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weight gain?

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Hi Katie,

I have put weight on since SAH but it didn't go on that quickly. Actually lost weight in hospital, oh the joys oh having an upset belly and having to lay flat!!

Could your weight gain be extra fluid due to drinking more water? Or anything to do with medication?

I hope neuro call back soon. Please let us know how you get on.

Stay positive, sending big hugs.

SarahLou xx

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Hi Katie

Ive definately gained weight since SAH last year. I put it down to not being able to excercise as much. I used to run every day, now i can only manage 15 mins on running machine maybe 3 days a week. I used to be 7 1/2 stone before kids, then 8 1/2 stone after. Now 9 1/2 stone gained stone since last year.

Ive always wanted to stay slim but dosnt seem to be bothering me as much now. Im just thankful that im alive.

Take care

Traci S xxx

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Oh to be 9/5 again my aim is 12 stone lol ....It is all those chocs I ate when I had shunt fitted...and came back to land of living

Well I haven't walked for one and a half years......today is a good day for me limping about the house,,so I'll never give up...even tho told by PT's ...."she will never walk again"

Keep well all xx.


WinB143 ....wobble when I walk xx....ie fatty xx

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I've had weight gain as well. I'm sure some was do to activity in the beginning. Good advice from Karen!!! I was recently diagnosed w/hypothyroidism and put on synthroid. I've been on it for almost 2 months now and have lost 7lbs. If your thyroid isn't working properly, you won't lose any weight. I'm not sure why mine decided to quit working, but glad I found out when I did! Def talk to your dr. about it and good luck to you, hon.

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Hey there

I weighed 10 stone when I had my anni - came out of hospital 4 days later weighing nine stone - in the next three months or I so I put on 3 stone !!!!! Its taken me a year to lose a stone - mainly because I can no longer to aerobic exercise without a pulsing headache or brain vibration and also because I can no longer tolerate sweetners like aspartame or asculfame as they give me a raging headache too (neurotoxins apparently!!) I've tried to eat healthily but its taling a long time to take affect.

I've had my thyroid checked just incase but apparently weight gain can be due to a hormonal change if the anni is next to the pituitary gland too (or near where you had your bleed). Would be worth getting your thyroid checked out though.

Edited by Skippy
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Hi Katie,

How are you feeling these days? Are you able to take some time out of being a busy mother and running your business?

I have gained tons of weight in the 2 months since my PM-SAH. This is mostly due to taking on an attitude of "life is short and dessert is good". I get a moment of discouragement when I look in the mirror, but this is quickly followed by a gentle reminder to go easy on myself.

I do trust myself that I won't keep the weight on for ever, I love to dance and move my body too much. At least I used to. I haven't danced since before my PM-SAH, but it is my top goal for this week.

Getting your thyroid checked out is a good suggestion. I think it's more than just our thougths that get scrambled by a SAH. It is a big event for a little brain to handle.

Take Care,


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I've called my discharge neurologist every morning for the last 3 and he/nurse has still not called me back. I'm sure my body is SO messed up by my brain. I did read a study that links SAH to dysfunctional thyroid. So, I'm trying to get into a dr of internal medicine. Ugh, I'm getting depressed.

Raine - thank you for your thoughts. I am working about 6 hrs a day Mon & Wed. I have a nanny that helps with my kids Mon-Wed. But, she leaves at 6. My girls have activities in the evenings so my husband helps with some. School starts on Monday. Not sure if that is a blessing with my girls gone all day or a curse with the schedule, early mornings, homework and less relaxed way of life. After working on Monday I barely left my bed on Tues. Is this how it goes?


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Hi Katie,

I have just sent you a PM (private message).

I went back to work 3 weeks after my PMSAH. I did 2 shifts a week for 6 hours. I have had to cut back to 2 x 4 hour shifts per week. Some weeks I can't do it. I'm getting better, but won't push myself. The recovery needed from pushing myself at work just isn't worth the inevitable setback. I want to get better.

It sounds like Tuesday was what is referred to as a "hangover" day. It's where you have (over)spent your energy budget the day before and suffer for it the next day.

A stroke clinic or doctor may be of use to you in recovery/healing.

This whole healing journey is a learning curve, but you'll get there. Give yourself time, then more time, then more. Be patient with your fragile brain.

Drink water to keep it well hydrated.


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Hi I'm back bit of a very off day the other day it's like being on a roller coaster I'm a bit happier I found this thread as I thought it

Was just me getting bigger I'm on medication for numerous things b/ pressure, depression, panadol, & other ones I can't remember off hand, I'm not a junk food eater, don't eat chockie anymore nor have caffeine for drink but the weight seems to go on in hospital I lost weight I was weigh'd at 85 now year on I'm at 115 not very happy but I'm 6'2 tall before the bleed & stroke I

Was a lot more active spent all day outside doing things on farm now Im unable to do the things I once did as I feel like truck has run over me by lunch time I do exercise can't run but do a lot of walking it fags me out but I keep going Ive had thyroid done is good the dr keeps telling me it's the sah/ stroke I'm not sure

On another querie has any members been told that if you have a sah that you can suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome

May have spelt wrong it's what people in wars suffer ( vets ) has anyone been diagnosed with this saw it on another forum

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On another querie has any members been told that if you have a sah that you can suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome

May have spelt wrong it's what people in wars suffer ( vets ) has anyone been diagnosed with this saw it on another forum

Hey Hun

Yeah I was diagnosed with PTSS about three weeks after my SAH and was immediately referred to a counsellor - it helped immensely. I would highly recommend it if you can get access to it - it does help talking face to face with someone who is emotinally unattached and doesn't fully understand the affects of a SAH - it gives them a balanced block to stand on, if you like.

It does pass eventually but I know that mine would have hung around a lot longer had I not seen the counsellor.

Take care of you

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