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Sandimac - I have a fluttering feeling in my head 2 years after coiling


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Hi I was wandering if anyone else has had a fluttering sensation in their head some time after aneurysm rupture, I get paranoid about any strange sensations in my head, I am sure I am not on my own. would be grateful for any similar feelings.




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Hi there I get similar feelings every now and then I think they are muscles and nerves when relaxing kind of jumping into relax mode, however I had clipping not coiling I would check with your Dr's but don't panic in the meantime drink plenty of water and rest whenever possible xxx

Goodluck hope it goes soon xxx

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Hi Sandra a very warm welcome to BTG :)

Like Jess I was clipped not coiled but also still get the odd twinge.

For the first two years I had like a creeping feeling and my head felt very tight inside....difficult to explain! I was told it was my brain repairing and as Jess says the muscles & nerves relaxing repairing etc.

I would also get checked out just for peace of mind.

Take care and let us know how you get on xx

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Hi Sandra, I was coiled and to be honest I can't remember having any weird feelings but then again my memory is shot so I may have had them. I am now 10 years on and I don't get anything at all.

As the others have said, for peace of mind check it out with your doctor.

As for getting paranoid, that is a natural reaction when you have been through anything serious.

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Hi Sandra

I still get creeping feelings in the base of my head  which then travels all along my spine sometimes, its far less frequent and intense than it used to be and I whilst am more used to the sensation now it used to really worrry me in the early days; was there something amiss?  now I am better at recognising it ,  I 'watch' the pain for a while, the sensations usually shift and change and as long as then it doesnt get worse or painful I can dismiss it as healing and actually say a little thankyou, that's how I deal with it. Most of the time when it happens I will take the opportunity to go and sit or lie quietly in almopst a medative state and just reassure myself really.


I think it's entirely normal to worry about twinges but our new normal means learning how to live with them and know when to ask for help.

Good luck and welcome

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My head and drill holes used to hurt so I always bathed my head in salt water it did me no good but I felt like

my scars were germ free.


See Doc if worried and try not to stress as my surgeon said stress is no good for us so smile and be happy

when possible.



WinB143 xx

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