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Hi everybody

I haven't been on here for months but still ticking over. As I spend lots of my time at home I tend to watch soaps with my wife. I noticed that Cain Dingle suffered a ruptured aneurysm and after some persuading had a procedure which I think was coiling but then a miracle happened the very next day he is back on the farm as if nothing had happened.

Some people really believe this, I am eight years post coiling and am still not recovered. If anybody knows Cain's neuro surgeon please tell me. I think these producers should research a little more as the general public can be gullible and believe that we have had some minor problem requiring day surgery and discharged - I wish !!!




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Hi John,

I must admit I did think the same thing, but then realised that he had an aneurysm which had not yet ruptured, mine was a ruptured one so I cannot comment on his treatment or recovery, maybe someone on here could comment on this.

Thank you for the post John as I was wondering too.




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Hi there I had an unruptured one aswell as the ruptured one and when I had my op on the unruptured one I was up and about the next day up and down stairs and clippings are apparently worse than coiling yet I was fine xxx

After the ruptured one well I was in hospital a month and alot worse xxx

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I had an unruptured one too but spent 17 days in hospital and some of that in hdu. I had vasospasms after clipping which lasted for 10 days or so.

I had an argument on Facebook with people saying how wonderful brain surgery is and how quick the recovery time. I pointed out that most elective surgery carries a smaller recovery time. I know that in a way mine was elective but as my anni had already grown it was treated as an emergency procedure. This sort of coverage makes me so mad! It leads to people thinking we are malingerers and making it up!!

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Mine blew, okay ruptured was in hospital then rehab few months out a couple of weeks then back in...


Gill I too replied to someone on FB and have to say wasn't nice.


What I did say on FB was its only TV but I think that was insensitive of me maybe but was just trying to say they were actors however I do thing that emmerdale should have done a lot more looking into this matter first, most stories are covered very well in the soaps I don't watch any soaps at all now find them just too depressing so had to stop...


I agree Gill it gives us sufferers a very bad press, we should complain to Emmerdale's producers...


Glad all's good John..


take care

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Oh John....we have a tv program out here - Storage Wars.  It's a reality program about buying abandoned storage units at an auction.  Gets pretty crazy.  Couple of weeks ago the auctioneer (those people HAVE to be "type a" to be able to blather on like that at such speed) had an SAH.  It was very dramatic and showed his wife trying to deal with it, etc etc etc.  I was feeling pretty bad for him until I tuned in a couple weeks later and there the guy was at an auction = blablablablablalblalbalblbalblablbalblla - sold!  I couldn't believe it and it did leave the impression that the SAH was not much.  That's showbiz I guess.  One thing I've learned at my age = showbiz "ain't" very much like real life although a lot of people fall for it and think it is.  I, myself, was pretty upset when my family didn't turn out to be like "Father Knows Bets" or "Leave it to Beaver"...lol.


Thanks for pointing that out.  I'll have to see if I can catch it somehow - maybe Youtube


Gill and Louise - run over to Keith's for a little tea and DO NOT turn on a soap opera!  lol


Love you all


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I remember watching the Brain Hospital Documentary a few years back and there was a chap there who had coiling done on an unruptured aneurysm - he was also up and about and discharged the next day with no after affects - this wasn't a soap by the way. After all I guess the rupturing is the problem, not the actual op to coil before or after.

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