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hey, im Jillian


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hey, i first got ill at work (when on sleepover, alone) very sore head, cant speak properly and couldlt feel right arm or leg. managed to phone help and my boyfriend picked me up and went to hospital. They kept me in for 5 days telling me i had viral infection. after 2 days could haldy speak and very dizzy, went to hospital again and was told i had ear infection, sent home. a couple of days later i couldnt speak or move, taken to hospital again. This time they gave me a scan relised what was wrong with me and i was taken to another hospital. From there they decided to put me to another hospital for surgery (which i cana remember)

I came back to Aberdeen on xmas eve and was there until first week in jan.

I then got put to a nero rehab unit to speach therapy and physio for 4 months.

Now i still get phsio as my right side is almost ive had a stroke and speach threpay, and memory.

I get very tired after doing things for a couple of hours, and speaching gets worse whan im tired.

I am a support worker for aduts with learning difficuties and a hard job. I still dont feel well enough to go bad to work yet. alot of resposible work and memory might make someone in danger, plus moving and handling. due to not feeling hot or cold with hand and some days not being able to lift things.

hopefully i will slowly get better and return to work before they pay me off!!

(sorry about wrining im tired!!!)

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Hey Jillian, warm welcome to the site so glad you found us.

Someone we know has moved home to Elgin from Edinburgh.

Its rotten when they think it viral sorry you had that drama its not always the case, things do take a long time but slowly they will ease, if you know your limits that's a good thing rest when you need it drink plenty of liquids.

I too had to have extensive rehab.

take care

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Hi Jillian,

When I had my SAH, I could not do much but my sisters used to come up and sing to me and it helped as I used

to sing along with them, that helped my speech. None of this I remember.

I do remember my daughter wanting me to squeeze her hand, like I did when she was younger, it was her doing

therapy with me.

Keep getting better Jillian and sing also as it can help.

Good Luck

WinB143 xx

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Hi Jillian,

Wow, what a story. That is awful the hospital kept sending you home. Thank God you are here and able to tell your story. It helps to know you are not alone and the weirdness that comes along with all this is shared by all on here.

Be kind to yourself.


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Hi jillion you certainly have been through it. I am also lying in bed, result of over doing it yesterday in the garden. This is a great site, as it helps one not to feel guilty, at yet again the inevitable tiredness and headaches which keep returning.

Try not to think about work, your sort of job is so essential that when you are well enough they will be crying out for you.

You are the most important person at the moment, sah's take their time, I have learnt as all of us have to, all the will in the world will not make a tired brain cooperate, rest and all our best wishes love Jillxx

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Hi Jillian,

You have had a rough time of it haven't you. Just remember be kind to yourself as everything will take time to come back, sometimes I think we're our own worse enemies and try to rush things.

Great on here isn't it, this site is full of useful information and ideas. It's also good to just come on and have a 'why me?' rant if you feel like it!! Everyone has felt what you're feeling at sometime or another so don't ever think you're on your own.

Take care Jillian and get lots of rest


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Hi Jillian,

Welcome to Behind the Gray. Sounds like you've been through quite a lot - I hope everything continues to improve for you. Whilst the therapy and physio alone will be hard work and tiring, you will at least be benefitting from all the effort you put in. I can understand that you don't feel able to consider returning to work at the moment, but maybe you will feel more confident about it later on.

wishing you all the best,


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Hiya you certainly have been through the mill, what a shame. Try not to rush things and enjoy the little things you see improving each day. Its really hard sometimes but it will get better and this site is great for finding out information and for having a moan to people who understand :-D

Hope you are having a better day today

Lesley xx

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