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Hi everyone - Mrs AC


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Hi I have been lurkingf or a week at so and have taken the plunge.

This may sound bizarre to you all as I am a nurse and as this is not the. Area I workin I a totally ignorant

I collapsed whilst on holiday in the. USA on 11/10/13 with a ruptured aneurysm

I underwent surgery for clipping and spent a considerable time in ICU

I am'ost worried about being forced into returning to work to be honest.

I am now home. and am easily frustrated by my lack of ability as I am normally a multi tasked

If I could I would take a medical retirement , does anyone know how. This works?


Thanks in advance

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Welcome Mrs ac . Sorry to hear that you have joined our special club.

One of our other members is a nurse and she may share her thoughts on return to work as ward nursing is very physical and intense and I personally think would not be ideal so early on in your recovery.

If returning to work is non negotiable then I suggest meeting early with management and asking for adjustments and considerations to work patterns with plenty of breaks, maybe not front line nursing? I am not sure where you are , in the UK workers have more protected rights than in US but that said you would still have rights to ask for due care and consideration in protecting your health in most countries.

If you seriously want to consider retirement then I would expect you would need that assessment from an independent doctor, occupational health team but most wouldn't consider that without trying a return first. Every company will approach this differently though.

My advice is to talk openly. Most people will want to help you. You were well thought of and valued before all this happened and that doesn't go away. Do you have someone, a nurses advocate maybe, Union rep who might help you? Worry is not good for you, easy to say, but please ask someone to help you figure this out rather than try and fix it on your own.

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Welcome to BTG.

You would not be able to take medical retirement at this early stage as they will say it is too early to assess any deficiencies you have been left with. Recovery from a SAH is a very long slow process, it can take months or years even and many do recover completely eventually. You need to see how you are several months down the line.

If you feel unable, in the future, to return to work then if you are a member of a union they should be able to help you in the attempt to be retired medically.

In my opinion, and it is my opinion only, you have not given yourself enough time to recover, plus depression is pretty normal after an SAH and it takes a while to come to terms with what has happened. Be positive if you can, not negative as you appear to be at the moment.

Relax and let your brain heal then think again.

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Hi Mrs ac,

Only you know how much you can do, be kind to yourself.

Take it one day at time and do not let people push you into rushing back as I have read on here where people

have gone back to work too soon and are shattered.

Get well first as it's a long haul we go through.

Now chin up and look after yourself and keep smiling as we are the lucky ones who made it.

Now sing and smile xx

Good luck

WinB143 xx xx

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hi Mrs ac

you are very early in your recovery and im pleased you have found us, do not rush yourself its going to take time for you to recover

the hospital cannot force you to return to work until you are ready and capable to carry your duties out without causing a risk to your patients or yourself.

and in all honesty I don't think the hospital will want you back until you are more able as your job is so demanding

by the tone of your question it seems that you have some problems which has caused this concern either concentration memory short term or a physical problem which is fairly normal for survivors which hopefully we can help with as such by comments from others and how they solved their problems

the hospital cannot force you to return to work until you are fit to work despite what drs may say you may have to go through loads of testing in the future which is something you don't need to worry about at the moment just concentrate on getting loads of rest and recovering good luck and hugs and cuddles

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you each and everyone of you who had kindly taken time to reply.

Why I am concerned is that here is a very obvious clique in my place of work and us older staff members are not included.

It seems to be that those who socialise and play together stay together and look after each other.

I should maybe have said that I am 53 and have never , ever had a sick day off work in my entire life.

Many many thanks again to everyone, for their invaluable input

Take care all

Edited by Tina
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HI, I am 54 and work in a veterinary hospital, I am not sure what country you are from so that differs, as well as the damage if any etc.. I am 27 months out and have been working about 34 hours until recently when it all became too much. I was thinking I had it all under control but never really did anything but work and rest, work and rest. I had a phase back to work at 5-6 months. I only know how to work hard and had to learn to let others be in control etc,... but my point is I just now was suggested after 2 years that I apply medical disability by my Neuro Therapist and my GP.. It was after my 2 year neuro phyc elevation and me literally having moments of blacking out in afternoons on my long days.

I think it is way too early for you or your medical professionals to know where your capabilities will be in the future. Are you back to work already? This is so early on in your recovery that it is hard to know when you would be able to even consider returning to work. You have been given great advice here and I think you need to take one day at a time and see how this works out. Take it slow is my best advice. I do not know how I could of started out so slow and ended up where I am! But those with that drive my best extra cautious to not over do it. Stop yourself with the slightest twinge of headache or fatigue because you already past your limit for the moment.

Good Luck, Mary

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