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Does anyone else get the shakes?

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Hi I just wondered if anyone currently has or has had the shakes as a side effect of a SAH. I am just experiencing my second of the evening, the first being about an hour ago which lasted about five minutes, this one started about two minutes ago and is still going. As you can see you can still function with them but my hands are shaking as is my body and my brain feels like I'm being plugged in to an electric chair. Sometimes when they happen ( I've had a few ) you get a cold feeling in your lower arms almost like a loss of sensation.

I hope I'm not alone in this and any insight will be greatly appreciated

Many thanks

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Hi :)

I did get the shakes and tremors in the early stages of recovery. In fact the first year I would say. It did gradually improve although now if I overdo it or having a bad day my hands still tremor.

I did not have the cold feeling or loss of sensation or cant remember having that. I would definitely get checked out by your GP just for peace of mind.

Take care xx

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Thank you for your comments its reassuring to know that it's not uncommon and I haven't gone completely dotty, you can actually feel them coming on and after posting last night I had another one which was significantly stronger. I am off to see my gp next week so I will ask him while I'm there

Thank you


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Yes, I get them now and again, but usually when I am tired, but not badly. My Grandpa developed Parkinson's Disease in later life and I worried that it might be the start of that for me. I asked my doctor, to be on the safe side, and was re-assured it was nothing of the kind. It is merely my body's way of telling me when I have overdone it. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and when you've been through what we have, your mind can run away with itself if there is no-one else there to provide you with balance and common sense.

Have a word with your doctor, just to set your mind at rest. Please don't lose sleep over it. This is good advice from the others.

Earthquakes (your SAH) have aftershocks, maybe the shakes are just your aftershocks and everything then settles down and goes back to as normal as possible. Does that make sense? I hope this helps.


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Just a quick update, I went to the doctors yesterday. My "shakes" thankfully aren't anything serious according to the man in the know. It is my minds inability to handle the level of stress at that given time, so it is sending my body into a sort of forced seizure. My blood pressure was exceptionally high for me, all my life I have struggled to get above 110/70 but I managed a glowing 168/96 which is incomprehensible

In a nutshell I'm either doing/worrying/thinking too much. Somewhere in his reprimand I suppose there was an element of truth so perhaps I should give this thing a little more respect. Anyway onwards and upwards tomorrow is a new day and one I can look forward to and enjoy even if I do have times when I may look like I've been plugged into the mains.

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Brilliant - balance is all you needed and a tad of reassurance. I've been there so I was almost sure it would be the same for you. Anyway - get out there and enjoy life - it's not a rehearsal, and if you shake a bit, slow down, just like you do with your car when it starts to rattle 'cos you're going too fast!

Really pleased for you!


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I'm glad to hear that it's nothing serious. I get the shakes if I've overdone things, but by shakes I mean that i feel trembly and weak. This is especially the case if I need to eat. I have found since sah that I can't let myself get too hungry, and certainly cannot skip meals or I pay in a very disproportionate way!

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Me too. Some times I've gotten to the point that I can't even fix or get myself something to eat and I just lay on the bed and get worse until someone brings me an OJ or nuts or something...anything!

My legs felt weak and shaky from the inside all the time (24/7) and then it abated one day after about 2years. Wild.

Hope everyone feels it less and less.


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  • 4 months later...

I got shakes and had to eat chocolate or something sweet and then it would calm down. Went to doctors and she did range of blood tests to put my mind at rest. No sign of diabetes no sign of problem with my thyroid (not sure of spelling there) She suggested it could be delayed shock which meant some kind of sense to me. Anyway I have started having porridge every morning and to eat every three hrs as opposed to having three big meals a day.


Porridge is slow release and I dont know why it helps but it does. My shakes coincided with anxiety attacks which are horrible I just thought at any moment it would all happen again and go in to panic mode. Since having the porridge every morning and keeping emergency fruit in my car (More natural sugar boost) I have been a lot better and the shakes have subsided. Nuts and seeds are also good.


I also bought myself a blood pressure machine and use it when I am panicking. As I am on tablets to regulate blood pressure I should know blood pressure ok but sometimes I just need reassurance. So far, and touch wood, despite shakes and panick my blood pressure has been ok, my pulse has been higher but seems to calm down once I have seen that my blood pressure ok.

Hope this makes sense!

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