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8 Weeks on

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Hi all been reading the posts daily and decided to join you all.

Eight weeks ago today my families life changed i say that because that's how it feels to me,

" you must have been so scared " everyone says, well not as scared as my son and daughters they saw me go through agony, an operation that no one knew if I'd come out of (only me) and now their dad all most back to normal . My eldest daughter told me to get a false scar because no can see any thing wrong with me " it's on the inside " I tell her " yes but no one can see it , no and they dont get the head aches either " but mus'nt complain could have been much worse as i'm finding out reading every one else's stories.

well heres hoping you all have a great weekend.

phil x

Edited by phil smith
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Hi Phil, glad to read you are almost back to normal. It is hard for our loved ones because they witness everything that happened. Sharing and talking is good but sometimes not always possible.

I am just passed my 12 months and my youngest daughter does not want to discuss my SAH at all, she finds it too painful.

My wife has just had the week from hell, I was celebrating passing 12 months last Monday and she could only remember how horrible this time last year was. Because I have a six week memory gap I want to talk but I have to give them time to heal.

Great that you are recovering so well long may it continue, have a great weekend.

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Hi Phil

Welcome to the site. Theres lots of great people o here to help. Im 4 months on now and the people on here have got me through so many hurdles these last few months.

Know what you mean about people not seeing anything wrong, ive walked away okay as far as walking and talking an looking the same. But its on the inside thats damaged only i feel that, my family see me and think im back to normal. people seem to understand more if theres a great big cast on or scar or something.

Anyway you will get lots of help on here and like you said we are lucky to be here.

Tracy S xxx

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Phil you have done amazing in8 weeks although on the inside you might not feel 'recovered'. I too have the 'you look we'll so you musst be well' kind of attitude from peopl. It's almost like most people have forgotten what happened to us.

The mental recovery is a hard on, heading for 6 months post clipping & metnally I am much better but still not quite there yet. Everyone is different but if you need help with things you should peak to your Gp or your neuro nurse for advice. Coming on here & sharing your feelings has ebeen a huge help for me & I am sure you will find the same

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Hi Phil and welcome to BTG. 8 weeks is very early days (oh how I used to hate hearing that lol). I was in such denial at first - like, "I've survived this, I'm fine". It took about 3 or more months to realise that actually, I wasn't ok. I've just passed the 9 month mark and every time I think I've got a handle on this fatigue, memory problems etc, I get a down day. But they are getting further apart which is wonderful.

Take it easy, my friend. Don't be in too much of a rush to "get back to normal".

Edited by JayKay
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Hi Phil

Warm welcome to the site.

Yep the hardest thing is it not being noticable tell you daughter I had noticable scarring & that didnt help - really as they fade people assume its better.....

It takes a long time to recover but it happens we're here if you need to vent 'n' stuff

take care

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Hi Phil

Glad that you're healing so well and so quickly - but please don't overdo things too soon. Its easy to feel "normal" and that everything is fixed, but the fatigue can rear its ugly head at any time and bite you firmly on the backside:crazy:.

Listen to your body but keep that positive mental attitude that has so obviously helped you so far.

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