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Left Eye

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Hi All,

I have been told the disc is cupped in my left eye. Have to see someone in Sept.I am wondering if the damage was caused by my two Annies that were on my optic nerve. Or could it in fact be another Annie forming.

It will be nearly 2 years since the last Annie was dealt with. So I will no doubt be called in for a MRI scan in Aug. Before I go for this disc cupping appointment. Maybe they will see this during the scan.

Off to have my botox injection in the morning to help deal with my eyelid closure.

Thanks fpr letting me tap this on here. I have had this on the back burner while I have been with my family in Sydney.

Love Sonia xxxx

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Sonia about 4 years before my anni I was told by optician I had a wonky disk in eye....I asked the Doc what it was and showed him the letter from optician...the Doc just shrugged and said "Never heard of it"......... wonder if it was start of anni ?

I have had no problem with eyes yet apart from reading glasses.......Also someone will be on here to help you

I am sure...so Good luck


WinB143 xx

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Sonia, welcome home! And well done for putting this issue aside so you could enjoy the holiday of a lifetime with your new grandson :biggrin: What is disc cupping? I've never heard of this. What are the side effects/impairments?

I hope all will be well & it is not a new anni thing. Surely if they thought it was, they wouldn't leave you waiting till September with your history?

Take care lovely lady

Michelle xx

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Hello Sonia

Hope all goes well with your appointments.

I am a retired Optometrist (since my SAH), I wonder if you have had optic disc cupping explained to you. I am just going to write a short explanation so please forgive me if you already know this, others who have read your thread may find it of interest.

The Optician or Doctor when they look in your eye with their ophthalmoscope ( the torch where they come very close to you to look in the eyes), sees the retina as a pink lining of the eyeball. There is a smallish creamy white oval which is the optic disc, this is where the optic nerve enters the eye. All very pretty when you first see it. The optic disc may appear flat , level with the retina but many people have a cup appearance where there is a scooped out appearance of the disc. The cups are usually similar right and left eyes, and if the appearance changes which it can do over a time, for many different reasons, folk will be referred for specialist opinion and advice. They have very clever instruments now to look at the profile of the disc cup.

Sorry if that was boring but I am always interested to find out more about things.

Hope you have found this helpful.

Best wishes Anne

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Hi Anne, I was very interested to read about cupped discs, thank you for the info but could you explain further on what the causes might be please? I realise that they could be of no relevance or of more important concern and you would not want to scare people but it is always good to be 'armed' with information.

Thank you,

M xx

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Many thanks for your detailed mail about my cupped problem. I was shown the pictures of my left eye on the opticians computer, after he had looked at them and had taken pictures. He did'nt want to send the letter to my doctor,he wrote it there and then for me to hand to her myself.

You will understand my concerns. I am wondering if when I had my last MRI scan two years ago to check that my second Annie was sorted, can they see that way about any change in disc cupping etc.

Maybe this has occured during the last two years then, or since I had my last eye test? Can this problem be seen only when they put the special drops in the eye to improve what they can see with their light?

Sorry for so many questions on my problem. I don't want anyone to think I am hogging the board!!!!!

I am off this morning for my botox injections for my blepharospam problem. It has taken me ages Ann to find someone to give me an eye test, who understands this problem too.

Hope you all have a nice day and a happy one.

Love from Sonia xxx

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I forgot to mention that both my Annies were found resting on my optic nerve, which caused the loss of most of my sight in my left eye. The first Annie was dealt with in 2001. They said they couldnot tell how long it had been there. I could have been born with it. It was so big, the size of a old 5 pence. They had to think very carefully what they were going to do about it. Because of the size and losing my sight compleatly. The second one two years ago, was a smaller one, which was close to the first one.

I think thats why I am thinking could this cupping be another one. As the artery where this all took place must be very weak.

Thankyou for letting me tap this out of me.

Love Sonia xxxx

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Thanks for info Ann it is good to have someone on here who can help with our worries ..Ann will think "Darn it I have been swamped"..lol

Seriously thanks for help ....I had to take my letter to Docs straight away also ...going back to it re~ read it lol

Once again Thanks Ann

WinB143 xx

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Hello to you Sonia, Michelle, Mary and Win

Its weird but its 5 years since my SAH and hence 5 years since I worked as an Optpmetrist and I think i have forgotten things but someone will ask me something and stuff surfaces in my brain and out it all comes.

