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Hi, I had my SAH 8 weeks ago and had it coiled in Preston Hospital. My surgeon advised that I would need a CT scan 6 weeks after my op but even after chasing this up twice I have still not had any appointement. I am on 3 months sick leave from work and at present do not feel up to going back. My brain doesnt work the same as it did and my personality seems to have totally changed! From being a fairly outgoing person I have turned into a virtual recluse and I am either in tears, asleep or biting my husbands head off! No one has advised if this is 'normal' after a SAH and my doctor has put me on antidepressants. It all seems as bit bleak and I still have this fear that every headache is another SAH, even though I know the chances of that are very low. :frown:

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Hellen welcome to BTG, you find the more you read here the more normal your feelings are. You are very early on in your recovery so some aches & pains are to be expected. Out of all of us on BTG I honestly don't know of anyone who has suffered a second rupture so be assured its not likely to happen again. It is annoying that you were told you needed a scan at 3 months & have had to chase it but the lack of urgency of the part of the medics probably means they don;t expect to find anything worrying. From what I know of those on here who have been coiled the scans are normally done once a year & the majority find nothing of concern. Still I would talk to your own gp & see if they can get a scan sorted out for you or if you have a nurse specialist at the neuro unit contact them first.

I have had the snapping your head off no matter what is said,I am now on anti d's since Nov & I'm much more chilled & although I get cross its not as bad as it used to be. If you have a local Headway its worth contacting them to see if they can offer you any support, I started going 6 months post op & it really helped me understand why I was different now & why.

the advice is take it slowly, build up gradually & don't force yourself back to work before you feel ready. Drink lots of water & rest when you can. On the home page look under Inspiration & read a letter from your brain, its very helpful to see your injury from a different angle.

Most of all keep coming on here for support & advice & friendship xxx

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Welcome to the club!! Every thing you describe is normal, believe it or not!! The after care you receive from hospital will be practically non exsistant but you have found this site which should answer any questions you have or any fears you may be feeling.

I am nearly 9 mths post SAH - I also was coiled - I receieved no after care. I was also told on discharge from hospital that I would be scanned at 6 wks - this date came and went, I chased and it ended up being 6mths!

Its been, and still is an emotional roller coaster - the fears and tears and anger and frustration but it does eventually get better - each week passes and I can honestly look back and think, well that was better or I didin't have to think about that and I'm not as fatiqued.

Be patient (easier said than done) and take it one day at a time.

Work wise - I had 3 mths off but chose to go back on a phased return = luckily my employers were brilliant (still are) and very understanding. Occupational health phased my return over a month but I actually phased myself in over another 3 months.

Drink lots of water and rest when you need to


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Welcome Hellen,

I am glad you found this place so soon. I live in the US so our health care is a little different but we are not told one thing prior to dischage either. I thought I would be back to work in a few weeks. I am 9 months post SAH along with a host of other head issues and this place is like home for me. It brings me peace and comfort daily. I have no idea how depressed I would be without it. I do not think Dr.s are sure what to tell us. I understand the neurosrugeons job is to surgically fix the brain but the follow up with a good neurologist is where the issues come in. It is like if they were honest with us we would not understand or something. Or maybe they just plain do not know what to tell us to expect, maybe there are actually people that go through this and are completely ok in 3 months??? HUm, I wonder if that ever happens??? ( if my NEW neuro man I see in a few weeks is nice I will ask him that!). My follow up's were on schedule but once again I live in the USA and I pay for my own health coverage. AND that is why I had to go back to work after 4 months slowly but after 9 months my life is pretty normal except I cannot go like crazy anymore, I need rest, can't over do it and I have learned to listen to my body. I do wish I would of kept a diary of my recovery.

Good luck Hellen, Keep checking in and let us know how you are doing and feel free to ask questions or just vent. Big hug, maryb

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This site makes me feel normal..lol....what I mean is others on here understand you and whats going on in life......

Try and be positive...as it is early days for you...You will have good days n bad...but the good outweighs the bad....

My hubby thinks I cry easily....lol Men!!! sorry guys on here lol

I keep waking up at night....only got up twice.. arghhhh...it and you will get better !!

My favourite reply on this site was" hi I had SAH 19 years ago"....I was liike yeahhhh as I was not told anything ie will I live etc lol...so that was like

phew I am not going to pop my clogs just yet...lol....keep well and be happy if poss xx

Good luck on recovery xx


WinB143 xx xx sing it helps xx lol

Note: Look back every 3/4 weeks and see how well you have done....you will see a difference !!

Edited by Winb143
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Hi Im Cath im 7 months post sah and coiling i have experienced all the emotions you have and some days is still am , dont worry i think its our way of coming to terms with the sah. i had my scan at 6 months going to see the surgeon next week so will know more then . Im hoping to go back to work phased return middle of july i cant wait now , still havent got a driving licence hoping to have that back soon , dvla are not the quickest. youll find lots of support and humour on this site speak soon x

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Hi Hellen

Warm welcome to the site, so glad you found us.

everything your felling right now is normal (in that I mean everyone/we all seem to go through it)

it is a rollercoaster but honestly it gets better.....

drink plenty water, listen to your body when it says rest then rest...

take care

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Hi Hellen

Welcome to the site and to the family. Reading how you felt was like reading my own experience. I cried at adverts, songs, kids programs!!! And I bit hubby's head off on a regular basis. It is all perfectly normal and more than likely post traumatic stress syndrome - you have just had a life threatening event and this is your brain's way of coping with what has happened to it.

You'll find a lot of support and experience here and I hope it's of some comfort to you - I think we all left hospital without proper after care or advice so we're all pretty much in the same boat.

You're early in your recovery so take it easy, rest lots and drink plenty of water (it'll help with the headaches).

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