down by the DWP. In my opinion the DM should have some medical knowledge and the criteria to meet certainly needs looking at to take into account the severity of the condition.
  9. What is used to track the progress of the dye in a cerebral angiogram (the catheter going in through the femoral or carotid artery) is called an Image Intensifier, a type of xray that means the surgeon can see the progress on a monitor and take appropriate stills.
  10. My Daughter had this coil in place for about 9 years, no periods, she said it was wonderfull. The only problem was, as it was left much longer than it should have been she had to have a GA to have it removed, well and truly embedded.
  11. I can confirm that as I am under a tremendous amount at the moment. At one time I could have coped but now I just keep crying and thinking I can't cope with this. Yet I have to support my daughter and grandson until their life is sorted. (abusive partner)
  12. Hi Janevo, welcome to the site. After my SAH most things tasted foul. I couldn't drink tea, for instance, had to drink coffee or those flavoured waters. In the food line the only things that didn't taste awful were smoked fish like haddock and salads. I lived on these for a few months but gradually my normal taste came back. Sorry I can't give you a more specific time scale because I remember so little of those times. Please be aware that everyone's recovery is a very individual thing.
  13. Without going into detail because of certain constraints that in effect is what happened to me. Luckily I am still here.
  14. Many congratulations Lynz on passing your maths exam.
  15. Saffy, write to PALS at the hospital, they will have more joy than you in complainig . They are very good. In fact you can telephone them to save you the hassle of writing.
  16. Hi Laura, all I can say is think about your quality of life coping with the problems. I found it wasn't much fun so when I was offered a hysterectomy at age 38, over 20 years ago, I jumped at it. I have never looked back, the only thing was, I piled weight on, 1/4 stone a week for several weeks, going from 7 stone to 10 stone. I also went back to work after 6 weeks instead of the recommended 3 months as it was then. Surgery is not as serious in this modern day. I think coming to terms with losing your "womanly bits" can be quite difficult for some, but in my case it was such a relief I didn't care.
  17. I tried all those recommended by the stroke association and by british heart foundation and had no joy. Many wouldn't cover me at all and those that would wanted silly money for a week in Greece, more than double what the holiday would cost. Possibly because I have heart problems as well even though they have been stable for 7 years, I also have hydrocephalus with a shunt and very high cholesterol controlled by drugs that are also stable and have been for years. I recommend to anyone wanting to book a holiday check that they can get insurance first before booking and parting with the deposit. There can be nothing worse than paying the deposit and then finding that the insurance is too expensive to even contemplate.
  18. Thanks for that Poppy. I have tried for a quote and they have declined all of my pre existing conditions. Any company is worth a try. At the moment I am with Fortis, who underwrite, amongst others, the Post Office Insurance.
  19. Saffy your daughter is possibly right but go to see your GP first and get his advice. He may give you something milder to get you through this stressful time. It is unerving to be cancelled but you will get there in the end. Well done with the smoking, I wish I had your willpower.
  20. Hi Lynz, I find it difficult to process information, following instructions for equipment is a nightmare as is filling in forms. I also have balance problems and look as if I am drunk, so much so, I have to use a wheeled walking frame. I don't slur my words but often can't find the words, I also start to talk and the rest of the sentence goes out of my head. What must seem annoying to others is the fact that I will repeat thing over and over again, forgetting that I have already said it. As for meeting people and travelling, that does not bother me, in fact I think I have gained confidence.
  21. Zoe, I hope you will get some answers tomorrow. I was told that I was very confused and saying bizarre things that was most unlike me for several weeks and I have no memory at all for a couple of months and then only vague memories for some months after that. It is part and parcel of a SAH. Try not to get too upset even though I know it will be hard. Best wishes to you all.
  22. Kempse, I was in the same ward as you and my grandson visited me because he was asking to, he was 6 at the time. His mum did ask though and they said yes. Apparently they covered all the equipment and tubes as far as possible so as not to frighten him.
  23. Hi Melbury I can only tell you of my experience. I also go very dizzy when my head is in certain positions, for example, if I bend down, look up or look left to right. I have found that if I close my eyes or focus on one particular point when making these movements helps. It has improved slightly over time, but after 6 years I doubt that I will get any better for me, but who knows. Your husband will learn coping strategies that suit him and you never know the situation may change in the future. Sorry I can't be any more help.
  24. For what it is worth my opinion is that you have made the right decision. It would be like living with a time bomb in your head causing you constant worry. There is a lot to be said for ignorance is bliss. Many of us didn't know about our aneurisms until they ruptured causing a life threatening event. In my case it left me disabled and you wouldn't want that, that is not to say the same would happen to you if it was left untreated. Reading the above it seems very harsh so sorry but it is only what I think.
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