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March 6 Four-Year Anniversary


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Today’s the day! Four years ago ~ in the evening about the same time I am now writing this note (USA Mountain Time).

I’ve stayed inside most of the day after attending church this morning. We are having a Spring snow storm in Colorado. 

I want to thank everyone who writes in and thank those who respond ~ BTG has been my main support and information hub over these years. I am so thankful for each of you . . . and to a few others who care from above. 

Thanks for always being there no matter what ~ and keeping the light on when we need to find our way. 

I am trying to be more positive as I face new challenges ~ for Win’s sake I sing. But, I’ve also learned to be a bit more blunt when other people just don’t get it. I can usually stop an uninvited lecture or motivational charge with the words, “ You do know that I have brain damage.”  

Each of you are my hero ~ and I wish you the best as we continue our post SAH journeys and bump into each other now and then and lift each other up. 

Love, Kathy (Colorado, USA)


P.S. Please post in the correct thread 

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Congratulations Kathy as you reach 4 years. Well done, and thankyou for your kind words about BTG and its members.

Each day is a new day with it's challenges to be faced and overcome.

Each day is part of the learning curve survivors and their carers, family and close friends share as the try and understand SAH recovery.


Thanks for getting in touch and stay positive.



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Congratulations Kathy on your 4th year anniversary :) 


Hope you are celebrating how far you have come and how well you are doing xx

Thank you too for all your caring supportive posts to others and i love the fact you are singing for Wins sake ❤️ 

Keep doing what you are doing lovely lady :) 


We are always here for you.


Take care

Love Tina xx

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Hi Kathy and happy Annie day. Love the fact that you sing and Win will know, I miss her presence on here but she leaves us all with ongoing wisdoms , I for instance am never without polos ( lifesavers) as they just create a moment of pause.


Keep on keeping on lovely lady and practise that fierce, you are setting your energy boundaries and your brain thanks you for it,

daff x 

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