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I notice that my concentration levels depend on the amount of sleep I've had - I can't concentrate as much if I've had a bad nights sleep or not much sleep - if I get a full 7 or 8 hours then I don't have any problems at all.

Try making a note of the amount you sleep and how your concentration levels are on the days that you get a good amount of sleep compared when you don't sleep so well.

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My concentration changes all the time. Im 12 months on now and sometimes seem worse than 8 months ago. I seem to get these strange head feelings when i seem to loose all focus on what im doing. Not sure why it happens can be fine one minute then cant think of anything. When im shown something i cant seem to retain the information.

Traci S xx

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Thanks for the replies everyone. Good to know its not just me. My sleep pattern is rubbish at the moment so am going to monitor it. Tracy i agree with you can't retain anything i am shown just have to be told over and over again until eventually it clicks. I used to get in the shower with my watch on all the time have had to stop wearing it. Set fire to the oven gloves cooking sunday dinner last week didnt even notice they were on fire good job my son was there. On the plus side started driving again but keep forgetting to change gear new clutch her we come.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi All,

My concentration is getting worse, anyone else suffered like this. Thought i had improved a lot now 15 months on since SAH, ive had to go on sick again only been back since february this year.

hi lemonade,yes ,its been 14 months for me ,and just lately my concentration has gotten worse to the stage where i think im going to pass out if i concentrate to long,it knocks me sick,and the tiredness seems to be alot worse as well, i feel as though i could go a sleep on the spot it maybe that ive been on hols and soon as we got back started decorating ,i just havent stopped in the past few months. bay

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If I hadn't got the words thingy and whatsitsname in my vocabulary I'd be stuck......I cannot remember the supermarket

Sainsbury's......My family say to me "go on you will get it".....I call it the orange shop as it has orange signs and trollies..

But while I can remember my daughter and hubby and all my family who cares lol

Keep smiling all



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Both my concentration and memory are impacted when I don't get enough quiet time (rest). If I'm well rested I can trick myself into believing that I'm all better. It's such a great feeling! But when my brain is overloaded or tired from not enough sleep I start doing 'funny' things. Can't remember words, can't follow directions, have trouble following conversations, and can't make decisions.

It all freaks me out when I think of trying to be at work. It's not so bad when I'm at home because Peter and the kids and I have some really good laughs over it. For as scary as it is my goof ups can be really funny! And it makes me feel better when we see the funny side of it.

Sandi K.

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that made me laugh i'm the same but use my finger wriggling it around in circles because i just can't remember what i want to say. my partner does it as well now for me now I do it when i'm with strangers as well they must think i'm nuts. Only people on here understand. Yes i agree Sandi you have to laugh.

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Lets hope you keep that finger moving Lemonade.....You are right though we have to try and keep smiling even if its

for the sake of those we love ...So keep singing and smiling ...when poss!!!!!..ok in my case I will not sing... awful voice xx

Sandi you are right ,xxx smilng is good for us all


WinB143 xxx

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