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first post coiling angiogram/ had drinks

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Hi everyone, I have my next angiogram Nov 5th. The first post coiling. I'm a little nervous I guess that is normal, I'm just praying that things look good and no growth on the one aneurysm not coiled.


I have to admit that this last month has been stressful and I have enduldged in a few drinks and just a couple smokes, so I'm sure that those behaviors are contributing to my fears. No more for me but I'm hoping no damage done. Thank you everyone for your continued support. Debbie

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Hi Debbie,

I'm sure that after all you've been through, it'll be a piece of cake! Try not to worry too much about it, although I know that's easier said than done. It's reassuring to know that they are monitoring you but having these tests and then waiting for the results is a stressful time isn't it. Good luck for 5th and I hope you get a good result.


Jane x

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You look fine and although a little anxious do you feel okay?


If so it is just a walk in the park for you considering what you've been through xx


Natural to be anxious but think positive and easier said than done,  try not to worry to much


Stamps on cigs and drinks vino and Debbie shouts "Hey Win that's my last one" lol I reply that I am doing it for you ha xx


Chin up and I'll keep fingers crossed for you Debs xxxx


Debbie I am making light of it as I know you are nervous but don't be Mrs O will be making you some macaroons (my alter ego) see her on YouTube Julie Walters 2 soups lol see I know how funny she is so I am laughing already..It will cheer you up xx
Fingers crossed for 5th November xx

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Thank you....Thank you! Your Words of encouragement mean allot to me. I'm feeling pretty good Win, just some allergies issues like allot of people but they are terrible right now......I hate to say it but I will welcome the cooler weather and some relief! Take care, God bless. Debbie

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I remember my 1year check-up angiogram and how nervous I was. I was pretty out of it for the initial ones at the time of the bleed, so finding out they would keep me awake for it was a " Do What?" Moment.

I kept telling them I did not want to hear about the procedure and that maybe I was just going home. Hubby wouldn't let me of course.


Think positive thoughts and it will be done before you know.

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I know colleen, I thought the same thing, put me out! Too be honest it wasn't that bad with just the right amount of sedation. :-)

Win, I would love to come to England...never been. My husband spent some time there for work and said it was nice. We live in Oregon, the fall here is absolutely beautiful but along with it comes environmental allergies and according to my allergist I'm allergic to almost every single one of them! Thank you again for your thoughtful comments. Very good talking to you. Debbie

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Hi Debbie, Good luck for the 5th, I'll be thinking of you (mine's on the 4th :-( ) I'm usually really anti cigarettes (and now since my SAH anti alcohol), but if your body can tolerate small quantities of it without pain or discomfort or hangover, then maybe that's what you need in order to relax, for the time being.

Maybe the anguish of withdrawal would be worse for you right now. I do think you should try to phase all that out slowly though, remember your brain is boss, stimulate it the right way and you'll no longer be prey to Alcohol and Cigarettes. Good luck. Sammy Anne x

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Sammy, thank you for your reply. I am doing well without the cigs and wine. There was a time that was not as true. never needed to smoke much but I did like my vino, but these days I try to take better care of myself......I think I just went through a hard time for a month or so. I will be thinking of you as well. Good luck! Debbie

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Oh I know how you feel Debbie. It's very hard work. You never think you're up to it but .... :-) .... believe me once you come out the other side so to speak, and all that is behind you, the sense of relief is just incredible.

You'll be fine on Nov 5th, will be thinking of you. Plan yourselves a great dinner somewhere that evening :-) always think beyond upcoming examinations (things were much more of an ordeal on Nov 5th for old Guy Fawkes ... as all the UK members and admins here will tell you!!). Look after yourself xxx

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Hi everyone, I wanted to follow up post angiogram. It went well and over all I'm feeling pretty good. I have two aneurysms the one that was coiled looks good except there is a less then 5% space in the back and lower end that isn't filled with coils.


My neurologist says this is an area that is hard to see during coiling. We are going to watch it an have another angiogram in a year, he said he wasn't too concerned about it but we need to keep an eye on it. The other aneurysm is exactly the same size as in the previous angiogram so very good news....I'll take it!


I hope all is well with everyone else! God bless you and this wonderful BTG website, you all have given me so much.Thank you!


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Puts your mind at ease a bit doesn't it Debbie.


As Karen said she has one they keep an eye on xx


So all in all it is good news  phew you can relax now, And Put That Ciggie out lol xx j/k


You take care and Glad all is well.



Win xx xx  Thanks for sharing good news  xx

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