Bit more info as requested.. Lots of people have a cup in their optic disc as a normal, its when the cup is larger in one eye than the other or if they are very large cups that there are worries. I often referred people to their GPs in the past if I hadn't seen the patient before to make sure that their cup shape and size was their normal and all ok. Increases in the size of a cup over time are due to changes in the nerve fibres of the optic nerve, this could well be because of the past pressure of your 2 annies on the optic nerve, Sonia. Most cases I saw in my working life were due to Glaucoma but they were caused by higher pressure within the eye. I don't know anything about MRI scans and discs, sorry.

The drops just make the pupils larger so the optician has a better view all around the inside of the eye, but the discs would be as visible without the drops.

Sorry I am late answering. I played golf today and came home soaking wet and tired out, ended up falling asleep.

Happy Wednesday everyone

Anne xx

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  • 2 months later...


I went down to my local hospital on Monday afternoon. I had an eye test and went on the machine to test my fields of vision. All the results will be with the consultant, when I go down again next Tuesday morning.It mentioned that they might be putting the drops in again on that visit.

Hopefully I should get some answers to why the disc in my left eye is cupped.

When I saw them last time, I had not had my second Annie, so I will mention that to him to see if that could have caused this problem with the disc.

Thanks Ann for all the information you wrote for me explaining what a disc cupping was. Hope you are keeping well yourself.

Love Sonia xxxxx

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Hello again Sonia

Hope all goes well at the next appointment.

I made sure I had a special visual field test before I started driving again, months after my SAH, an Esterman test which the DVLA requests sometimes, so I knew I was ok.

I'm fine thanks Sonia, my worst ongoing prob is can't multitask now and I do get frustrated with it but worse things at sea!

Enjoy this lovely weather

Anne xx :-D

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Hi All,

I thought I would let you know how my appointment went yesterday morning, to find out about my left eye disc being cupped.

It would seem it happened due to the two Annies. It was caused more by the first one 11 years ago, resting on the optic nerve.For how long who know's. It was only discovered when I started to lose most of my sight in the eye.

He asked if I would go up to Bristol eye hospital, so they can put some drops in and take some pictures of the back of my eye. You will know about that Anne.

He wants me back in 12 months time to check that all is well.

A letter will be sent to the optician that was concerned about the cupping, explaining to him what is what.

But I only pleased with the optitcian to be concerned about me and looking after me. I shall have my eye's tested with him, from now on. As many of you will already know that I have suffered with Blepharospam in my eyelids, to which I have 3 monthly botox injections. I must add not be choice!!!!! My optitcian also had a very good understanding of this problem too.

Other places I have been to don't understand what I am on about, thats before I even mention why I lost most of my sight.

Well thankyou for your support. Information Anne when I need to know what this cupping was before I had the appointment.

Take care.

Be good

Love Sonia xxxxx

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Sonia,I am glad you found someone who understands and cares about what is happening. It must be a huge relief to know you have someone in your corner.

I know doctors see hundreds of patients and cannot remember the history of each one but when you find one that you can connect with you sure have to hang on to them.

Best of luck to you.


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Hello again Sonia.

I expect you feel better now you have seen them. So glad they have you under their care now, they will probably monitor the photos every year, make sure all is stable.

I know what you mean about finding someone you get on with and trust to test your eyes, same as with a dentist, when I was working I had some folk who even followed me when I changed jobs!

I bet your optician will be pleased to have a report from the hospital, good to have follow-up.

All the best to you

Anne x:roll:

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Hi All,

I could not believe it yesterday in the post I had my appointment at Bristol eye hospital, to have the pictures of the back of my eyes taken. Going on Mon 8th Oct.

The other letter was my appointment for the eye check up next Sept. How's that for service then from the NHS.

I think I have to have a two yearly MRI scan, to check the Annies are still sealed.

Love Sonia xxxx

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