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Return of headaches six months post SAH

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Hello all,
I'm new to this,trying to find reassurance as sicky headaches have returned six months on.Had 3 coils fitted in September, MRI scan all clear.My head throbs and blood pressure slightly high. Felt better in November than I do now. Have to take Zoplicone at bedtime as I'm anxious about the pain.Tension in neck and shoulders too.

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Welcome to BTG.


There could be many reasons for the headaches to have come back, not necessarily anything to do with the SAH. 

Raised blood pressure can cause headaches as can anxiety. Have you had your BP taken by a medical professional or have you just done it yourself?

As we are unable to give any sort of medical advice I suggest that you see your doctor with your symptoms.


If nothing else it will give you some reassurance.

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Thanks Super Mario, blood pressure varies and GP has checked. GP gave me beta blockers but they made me feel strange. Have tried to phase back into work but signed off sick for another month as I was so tired. The nurses at the hospital say I will get a return of headaches going back to work. I'm a teaching assistant.

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Hi Sarah,


You're still pretty early in your recovery and add the return to work into the equation with all of the pressures that it brings, it's probably no wonder that your headaches have increased.


I will say the usual and that's to make sure that you are keeping hydrated, as that does help.


I haven't heard of Zoplicone, but does the taking of this medication tie in with the increased headaches in any way?


Maybe you aren't ready/fit enough to return to work at the minute and as Super Mario has said, that many on here have had to take 12 months off work. The 3-6 month time zone that the hospital give us, tends to be the minimum time frame and just a guide really, as we all vary medically post SAH ...I don't think that I've seen many people successfully go back to work at the 3 month stage.


It's certainly worth going back to your GP as there are many different types of medication that can help .... one size doesn't fit all and something that suits one person, may not suit another. 


Be kind to yourself and don't stress if your return to work doesn't go to plan at the minute .... another month may make the world of difference to how you feel .... also go and have a chat with your GP re: medication.



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Hi Karen and Super Mario,

Thanks for the advice, maybe I do expect too much. In the early days I thought of 6 months as a time when I would miraculously recover. I'm realising it's not like that! I was shocked at how I felt at work, so fuzzy and tired. Zoplicone is a nighttime sleeping sedative that the doctor prescribed that I only take when I'm desperate. Maybe the classroom isn't going to help in my recovery! x

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Hi Sarah,


My Surgeon said to me when he signed me off " No Stress whatsoever".  (I tell everyone that lol).


Stress is a part of life so when I get uptight or feel a misery I come on here and thank my lucky stars.


This site  always makes me upbeat and brings a smile to my face, you will get there also honestly xx


I even sang on here anything to bring me up from the early days of doom and gloom xx (went down like a ton of bricks ha).


All I can tell you is to see Doc about headaches and as Karen has said drink water as it is good for us.


Lastly I wish you well and remember a smile a day keeps the Doc at bay xx I better go before I break into song.  Keep bright and cheerful and give yourself a chance to heal. 


Be Well

WinB143 xx xx

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Hi Sarah! So glad you have found this site. Lots of threads to research. The site made me feel not so alone and gave me a lot of hope.

My Sah was June 3/2014. Notice I remember exactly what the day was

I had a headache so bad in hospital that I was given a multitude of pain medication. Was even given eye patch to keep sun off right eye.

I still get some headaches but not nearly as bad as those in hospital. I notice the following things seem to cause a headache: noise although not TV that much; stress! I go right up to my quiet room at that time; too much sunlight! Too much of my own annoying voice; and too much coffee etc.

I commend you for trying to return to work. It's something I know won't work out for me..but I think you are a strong and dedicated person to try to

"go for it'.

I wish you well. Don't forget to stop on site and let us know how you are doing. Oops! I forgot the following: drink water, avoid stress and keep seeing doctor for headache.

Sorry I gave such a long speech. I always picture members saying "oh no! Pack a lunch..Carolyn is back

Take care


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Hello all,

Thought I would update you on how I am. After three weeks of headaches today I took no painkillers and had no head pain all day!No fuzziness or dizzy spells. I actually felt like the old me was back, just hope she returns tomorrow!!

Love to all x

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I hope that it does come back today too! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. It's lovely that first day if feeling almost normal. Just remember it's a new normal and take it slow. Too much effort not enough fluids can force a backward step so ....,

Rest water rest water. Keep us posted!

Clare xx

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