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Hi everyone, I am new to this site, have known about it for ages but have just been able to register. I had my SAH in February 2011, I went to bed on the Saturday not feeling my self is all I can say, I went to a walk in centre on Sunday where I was diagnosed with sinusitis all very odd, was talking gibberish and making my kids very scared, Monday I seemed to pick up a little, on Tuesday I went to my GP as still in quite severe pain and was sent home with some pain killers and a blood test form. I went to bed on Tuesday night and by early hours Wednesday morning I could take the pain no more and was sent to the local hospital where SAH was diagnosed I was then sent to the nearest Neuro unit, in an ambulance (where back doors opened on a busy road, I kid you not and I through all my pain said I’d always wanted to be in a Carry On movie, all very bizarre), I was monitored and operated on. When I came up from ICU all seemed positive then I had vasospasms and had to go back to ICU a very dark time for everyone though thankfully I knew little about all of this, in coiling my first aneurysm they found a second which I have to see my Surgeon about in December though he has promised he will coil this one also. I am looking forward to feeling normal, and not scared every day that I may have another SAH.

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Hi Jilly

Welcome to the site and to the family.

Fear is a common response to having a bleed and it does get easier to cope with the more time passes. I'm just over 5 years in and I remember feeling the way you do. We're all here for you when you need us - whatever for.

Take care and chat soon

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Hi Jilly

A warm welcome to you. Glad you managed to register and find us all - it certainly helps being amongst others in a similar situation.

I hope all goes well when you have your meeting in December - getting your other aneursym coiled should take away that daily fear that you say you have. I too live with another aneursym which I have known about for nearly 3 years and somehow have managed to shelve it at the back of my mind. I have it monitored in July each year and my last scan revealed it hadn't altered, so they decided to leave it another year. Thankfully, it no longer consumes my every day thoughts, if it did, I think I would be straight back demanding coiling too.

I hope you let us know how you go on,

best wishes,


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I had SAH in 2009 and remember very little until I had shunt fitted in 2010.....I was told I wont walk again but I limp on my own now lol

Now I have been signed off from Hospital.....the surgeon left it open ie if I feel unwell or ill to call him....or get my Doc to call him.

I was so scared Jilly so it is natural ....but they will keep eye on you so try to relax (easily said ) !

I sing and smile a lot drives my hubby up wall......I am also good at crying at the drop of a hat lol

Keep smiling Jilly xx

Good luck

WinB143 xx

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Hi Jilly glad that you have joined us you will get plenty of support on here. The first year of recovery can be the hardest but things do get easier. Good luck for your appointment in December and hopefully you won't have to wait too long to have it treated.

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